Lea and Garsdon CE Primary School

Newsletter 9– 14th November 2017

Tel: 01666 823534 email:

Value of the Week

This week we will be thinking about the value of Friendship and talking about Kindness week.

Our learning this week will include:

Maths / English
Hedgehogs – Reception / Say the next number to 20; Begin to use adding to double small numbers. / Story: St. George and the Dragon. Sequence story events and name characters. Letters & Sounds – l,ll,ss
Hedgehogs – Year 1 / Double numbers; Find odd and even numbers. / Sequence story events and write captions. Letters & Sounds – th,ng
Foxes / Fractions of numbers and quantities. / Writing a recount of our visit to Chepstow Castle. Castle specific vocab and applying this in labelling diagrams, writing factual information about castles.
Otters / Times table’s knowledge. / Reading comprehension skills.
Seals / Converting fractions to decimals. / Newspaper reports
Owls / Area. / Poems.

What will Mrs Vousden be up to this week?

This week Mrs Vousden will be in school on Tuesday 14th and Friday 17th November.

After school

On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday the school runs after school clubs that use the playground or field, please can you ensure that these areas are kept clear and that all children and adults vacate the area as soon as possible.

Please can all children and parents not return to school at the end of the school day, the school grounds are private and not open to the public. Thank you.

Emergency Services and parking

Please see the attached information from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Last week all staff from both our school and Langley Fitzurse CE Primary School attended a Child Protection training event. We looked at what to do if we have a concern about a child and how to report that concern. Mrs Alderson will be running a child protection session for volunteers between 2-3pm on Tuesday 5th December, please let Mrs Goodey know if you would like to attend.

Informing the school if you child is not in school

Please can you ensure that you either email or telephone (leaving a message on the answer machine is fine) the school by 9.30am to say if your child is going to be absent from school and the reason why. If we are not informed your child’s absence will be marked as unauthorised.

Elior Tasting Session

Our school dinner provider, Elior, will be holding a tasting session on Wednesday 6th December from 2.30pm. We would invite all parents and children to pop to see the food on offer to children at lunch time.

Christmas Lunch Thursday 14th December

Elior will be serving a Christmas lunch on Thursday 14th December, to order, go to the lunch section on the school website. The cost is £2.30, all orders will need to be submitted by Tuesday 5th December.

Treasure Chest

There will be no treasure chest on 9th or 16th November.

PTA News

Thank you to everyone who came to the PTA meeting last week. It was much appreciated. Following some feedback, we are considering holding the next meeting on Thursday 11th January at 8pm locally. If you aren’t normally able to come during the day but are able to make this time, please let Karen Neal know so we can assess the interest of an evening meeting.

Past Events Update:

·  Matchbox Challenge -The winners of the matchbox challenge have been announced. Congratulations to everyone that took part.


Class / Most Items: / Most interesting/unique item
Owls / Cate (127 items) / Lewis
Seals / Libby (85 items) / Eleanor
Otters / Sophie (112 items) / Jack
Foxes / Florence (73 items) / Neve
Hedgehogs / Seren (82 items) / Ffion
Livia (Owls) for decorating the most beautifulbox.

Upcoming events:

Film Club - Nativity (U) Friday 24 November - 3.05 to 4.55 pm

We will be showing Nativity at the next film club to get us into the festive mood. This showing will be for all children in the school and will cost £2.50. This includes a drink and a packet of crisps. Please speak to Mrs Goodey if you would like a ticket. We need parent helpers to enable this showing to happen. If you are able to help please let Mrs Goodey or Mrs West (mum to Rhys in Seals) know.

Cheese and Wine Festival – 25th November - 8pm onwards

Tickets are selling fast for the Cheese and Wine Festival. Your£5 ticket gets you a welcome glass of bubbles on arrival and a cheese and wine talk and tasting with our very own resident sommelier. Please hand in your order form to the office or speak to Marcin(Léo, Kassia and Simran Father)about tickets.

If you are able to help with the setting up of the hall on the afternoon, short stints of help on the evening itself or to tidy up the following morning please speak to Racheal Fairbairn (mum to Grace, Year 1), Catherine Carter (mum to Becky, Ellie and Harry) or Marcin.

Do you think you could be the Lea and Garsdon Chutney Champion of 2017?
We are running a competition for the best homemade chutney at the Cheese and Wine Festival. If you think yours is a winner, please label the jar with the flavour only (not your name) and it will be judged on the night in a blind tasting competition!The most delicious chutney wins a prize!

Christmas Fair - Friday 8 December from 5 - 7 pm

We have nearly finalised the stalls for this festive events. We appreciate all the contributions so far. Please can you continue to bring in the following:

·  Any left-over sweets from Halloween for the sweet tombola;

·  Any spare Christmas Wrapping paper for the secretSantapresents for parents. Labels and tags are welcome too;

·  Any of those unwanted gifts that you may have received during the year and don’t want; and

·  Toiletries, chocolates, stationery, smellies, accessories which will help to make up the hampers

If anyone has some polystyrene chips they could spare, please can you let Kellie Chandler (mum to Honor, Otters) know. There is a box at reception for you to place your items in.

If you are able to help at the fair, please speak to Kellie Chandler, Nicola Earle, Karen Neal or Claire Foster.

Attachments to newsletter:

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue – Parking information

Great Somerford Guides Fundraiser

Diary Dates

Wednesday 22nd November Otters trip to Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Wednesday 22nd November Year 5/6 Netball Tournament

Friday 24th November Seals & Owls trip to Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Friday 24th November PTA Film Club - Nativity

Tuesday 5th December 2pm Volunteers Child Protection session

Wednesday 6th December 2.30pm Elior tasting session

Friday 8th December 5-7pm PTA Christmas fair

Tuesday 12th December 1.30pm KS1 Nativity

Wednesday 13th December 1.30pm KS1 Nativity

Thursday 14th December 9am Rock Steady Concert

Thursday 14th December School Christmas lunch

Friday 15th December Christmas Church Service

Wednesday 20th December Last day of term 2

Thursday 4th January 2018 First day of Term 3

Thursday 11th January 2018 8pm PTA Meeting

Monday 15th January 2018 Deadline for Sept 2018 Primary School applications

We are continually looking at ways to improve and develop the school. If you have any ideas please let us know and we will see if we can incorporate them into our plans for improvement.

Learning – Excelling- Achieving