California Department of Education April 2016

Title IIILEA PlanPerformanceGoal2

AlllimitedEnglishLearner(EL)studentswillbecomeproficient in Englishand reachhighacademicstandards,at a minimumattainingproficiencyorbetter in reading/languageartsand mathematics.

CDS Code: 19-64733-6117667

LEA Name: _Camino Nuevo Charter Academy #4TitleIII ImprovementStatus:Year1

FiscalYear: 2016-2017

ELAmountEligibility: $24,970 Immigrant AmountEligibility: $0 (LEA does not apply for Immigrant)

PlantoProvideServicesforEnglish LearnerStudents

Please summarize informationfromdistrict-operatedprogramsand providedescriptions of howtheLEAis meetingor plans to meeteachrequirement.
Howthe LEAwill:
A.RequiredContent / Implementprograms andactivitiesin accordancewith TitleIII
CNCA ensures the high quality instruction and monitoring of English Learners and Immigrant students in accordance of the Title III program. Examples of this include:
  • Integrated EL support in content instruction daily through standards-based pacing plans, small-group instruction, and regular assessment
  • Designated EL support in leveled ELD classes daily, including systematic speaking/listening practice and CELDT preparation
  • Ongoing progress monitoring and data analysis of EL students
  • Ongoing professional development related to scaffolds for ELs, language acquisition, and ELD planning
  • Parental notification and education regarding their students’ EL status, including letters, parent workshops, and conferences.

Use the subgrant funds tomeet all accountability measures
CNCA is committed to measuring progress of English Learner students through formative and summative measures. Subgrant funds allow for the personnel, data management system, and teacher release time for:
  • Analyzing CELDT results by sub-test
  • Using strict criteria and a student-by-student review process for reclassification
  • Examine standards progress for ELs on interim and summative SBAC assessments
  • Administer and analyze quarterly reading assessments to ensure EL’s literacy development

Hold the schoolsitesaccountable
Each CNCA site is its own LEA. The site, in partnership with the Home Support Office Education Team, engages in quarterly data analysis cycles in which leaders and teachers analyze performance data for all subgroups. Programmatic changes are determined in response to data, including decisions about staffing, interventions, curriculum, and oversight. Sites are accountable to the Language Specialist and Chief Academic Officer, and ultimately to the CNCA Board of Directors, to demonstrate progress in their service of English Learners.
Promote parentalandcommunityparticipation in programs for ELs
CNCA builds strong partnerships with all parents, especially those of vulnerable subgroups. There are monthly academic workshops for parents to learn more about ways to support their students’ academic progress, as well suggestions in the monthly newsletter. Parents are invited to observe classrooms, participate in our Site Based Council/English Learner Advisory Committee, and speak with teachers on a regular basis to understand their child’s progress.
Howthe LEAwill:(supplemental only) / PersonsInvolved/Timeline / RelatedExpenditures / EstimatedCost / FundingSource(EL,
Immigrant,or other)
Content / Providehigh qualitylanguage instruction
1. All ELs are enrolled in leveled, targeted English Language Development (ELD) classes as a supplemental intervention class, using the Systematic ELD curriculum.
2. Teachers use supplemental curricular materials to prepare for the CELDT assessment
3. ELs will receive supplemental support through small group instruction, pull-out, and before/after school intervention, in addition to designated and integrated ELD support.
4. Long-term or stagnant ELs may receive additional instruction through online intervention programs.
5. Teachers create standards-based pacing plans which embed essential understandings and differentiated supports for EL students / Principal and AP of Instruction
Yearlong / 1. Systematic ELD kits
2. CELDT preparation materials
3. Intervention teachers/TAs
4. Rosetta Stone
5. Stipends for teachers (summer work) /
  1. $10,000
  1. $5,000
  1. a. 24,970
b. 27,675
  1. $8,200
  1. $16,000
/ Lottery Prop-20
LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
Title III
LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
Lottery Prop-20
LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
Providehigh qualityprofessionaldevelopment
1. Teachers and leaders attend external PD opportunities to learn best practices in serving English Learners (Systematic ELD Institute, Kate Kinsella workshop, Close Reading, etc)
2. Teachers collaborate to analyze language and literacy data of EL students to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and identify students for additional intervention.
3. Content coaches work with teachers of ELs to improve instruction in literacy and math, and support professional learning through observations, coaching conversations, and co-planning of supplemental ELD classes. / Principal and AP of Instruction
Yearlong / 1. Workshop costs
2. Substitutes for teachers
3. Portion of Coach (AP) salaries / 1.$10,000
2. $30,400
3. $15,000 / Ed Effect Grant
LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
C.RequiredforYear 2 / Goal 2 ImprovementPlanAddendum*(IPA) for items A-B:
Please describe the factors contributing to failure tomeetdesired accountability measures.
Year 4 / Goal 2 IPA* for itemsA-B:
Please describe the factorscontributing tofailure tomeetdesired accountability measures.
Please describe allrequiredmodifications to curriculum,program, and method ofinstruction.

*Please ensurethe NeedsAssessmentis submittedifLEAis in improvementstatusYear 2or beyond.

LEAsreceivingor planningto receiveTitleIIIELfundingmayincludeallowableactivities. / PersonsInvolved/Timeline / RelatedExpenditures / EstimatedCost / FundingSource
E.AllowableActivities / Describe all allowable activitieschosen by LEArelatingto:Supplementaryservices as part ofthe language instruction program forEL students
*Please see for alistof allowableEL activities
1. Outreach and education opportunities for parents of EL students, including communication about EL students’ progress and parent workshops / Principal, AP of Instruction
Yearlong / 1. Parent Workshop costs
2. Postage costs /
  1. $500
  1. $500
/ LCFF Base Grant
LCFF Base Grant
F.ELOverallBudget / EL 2%for Administrative/Indirect Costs: / $0
ELEstimated Costs Total: / $148,245


Please complete this tableIFtheLEA is receiving or planningto receive TitleIIIImmigrantfunding. / PersonsInvolved/Timeline / RelatedExpenditures / EstimatedCost / FundingSource
G.AllowableActivities / Describe all allowable activitieschosen by LEArelatingto:Enhancedinstructional opportunities to immigrantstudents and theirfamilies
*Please see alistof allowableImmigrantactivities
1. Personnel to provide support for newcomers, including facilitation of Language Acquisition Team (LAT) meetings and social-emotional supports such as counseling. / Principal, AP of Instruction
Yearlong / 1. Portion of salary for Student & Family Services Coordinator, School Counselor / 1. $6,000 / LCFF Supp/Concen Grant
H.ImmigrantOverallBudget / ImmigrantAdministrative/Indirect Costs: / $0
ImmigrantEstimated Costs Total: / $6,0000