Lead Teacher – Communication & Interaction
Person Specification:
Essential / Desirable / EvidenceQualifications /
- Good Honours Degree
- A recognised post graduate qualification in Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- NASENCo Qualification
- Other recognised SEN qualification
- Application form
- Certificates
Experience /
- Experience of supporting the pastoral needs of SEND students
- Experience of working with ASD/C&I students and other complex needs
- Understanding of curriculum development and awareness of time-table
- Knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice and supporting legislation
- Experience of working in close partnership with parents
- Experience of working with a range of professionals from a variety of agencies
- Experience of curriculum development and timetabling
- Work within a specialist SEN facility on the site of a mainstream school/academy
- Experience of leadership in SEND
- Experience of developing schemes of work appropriate to the needs of pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders/C&I needs and other complex needs
- Application form
- Letter of application
- References
Shaping the Future /
- Commitment to working within a high functioning team in keeping with the ethos of the academy/school
- Ability to implement strategies for raising achievement for children on the autistic spectrum/with C&I needs
- Experience of development planning at a faculty level and the ability to ensure that identified priorities are met
- Letter of application
- Selection process
- References
Learning & Teaching /
- Commitment to a focus on the needs of students with ASD/C&I needsin order to maximise achievement
- Proven ability to teach English, Maths, Science and Computing
- Commitment to delivering a personalised curriculum
- Ability to adapt teaching to meet the needs of students with ASD/C&I needs and other complex needs
- Ability to work alongside colleagues and help them to differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs of pupils with ASD/C&I needs and other complex needs
- A sound understanding of the link between formative assessment and teaching
- Good knowledge of the principles of positive behaviour management and the ability to apply these successfully when working with students with ASD and other complex needs
- Teaching judged good/outstanding by OfSTED in a ‘Special School/academy’ setting
- Experience of working from the student’s Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan to develop a teaching programme which will support the student in achieving the expected outcomes
- Use of diagnostic testing materials and resources
- Letter of application
- Selection process
- References
Developing Self and Working with Others /
- Clear understanding of effective CPD
- Evidence of a comprehensive programme of own professional development
- Evidence of effective staff training, mentoring or coaching
- Ability to make and take decisions
- Understanding when to consult or seek advice, responsive to feedback
- Ability to establish clear, uncompromising professional relationships/boundaries
- Coaching qualification
- Skills/experience in coaching and mentoring to improve the performance of others
- Letter of application
- Selection process
- References
Leadership and Management /
- Ability to accept responsibility and make decisions
- Ability to prepare reports and lead student review meetings with parents and professionals from a range of agencies
- Consistent focus on outcomes for students
- Experience in managing/leading staff
- Experience of working with governors
- Letter of application
- Selection process
- References
Strengthening Community /
- Responsive to the nature of the academy’s/school’s communities, partners and stakeholders
- Experience of working with the wider community
- Experience of partnership working with parents
- Experience of partnership working with professionals from a variety of agencies
- Evidence of effective community work
- Experience of collaborative activities across academy/school, particularly collaborative learning
- Letter of application
- Selection process
- References
Personal Qualities and attributes /
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Excellent leadership skills
- Ability to empathise with students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and other complex needs
- Ability to empathise with parents
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Ability to work under pressure, think creatively and to anticipate and solve problems
- Resilient, energetic, yet calm
- High professional standards
- Good sense of humour
- The ability to inspire and innovate through excellent written and verbal communication skills
- The ability to encompass change and develop innovative practices in line with the SEND reforms
- References
- Selection procedure
In addition to the ability to perform the duties of the post, issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children will need to be demonstrated these will include:
- Motivation to work with children and young people.
- Ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with children and young people.
- Emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours and attitudes and ability to use authority in maintaining discipline
- During the interview process the interview panel will explore issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
During the interview process the interview panel will explore issues relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children