LCOOS policies



E-1: Daily Routines

E-2: Written Programs

E-3: Gender Equity

E-4: Diversity & Inclusion/Anti- Bias

E-5: Excursions

E-6: Videos and Film

Endorsed Date:

Date for Review:


Tim Dinning

President Parent Management Committee

E-1 Daily Routines


We aim to provide daily routines that meet the needs of individual children in relation to each child's social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development. As attendance at LCOOS is the child's time for play and leisure, this will be reflected in the daily routines.


National Regulation 155-156 (interactions with children, relationships in group)


A daily routine will be discussed and organised by the educators in consultation with the children

LCOOS will take reasonable steps to ensure that the service provides education and care to children in a way that—

(a) Encourages the children to express themselves and their opinions; and

(b) Allows the children to undertake experiences that develop self-reliance and self-esteem; and

(c) Maintains at all times the dignity and rights of each child; and

(d) Gives each child positive guidance and encouragement toward acceptable behaviour; and

-(e) Has regard to the family and cultural values, age, and physical and intellectual development and abilities of each child being educated and cared for by the service.

-LCOOS will take reasonable steps to ensure that the service provides children being educated and cared for by the service with opportunities to interact and develop respectful and positive relationships with each other and with educators members of, and volunteers at, the service

-The routine will reflect LCOOS's philosophy of care.

-The routine will be structured around regular events of the day such as arrival, departure, school drop off and collection, morning and afternoon tea, and lunch during vacation care time.

-The routine will provide a mixture of structured and unstructured activities.

-The routine will take into consideration all children's needs in relation to their emotional, social, physical, creative and developmental areas.

-Developing each child's own creative leisure skills will also be a consideration when planning the daily routine.

-The routine will be adapted to meet the varying and changing needs of the children in relation to before school, after school, vacation care and seasonal conditions.

-The routine will be recorded and displayed where educators and parents and children can clearly see.

-The routine will be flexible to meet the needs of the children and allow for spontaneity and enjoyment at LCOOS.



E-2 Written Programs


We aim to develop and implement a balanced program that is stimulating, interesting and exciting which allows opportunities for children to play, explore and develop new skills and is appropriate to the developmental and leisure needs of all children. LCOOS's program will reflect the cultural diversity of today's society. Children and parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the planning and implementation and evaluation of the program.


-The Director and educators members will be responsible for the development of a child centred program, which reflects the philosophy of LCOOS and meets the social, physical, recreational, intellectual, creative and emotional developmental needs of the children attending.

-Programs will be developed for all aspects of LCOOS, before school, after school, vacation care and school educators development days.

-The written program will be prepared each day in consultation with the children and be displayed for children and parents to see, children will be encouraged to take ownership of the centre and be strongly involved in the day to day programming.

-Educators will be allocated time each week to fulfil the task of programming as part of their duties along with time allocated for critical reflections.

-Training in children's programming and activities will constitute part of educator’s development and be included as an item in LCOOS's budget each year.

-Children and parents are encouraged to incorporate their views, ideas and specific interests into the program.

-Issues raised by families, including complaints about the service, will be taken into account when planning and evaluating the program.

-Educators will encourage feedback and input from children and parents in relation to the program at all times.

-Educators will regularly talk to parents concerning their child's interests and activities and respond to parents suggestions, requirements and expectations.

-Children will be encouraged to be actively involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the program, through discussions, conversations, group meetings and planning.

-All children's ideas and opinions will be considered.

-The program will be recorded in the program book and clearly displayed for all educators, parents and children to see.

-A written program for vacation care indicating excursions and times will be provided to LCPS for the parents prior to the vacation care starting on the website.

-The program will be made available to any persons who wish to view it.

-The program will be flexible to meet the needs of the children and allow for spontaneity and enjoyment at LCOOS.

-Educators will interact with children and where appropriate participate in activities and encourage children to try new activities and improve competence. Each child’s level of participation will be respected.

-Educators will recognise and value children’s creativity, displaying genuine interest in the creative process as well as in finished products.

-The program will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure it is meeting the needs of individual children and the families at LCOOS.

-Special group activities for older children may be organised as part of the program according to need. They should be implemented where there are suitable numbers of older children and adequate educator levels can be maintained.

-Excursions will also be organised as part of the program.

-The program is to:

Promote the importance of play in the child's life

Reflect the cultural and language diversity of the local and wider community.

