These packets contain Emmaus information and a picture of the group.
Who gets a packet?
A packet should be made up for every Pilgrim and team member, even those clergy members who were present only for their talk. Note: Day Four only goes to Pilgrims.
Spiritual Director's packet should be identical to the Pilgrims' packets. Please pack for SD and give to him/her by Sunday morning so that he/she will have time to review before going through with the Pilgrims.
What goes in the packet?
Each packet should contain at least: (a) all people on the walk
(b) Pilgrim and Head Clergy only
Bold items discussed by Head Spiritual Director on Sunday
1. ( a ) Roster of Pilgrims (Assistant Lay Director to provide after Thursday night)
2. ( a ) Roster of Team Members (Asst. Lay Director to provide after Thursday night)
3. ( b ) Points to Remember (this is copied from Lay Director's manual)
4. ( b ) Information/Volunteer Sheet (Col. IN Area Emmaus Community Information)
5. ( b ) Sample Agape Letter (letter used by sponsor to request Agape letters for Pilgrims)
6. ( b ) Columbus IN Area Emmaus Community Application (to use in sponsoring a Pilgrim)
7. ( b ) Suggestions for Sponsors (this is copied from Lay Director's manual)
8. ( b ) Things You Should Know (information about Columbus IN Area Emmaus)
9. ( b ) Chrysalis application
10. ( b ) Suggested Readings/Scripture Ref. from talks (Asst. Lay Director will provide)
11. ( b ) Day Four: The Pilgrim's Continued Journey (ONLY FOR PILGRIMS)
12. ( b ) The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide
13. ( b ) Upper Room free subscription card
14. ( b ) Emmaus newsletter
15. ( b ) Emmaus Brochure
16. ( b ) Emmaus Community Service Opportunities
17. ( b ) Seeking out information on Emmaus or Chrysalis
18. ( a ) Notice of Follow-Up Meeting (may not be used with every walk)
19. ( a ) A Group Picture (taken on Friday)
How to Prepare/Sort
Each packet should have person's name written on outside. Packets should be grouped by table. SD's packet should be packed same as Pilgrims'.
Packets should be put on a tray (or in a box) and put in a room close to the Conference Room. (Agape Letters are put in individual Agape bags and grouped by table. They should be put in same place as boxes of packets but ARE NOT GIVEN OUT AT SAME TIME.) Packets are given out, explained by Spiritual Director and then direction will be given to hand out Agape Letters. If Agape Team is assisting, they should take direction from Spiritual Director. May be a good idea to discuss with SD before the time. The Assistants should know where all are located.