28th September 2016
1 / Present : / Liz Hanley (Chair)Sarah Allen
Carole Wilson
Ruby Poppleton / Apologies :
Carol Malham
Lynn Wightman
Jo Heaney
Subject / Discussion / Action / Responsibility of
2 / Minutes of last meeting / Matters arising /
- The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.
- The Reward and Recognition Policy is being finalised.
- Safe Place scheme update is planned for December’s meeting.
3 / Accessible notes / It was agreed that the minutes for the LD Partnership and the sub groups should be produced in an accessible format. / Sarah Allen to liaise with Lynn Wightman to determine the process to be followed. / SA
4 / Partnership Board Plan /
- It was agreed that we need advocacy representatives to attend the LD Partnership meeting and the sub groups.
- The option of holding two themed events per year for self-advocates and carers was discussed. A draft plan will be presented at the December meeting.
Sarah Allen to liaise with Lynn Wightman to discuss support for self-advocates. / SA
5 / Health Group /
- The health group has a cancer awareness plan in place.
- Cancer awareness sessions have been delivered to a cohort of staff. The sessions have received positive feedback.
- Ruby advised that the sessions are still available and will work with Carole to see if carers are interested in receiving the training.
6 / Your life Your Choice /
- The group is looking at the recommendations from the Learning Disabilities access to services review.
- The group is also focusing on transport and how we can communicate key messages to people.
7 / Carers’ Group /
- Transition is a key focus of the careers group. Feedback from carers indicates that there is not a continuation of services from children's into adult services and often there is a wait for services, such as short breaks and day opportunities.
- Feedback following carer contact with First Contact Adults was discussed: eligibility information was reported to be inconsistent.
- Carers are reporting problems with community Transport: these concerns have been raised with social workers, who are liaising with the community transport manager.
- Carers are attending the Autism Spectrum Disorder strategy consultation which has been organised by Main.
- The short breaks caravan service is receiving positive feedback and some reasonable adjustments have been made to ensure it is accessible. It was noted that he park is closed from October- March.
- Stockton United for Change is undergoing a restructure and Carol will provide feedback when the new arrangements are confirmed.
SA feedback to Angela Connor
Care management to address with community transport department. / SA
8 / CCG update /
- Louise gave an update on the learning disability mortality review.
- The health check quality audit is now complete and the findings will be presented to the Partnership in due course.
- The key elements of the Autism self- assessment were discussed, as well as the required oversight of the joint health and social care submission.
9 / Budget Agreement / Lynn Wightman will circulate information regarding the purchase of two trikes for use in the cycling group and the travel Hub. / LW to circulate / LW
10 / Co-Chair Update / Co-chairs have been identified and will be appointed when the Reward and Recognition Policy is in place, Lynn Wightman has identified support for the self-advocates and is developing an induction pack and job description for the role. / LW and Angela Connor to progress the reward and recognition policy. / LW
11 / Sharing information letter / The consent to the sharing of information letter between health and social care has been agreed and Lynn Wightman is providing administrative support to send the letter out. / SA/LW
12 / Family carer network /
- There are some good resources on the family network website:
- There is a North East family carer network.
13 / Access to Services Scrutiny Review action plan / The action plan will be circulated and reviewed at each meeting. / SA to circulate. / SA
14 / Any Other Business /
- A ‘get together and be happy and healthy’ event has been organised. However it was acknowledged that people are not always able to travel to the events. We will look at how we can replicate something similar in Stockton.
- Tomorrow’s Leaders Opportunity: one self-advocate has been put forward.
15 / Date and time of next meeting / Tuesday 21st December - 1 to 2.30 pm - Ground Floor Conference Room, Municipal Buildings.
This date will be reviewed due to the proximity of Christmas.
Rearranged to 11th January 2017: Ground Floor Conference Room Municipal Buildings
16 / Future Meeting Dates 2017 / Meeting dates to be set for 2017.
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