Consider all developmental areas.

Consider the age range of children.

Consider individual and group interests, needs, skills, talents and abilities.

Provide opportunities for individuals and groups to pursue experiences of their own choosing.

Incorporate the children’s ideas.

Allow sufficient time for the children to express their ideas in variety of contexts.

Make use of community resources and contacts.

Be balanced providing a range of indoor/outdoor activities, quiet/active times and areas, structured/unstructured activities.

Provide a variety and choice of activities for the children.

Be stimulating, interesting and exciting, to allow for opportunities to explore and develop new skills.

Provider variety of toys and equipment available to all children regardless of age or sex.

Provide opportunities for construction and manipulative play.

Provide opportunities for expressive experiences such as music, dance, drama and imaginative play.

Provides a wide range of creative opportunities for children to explore different materials and media.

Help children develop their movement, coordination, balance, a range of fine motor skills, flexibility and strength.

Incorporate experiences to promote individual competence and competence within groups.

Foster children's independence and self help skills.

Foster friendships and encourage co-operative and responsible behaviour among children.

Encourage children to make decisions and consider the consequences of their actions.

Provide children with opportunities for self-expression and self-direction.

Provide an environment, which will foster the child's self esteem.

Help children develop self-discipline skills through positive example and direction.

Help children to appreciate and care for each other and their surroundings.

Make the children feel welcomed and valued at LCOOS.



E-3 Gender Equity


We aim to help the children develop their full potential regardless of their gender. All children will be treated in the same manner and provided with the same access to all materials and equipment.


National Standards


-Educators shall accept and value every parent and child regardless of sex or ability.

-Educators are to be aware of the way in which they treat individual children in regards to language, attitudes, assumption and expectation, and will treat all children in the same manner regardless of sex.

-Educators are to be aware of the way in which they treat individual parents and each other in regards to language, attitudes, assumption and expectation, and will treat all people in the same manner regardless of gender or lifestyle.

-The program will present positive experiences for the children, which are not based on sex role stereotypes.

-All children will be encouraged to try a variety of activities regardless of sex.

-Resource materials used at LCOOS will as far as possible be non-stereotyped.

-Educators will provide a range of equipment, which is non-sexist and meets the needs of the children.

-Educators should act as positive role models encouraging children to be involved in activities commonly stereotyped for the opposite sex.

-Educators will be actively involved in a variety of activities regardless of sex.

-Every effort will be made to employ educators, relief educators and volunteers from both sexes.



E-4 Diversity & Inclusion/Anti-Bias


We aim to recognise the diversity of children’s backgrounds in Australia and help foster an awareness and acceptance of these within each child, through the thoughtful integration of a variety of activities in the program.

Diversity includes those children with “additional needs’. This term is used to define any child who requires particular support. They might include those with a disability, language or learning difficulties or health concerns. Its also includes children who demonstrate behavioural difficulties, are at risk of abuse or who are particularly gifted.

All activities and behaviour at LCOOS will be considerate of the range of cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds of the families within the community, as well as those with “additional needs”.

Children will be encouraged to explore and share a range of activities and experiences in an environment free from prejudice and harassment.


Anti-Discrimination Act.

Service Access Policy (A-2)


-Educators shall accept and value every parent and child regardless of race, cultural background religion, sex, ability or sexual preference of parents.

-Educators will make themselves aware, and show an interest in, the specific cultures and backgrounds represented in the families and general community of LCOOS.

-No discrimination will be made against any family or child due to their culture, race, religion, ability or sexual preference. (Refer also our Service Access Policy (A-2)

-Educators will not be judgmental towards the parents and respect any differences in childcare practices (with the exception of child protection concerns).

-Educators will ensure parents have confidence in LCOOS's quality of care for their child by seeking information regarding their cultural issues.

-Educators will encourage feedback and input from parents in relation to the program, policies or other issues at LCOOS, which are affected by the families’ culture or race.

-Parents will be invited and encouraged to contribute knowledge of their own culture to enhance the overall program.

-Educators will be encouraged to undertake training and sharing of information regarding the various cultures and multicultural programming.

-Educators are encouraged to share knowledge of their own backgrounds/cultures with other educators, parents and children and to incorporate this into the program.

-Educators respect and value the different backgrounds, attitudes and beliefs of other team members.

-Educators will make themselves aware of any issues or behaviour, which may be offensive to the various cultures and avoid possible offensive behaviour.

