Vestry Minutes

Trinity Episcopal Church

Hattiesburg, Mississippi

October 19, 2016


Rev. Marian Fortner, Rector+

Rev. Alex Allain, Currate+

Meg Paul, Senior Warden

Clark Callahan, Junior Warden

Michael Watkins, Treasurer

Barbara Carter

Ward Conville

Ellen McKenzie

Toni Bailey

Gretchen Grimsley

Tom Hardy

Chuck Tardy

Elizabeth Lentz-Hill

Bob Brahan

Max Grivno, Clerk


CALL TO ORDER and OPENING PRAYER – The meeting convened at the home of the curate, the Rev. Allain called the meeting to order with a prayer.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Rev. Fortner announced that the renewal forms for the lay ministers have arrived. The applications for the lay Eucharistic leaders and visitors will need to be approved at the conclusion of this meeting. Carter moved to approve this addition to the agenda. Paul seconded the measure. The measure was approved by unanimous assent.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting for September 20, 2016 – Callahan moved to approve the meetings with a minor change. Bailey seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous assent.

CLERGY REPORTS – Rev. Fortner e-mailed her report to the Vestry. The Rector called the Vestry’s attention to the upcoming visit of Rev. Burnett and his meeting with the Liturgy Commission. The curate will also be meeting with the outreach commission. Rev. Fortner also noted that she will be hosting a small gathering in conjunction with the Hattiesburg Halloween Parade. After discussing several other upcoming events, she added that the curate will be taking over Outreach, Christian Education, and ECUSM.

Rev. Allain reported that he has met with community leaders and charitable organizations. Concerning ECUSM, Allain noted that he has met with students at The University of Southern Mississippi. He has also met with the Title IX director to discuss how campus ministry can help with student safety. Moreover, Allain met with various clergy on campus to look for opportunities for collaboration. Finally, the curate noted that he is working with EYC and is preparing to launch a confirmation class in December.


Senior Warden (Paul) – Deferred to new business.

Junior Warden (Callahan) – We have sold the van for $500. The air conditioning installations have been completed on budget. Upon installation, the repairmen discovered that several piece of ductwork under the church had rusted through and were inoperable. These pieces have been repaired. The awning on the parish will be reinstalled this week.


Communications—Toni Bailey—The Trinity App is linked to the calendar on the website.

Christian Formation—Elizabeth Lentz-Hill—Sunday School and Trinity Talks are both underway. She has also been in touch with EYC.

Master Plans for Grounds—Clark Callahan—No report.

Fellowship—Chuck Tardy—Steadman reported that St. Anne’s Guild is inactive. Tardy asked for ideas about how the guild can be reinvigorated. The Fish Fry drew a good crowd, and the Monday Night Book group is doing well. The Rector called attention to the upcoming Steak and Wine dinner.

Liturgy—Ellen McKenzie—There will be a workshop this Saturday and a meeting with Rev. Burnett.

Newcomers—Tom Hardy—The commission is working well. The most recent breakfast did not have any attendees, so the commission has decided to have a lunch. The Rector reported that was have about ten adults who are interested in being confirmed.

Outreach—Bob Brahan—The commission will be meeting tomorrow night to set budgets. Scoutreach will also be having its annual meeting.

Pastoral Care—Gretchen Grimsley—No report.

Stewardship—Barbara Carter, Ward Conville—The pledge cards have been sent out. He encouraged the Vestry to submit their cards as soon as possible. We will be having a breakfast to thank everybody for their participation in the Stewardship campaign.

TREASURER’S REPORT – The treasurer reviewed the Parish’s finances for the previous month. He noted that our investment accounts were down due to a drop in the stock market. We are, once again, ahead in our pledges. There were no other pressing matters. Callahan moved to approve the report. Hardy seconded. Unanimous assent.


•  The Vestry discussed the date for the December 2016 meeting, which had been scheduled for December 21. Carter moved to change the date to December 14. McKenzie seconded. The measure was approved by unanimous assent.

•  Formation of Nominating Committee – Paul will be forming a nominating committee consisting of the Rector, Senior Warden, and one a male and female non-Vestry member in good standing, and an elected member of the Vestry, and a non-Vestry person selected by the other members of the committee. Paul asked for volunteers to serve on the committee. McKenzie was elected as the Vestry representative on the committee. The members of the Vestry suggested several members of the Parish to serve on the nominating committee. The Rector noted that there are three three-year slots to fill, and that the Senior and Junior Warden will both be cycling off the Vestry.

•  Lay Eucharistic Leaders – The Rector distributed a list of Lay Eucharistic Visitors and Ministers. After making some corrections to the list, Conville moved to accept the current list. Bailey seconded the motion. It was approved by unanimous assent.


•  Garth repairs for November wedding – Callahan reported that the gas lights in the Garth are working. The Harris family has paid to have the grout replaced in the Garth, and to have several broken stones replaced. They will also be paying to have some landscaping done in the Garth.

•  Air Conditioner Update – Discussed in Junior Warden’s report.

CLOSING PRAYER – There being no additional business. The meeting closed at 6:15pm.