November 9, 2015








Commission Chair Rick Blackwell Opened the meeting

Commissioner Darin Bushman offered an opening prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Milo Medley and Jeff Knowles were also present.

Milo brought the commission up to date concerning the Piute UTV jamboree website. The website is down but the ownership has not been transferred. When all the dust is settled on that he wants to know how he continues with the Jamboree. Commissioner Bushman said the jamboree was created through the Commerce. Insurance required the County to become involved. Business are no longer supportive of the event. Milo thought the event had the desired effect for bringing revenue into the county. He thinks the businesses think it will continue no matter what. Commissioner Bushman considered canceling the event because the businesses have not stepped up. Milo thinks that is a black mark on Marysvale and Piute County. The message to the business community should be without their interest they are going to cancel. The county needs to do more according to Milo. Commissioner Bushman does not agree. Milo feels it does enhance economic development through tourism. Milo willpersue with businesses to make their voice heard. He doesn’t think it should be under the chamber of commerce. He then asked the commission do we want a Chamber of Commerce. Their response wasit is separate with its on charter so it is up to the businesses.

Milo then addressed County Attorney Scott Burns about the answer concerning the website. Scott would like to discuss this issue with the commission.

Forest Turner with Workforce Development was present. He addressed the commission regarding his position at the office. Steven took Darin’s place and is now here on Monday and Wednesdays from 9 to 4. He passed out a document containing the overview of the Workforce Department. The different departments include eligibility services, unemployment insurance, office of child care, refugee services, housing and community development, workforce research and analysis, and workforce development. Smart Start Guide is a very good resource.

Shannon Ellsworth with Utah Rural Planning Group was presentto inform the commission on their group. Also present was Mike Hansen. They are a project of the CIB board. They work on many different levels including Counties, Municipalities, as well as AOG’s. They also are working with county resource management plans. Energy, Ag ,and Tourism are their main focus groups.

Kristi Fautin, EMS director, was present. She presented to the commission another collection from our collection agency. She didn’t have much to report. 4 EMT’s are going to the conference in December. She wants to plan the Christmas party.

Commissioner Will Talbot went to the Health Department meeting concerning water. They had no support on the changes they were making so they did not continue that. He also attended Special Service Training on Thursday. That went well.

Commissioner Bushman went to the Western Freedom Festival. That went well. There were protestors but not many. The Piute Trail Committee is needing a name for the board. Milo Medley has resigned. They meet once a month. Milo would like Jeff Knowles to replace him however, he declined. As well as several others. Jeff Knowles suggested Ricky Dalton.

Commissioner Bushman inquired with the commission the sponsorship for Miss Central Utah. Our sponsor would be $300.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to sponsor Miss Central Utah with a donation of $300. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


Commissioner Bushman had a meeting with Fred Hayes concerning Butch Cassidy’s childhood home. The Morgan’s are agreeing to a long term lease. Ryan Savage has a site plan that he is revising. Heritage Highway is being asked for $50,000 not $25,000. Garfield County has agreed to jointly support $97,000 of the parking lot and highway. Connecting the trail to the back of the property.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to support the Butch Cassidy Childhood home project with our County Road crew partnering with Garfield County. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


Beaver County gave us two fire trucks. Currently the trucks are empty. Commissioner Darin Bushman will create a letter to Beaver County. One of the fire trucks is going to go to Greenwich. Commissioner Talbot thinks the equipment and hoses on the old truck will fit the new fire truck. This will be put on the Special Service District agenda. It was suggested to surplus the fire engine that is in Greenwich now. We made an MOU with Garfield County on the Allen Turkey Farm concerning all building inspections. They utilized a process called an agricultural exemption. The Dalton’s and Allen’s both did this. This exemption holds the county not liable for anything concerning the building. They only need an inspection on the power connection. Commissioner Bushman wants on the record that when we approved the conditional use permit he was not employed by Christensen Rock Products. He has only been employed since the 20th of October

Commissioner Rick Blackwell has information on Fisheries for Kali to file. He also commented on the Utah Food Sharing program. Piute County furnishes food for at least 20 families. Piute County usually provides$1556.00

MOTION:Commissioner Will Talbot made the motion to support the Utah Food Sharing Program with funding $1556. Commissioner Darin Bushman seconded the motion.


Commissioner Blackwell talked about the Kingston Intersection light. The County is supposed to maintain them. SheriffGleave wants to know why we need it. If somebody hits them and knocks them down what is the liability of the county. They are all solar. Commissioner Blackwell is concerned if we have the equipment to replace lights if we need to.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to the sign the contract concerning the Kingston Intersection Light Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


The commission have been concerned about the building inspector for the County. Mel Terry and his son Craig were present. Mel thanked Sheriff Gleave for his quick assistance concerning his medical issues. Mel Terry discussed past decisions concerning him as a building inspector. There are some pitfalls in this building permit and inspection process in his opinion. One thing is a building permit is issued for health safety and personal welfare. There are 10 open permits as of now. 5 are in county. Flat fee is $45. Now there is a criteria. The building permit will be about one percent of the cost of structure. $75 a call. They can pay on a call bases, as a lump sum, or they can do both. Unincorporated area of the county.Flood zones are going to be an issue towards Marysvale. Mel handles several issues without coming to the commission. Darin wants to know if Mel is going to continue with inspecting. There is about a 3 to 6 month transition. Mel doesn’t want to make the commitment but doesn’t want the county to get into the mess they were in before. John Hicks has been doing our commercial. Make a list of inspectors that can be used. Including their license number and date of expirations. Mel will finish out the projects he is on now but would be willing to do small ones later. Commission just wanted to hear what Mel’s intentions were. Little short term ones he is willing to do. Mel is willing to help someone get their permit.

Clerk Kali Gleave informed the commission that Piute Counties Insurance premiums with PEHP went up 6%. The average was 7.8%. Other agencies were 12%.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to approve the Insurance plan with PEHP for the 2015-2016 year. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


UCIP Resolution Appointment was discussed.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to appoint Commissioner Will Talbot as the voting member with Clerk Kali Gleave as an alternate. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


Sheriff Marty Gleavewill be going to Special Service District for a truck.

The commission received a response to the Forest Service letter that they returned. The Forest Service would like to meet with the commissioners on the 18h or 19th. Do we want Bob Stager present for that? Or on a call. Commissioner Darin Bushman will follow through on that. The Forest Service are calling the meeting an Informal resolution meeting.

Commissioner Blackwell discussed one of the bridges on the south side in Circleville. Todd Smith has shown some concern regarding it. Commissioner Blackwell will talk to road supervisor Travis Kennedy about this.

Commissioner Blackwell had a discussion with Shane Millett concerning the entryway rock on the East side of the courthouse. Shane is also in discussion with the School District. It is a possibility this project could be used as an Eagle Scout project.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to approve for the county to purchase and provide all materials that will be needed for the Eagle Scout Project. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


Commissioner Bushman addressed an issue of a culvert going into Kay Blackwell’s old house located just south of Marysvale. It is only 11 feet wide. Road Supervisor Travis Kennedy also looked at it and agreed extenders were needed.

The minutes for the October 14,2015 Commission Meeting were reviewed and the following motions were made.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of October 14 2015. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.


The accounts payable for October 2015 were reviewed and the following motion was made.

MOTION:Commissioner Darin Bushman made the motion to approve the accounts payable for October. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.