-Contact should be made with Children Services Central, SDN or similarfor support, assistance and ideas.

-All activities and behaviour at LCOOS will be considerate of the diversity of the families within the community.

-Where possible parent information will be translated into other languages.

-Children will be encouraged to explore and share a range of cultural/social activities and experiences in an environment free from prejudice and harassment.

-Educators shall research and gain ideas regarding appropriate activities to be incorporated in the program.

-Educators should be aware of and ensure that festivals and celebrations of many cultures are included in the program.

-Cultural awareness should be integrated throughout all activities in the program and reflect an attitude of respect and positive appreciation for the differences in our society.

-All activities at LCOOS will be checked to ensure that negative and discriminating images of particular cultures or life-styles are avoided.

-Educators actively encourage children to have positive attitudes to the different backgrounds of others.

-Educators have a range of practices to actively counteract bias and prejudice.

-Educators avoid making comparisons between children.



E-5 Excursions


We believe that excursions are an essential part of LCOOS's program as they provide variety and an opportunity to expand a child's experience, explore different environments and learn new activities.


The service acknowledges the value of relevant excursions in allowing children to gain a greater insight of the society in which they live, and learn from these experiences. Our service will actively seek to minimise any risks associated with excursions, and respond promptly and appropriately to any emergency whilst on an excursion. Educators will educate children and families regarding safe road (or other transport) and play practices.


National Regulations 100- Risk Assessment must be conducted before excursion

National Regulation 101 – Conduct risk assessment for excursion

National Regulation 102 – Authorisation for excursion 101, 102

National standard 2: Element2.3.1 ‘Children are adequately supervised at all times.’

National standard 2: Element2.3.2‘Every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury’.


Transportation Policy (D-4).



-All excursions will be planned taking into consideration:

The children's ages, capabilities and interests.

Ways to maximise the children's developmental experiences and safety.

Suitability of the venue and access including wheelchairs if required.

Access to food, drink and other facilities.

Weather conditions, which would make the venue unsuitable.

The specific clothing and equipment needs of the children.

Travel arrangements needed.

-Educators are to visit or be familiar with the venue before undertaking the excursion to ensure that it is suitable, safe and accessible by all. Educators will phone venue ahead (if possible) when special requirements needed.

-When planning an excursion alternative arrangements will be made for adverse weather conditions.

-Educators will consider not just wet weather, but cold or hot weather conditions when making plans for excursions and the final decision to continue with the excursion.

-An excursion checklist will be completed before leaving the premises and a checklist taken on the excursion documenting regular headcounts throughout the day


-All excursions are compulsory.

-No child will be taken outside the Longueville Road Centre without the parent's written authorisation.

-A minimum of 24 hours notice will be given to the parent or guardian regarding any excursions.

-All excursions will be publicised to all parents with full details of destination, times of departure and return, and what the children should bring.

-An excursion permission form will be filled out for each specific excursion indicating:

Date excursion will take place

Time child is required to be at centre and if returning late

Cost of excursion will be part of the daily rate

Proposed destination.

Method of transport.

Activities involved/ link to website of venue attending

Contact number will be available on answering machine if required Or on the front door to LCOOS

Child's name.

Parent's name and signature.

-Excursions to locations visited on a regular basis such as the local park or playground or the local library may be undertaken without individual excursion forms when parents have previously given general permission for these activities on the enrolment form.

-A notice will be prominently displayed at the Longueville Road Centre, which indicates:

Destination of the excursion.

ltinerary and timetable.

Contact phone numbers.


-Steps will be taken to ensure that all excursions comply with transport legislation and regulations.

-The Transportation Policy (D-4) will apply in relation to travelling to and from any venue.

-All educators, relief educators, volunteers and parents on the excursion will be made aware of the Transportation Policy (D-4) and procedures for supervising and assisting children while travelling in public or private transport or on walking excursions.

-Particular attention will be made to assist children when boarding or alighting from public transport and when walking with children across roads or in crowded areas.


-The educators/child ratios as outlined in the standards will be met at all times:

There will be a maximum of 8 children to 1 carer for excursions (centre standards)

There will be a maximum of 5 children to 1 carer for excursions in or near water. Note: LCOOS does not offer swimming excursions.

-Responsible adult volunteers over the age of 18 may be used to augment adult/child ratios on excursions.

-Parents may be invited to assist.

-Supervision is of utmost importance and must be maintained at all times.