Board of Trustees
March 27, 2007
724 South 7th St., Room 145
9:30 a.m.
Terry MillerDJFSPhyllis CottermanP3 Graduation
Melinda JonesTCASTami BrennemanFCFC
Becky BeiterCountyHealthWade LucasCoshocton City Schools
Monica SmithCommunity Rep.Kyle KanuckelRiver View Schools
Amy FlynnPfSVickie Davis CoshoctonCity Health
Janadean Brown Ridgewood SchoolsAmy HassemanUnited Way
Roger BirchMHRSBAimee MatusikFCFC
Stephen TroendlyHead StartKaitlin RubyCHS
Glen DolittleCHSTim MarkelBBBS
Sheila MayseBBBSJamie DavisCoshoctonCity
BJ TaylorFirst Step Beth CormackCBHC
Next Meeting: The Board of Trusteeswill meet April 24, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 145 of the CountyServicesBuilding.
Beth Cormackcalled the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Kyle Kanuckel discussed the funding challenges that RiverviewLocalSchool district is facing as well as the professional learning community. The RiverviewSchool District has committed to the professional learning community which describes a collegial group of administrators and school staff who are united in their commitment to student learning. They share a vision, work and learn collaboratively, visit and review other classrooms, and participate in decision making. The benefits to the staff and students include a reduced isolation of teachers, better informed and committed teachers, and academic gains for students.
Kyle also discussed the constitutional amendment that is being proposed by multiple educators and education associations. 500,000 signatures need to be gathered to be on the November 2007 ballot. More information regarding the proposed amendment can be found at
FebruaryMinutes Approval:
Kathy Thompson noted that she did not attend the February 27, 2007 meeting and Monica Smith asked that her name be listed as the Community Representative.
A motion to approve the February 2007minutes as corrected was made by Terry Miller and seconded by Monica Smith. Motion Carried
Financial Report:
The financial report was sent in the agenda packet by the FCFC office. FCFC Februaryexpenses were $2,803.47. The current balance is $52,522.93. PfS Februaryexpenses were $12,311.72. The current balance is $7,356.35. The final $25,000.00 PfS installment should be received in April.
A motion to approveMarch 2007financial report was made by Kathy Thompson and seconded by Kyle Kanuckel. Motion Carried
Creative Options Report:
Tami reported that there were twofunding requests fromFebruary 24, 2007 – March 23, 2007. There were twonew referrals. There are twenty sevenactive cases with Creative Options.
There are thirtyonechildren enrolled in the FAST program through CoshoctonCounty. There were twofunding requests totaling $274.50. Total amount of FAST dollars spent for fiscal year 07 is $6,236.96.
Help Me Grow:
Tami reported the following:
Numbers as of March 21, 2007 are as follows:
- 181 total children enrolled in Early Track.
- 164 have IFSP, 13 over-due, 4 without IFSP
- 123At-risk
- 58 Part C
Welcome Home Baby made 8 visits in February.
FebruaryExpensesFebruary Receipts
Part C$4,546.92
Tami reported that a meeting has been scheduled between the BCMH nurses and HMG staff from the state and local level to discuss the conflicting information being sent to both local agencies from the state.
Partnerships for Success:
Amy reported that the Coshocton Care Team is up and running. Fifteen students from three grade levels have been identified as Care Team Kids. One student from each grade level has Juvenile Court involvement. Michele Probert will be overseeing the mentoring/tutoring program that will be available for the Care Team kids. The program will be Monday through Thursday 2:00 – 4:45p.m.
Also discussed were the survey response and membership dues. It is the recommendation of the review committee that that membership dues focus on the administration for sustainability of the Council, to support the infrastructure, and fund a yearly training in support of the Council’s goals. The Council reviewed the list of members being billed and Aimee shared the amounts that various members pay.
A motion was made by Beth Cormack and seconded by Terry Miller that a committee be formed to review the rates of membership dues as well as review the due structure for calendar year 08. Sitting on the committee will be: Terry Miller, Monica Smith, Beth Cormack, Jaime Davis, Roger Birch, and Chris Gallagher.
Sheila Mayse asked for more information of the various committees and what they each do.
Amy reported that on the Survey Response Committee discussion. It was decided that this will be tabled until the April meeting.
Fatherhood Initiative:
The March 5th meeting minutes were included in the packet.
The committee applied for a Capacity Building Grant worth $25,000.00 from the Fatherhood Initiative National Level.
The Family PACT may apply for 501C3 status so that it can apply for grants. Tami mentioned that $1,000.00 that Terry requested be set aside for the Fatherhood Initiative. Terry stated that those funds could be used to pay attorney fees for the 501C3 application.
Director’s Report:
Tami reported the following:
- Ohio Family and Children First has discussed hosting a training on July 19 and 20th for all local councils
- The East District of OFCF will be hosting a legislative breakfast on May 4th to be held at the Longaberger Golf Club… more information to follow
- Family Fun Day is scheduled for April 21st at the CountyFairgrounds with a rain date of April 28th.
Old Business:
None reported.
New Business:
Becky discussed the Young Women’s Health Day grant that is due April 9th. The grant is for $1,500.00. March 29th at 11:00a.m. will be the first meeting to discuss the upcoming event that must be held in September. Terry stated that the Fatherhood Committee could join with to provide activities for the young men. Beth also stated that tobacco grant could also join with the Fatherhood Committee.
The Council meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Aimee Matusik