#38- Dexter

Lead Presenter.
First NameBarb
Last NameDexter
Position TitleSecondary Teacher Specialist
Agency/Organization/School District NameAnchorage School District
Address 15530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.
State (use standard two-letter abbreviation - e.g., TX)AK
Zip Code99504
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)907-742-3833
Email address
Session title

Voices of Youth
Session description

This session provides an opportunity to hear directly from youth (including LeTendre scholars) who have experienced homeless- ness and/or involvement in the child welfare system. Come learn about the barriers the students experienced, as well as the strategies, people, and resources that were helpful in overcoming these barriers.
Provide a minimum of three training objectives/goals for the participants in this session. For examp...
Objective/Goal #1Participants will understand the myriad factors that cause youth to experience homelesness
Objective/Goal #2Participants will understand the unique difficulties posed by homelessness for students to meet basic needs and get an education
Objective/Goal #3Participants will learn strategies - what do do, and what not to do - to assist youth experienicng homelessness to get an education
Objective/Goal #4Participants will leave with a sense of urgency and new direction in their work with youth
Indicate all of the training methods you will use in your presentation:
Select the theme(s) that will be addressed by the presentation (select all that apply):
Youth – programs, strategies, and initiatives for older youth and unaccompanied youth
What are the essential elements or components of your presentation that address the presentation the...
The session is designed as a "circle within a circle" where adults listen to a facilitated discussoin among youth about the causes of their homelessness, the barriers tnat they encountered, why school was important, who and what helped them the most, and their advice to educators and youth professionals.
How does this session contribute to the advancement, extension and enhancement of the professional...
Participants will spend most of the session listen to the voices of young people who have experienced homelessness. The first-hand perspective of those who have suffered so much, and overcome so much, is essential and imperative if educators, social workers, therapists, and counselors are to be effective in their work.
All lead presenters must provide a Resume/CV or biography. Do you have a Resume/CV/biography in Word...
Provide your presenter Resume/CV or biography.
Barb Dexter has worked with the Anchorage School District’s Child In Transition/Homeless Project since 1993. She began her career as a social worker in Oregon and continues to work with children and youth experiencing homelessness in the Anchorage, Alaska community. Barb is co-founder of Partners In Homeless Education, a fund to support educational and recreational opportunities for homeless children and youth in our community. She is currently chair of NAEHCY’s LeTendre Education Fund committee. Barb has provided trainings at the national, state and local level on unaccompanied youth, homeless children and youth in the child welfare system, migrant and homeless youth, and statewide trainings for school district liaisons on McKinney-Vento legislation. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, Barb received her Masters in Education from the University of Alaska, Anchorage in 1990.
Are you able to present during any of the scheduled Concurrent Session times?
If your proposal is accepted, what are your conference attendance plans?
I plan to attend the full conference.
Will you need access to the Internet for your presentation?
How many co-presenters are you planning to have for your presentation? A maximum of three copresente...
I will have no (0) co-presenters.
I do plan to have youth co-presenters in my session.