LCC Governing Board Minutes – May 20, 2014
The meeting followed a meal shared with LCC leadership members, present and newly elected.
Attendees: Craig Perry (chair) Nathan Anenson (Sr. Pastor), Tim Hummel, John Larsen, Gene Lutz, Mary Kay Borts, De Ann Weuve, newly elected Governing Board members: Paul Kolsrud, Tom Lynch.
Craig opened with prayer.
Approval of the agenda: Mary Kay motioned to approve the agenda; Tim seconded the motion. Unanimous favor.
Approval of the minutes of 4/15/14 meeting: Corrections made for spelling error Anenson. Craig motioned to approve the corrected minutes; De Ann seconded the motion. Unanimous favor.
Financial Report (Matthew 6:33): Nathan led discussion of the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements showing in the black for $17,000 for Jan-April 2014 and the Balance sheet.
Mission Committee Update (Matthew 28:16-20): Gene shared information on the committee’s vision of finding ways to become more mission oriented. In the past 6 months, they have been more worldwide focused and now would like to focus also more locally. The benevolence fund goes to about 17 areas, 40% international and 60% more local. A recommendation will be made to the finance committee on how to use the funds. Gene shared they would like to set aside 15% of the international funds for individuals for mission as there presently are several individuals interested in this. There would need to be a set policy and criteria for this. Gene will bring a suggested policy for this to the next meeting. The committee members are Gene and Susan Lutz, Scott and Lisa Dirks, Dan Adams and Nathan Anenson.
The church we support in Africa has a need for a cross outside the church and Bibles. A proposal has been made to do a fundraiser for this as about $4000 is needed. Gene motioned to approve a fund raiser for Bibles and a cross for the church in Africa. This was seconded by De Ann. Unanimous favor.
Simple Church – a discussion was held referring to the homework assignment and pages 237-239. The discussion included defining these areas: disciples are…, people become disciples by…, and what hinders disciple making?
(The above took the place of our Focus on the Vision agenda item)
Additional Leadership Development Committee task (1Timothy 3): Craig shared a new finance committee person is needed to serve as Carol Main has withdrawn. A person will be suggested and this will be brought to the Fall Congregational meeting.
Miscellaneous Items:
Nathan shared LCC will host a MC Conference at LCC this summer. This will be August 2 from 9 AM to 12.
LCC will potentially host the LCMC Leadership Gathering in 2016. More information will be brought to the next meeting.
Leadership Nights – Proposed to start in July and will take place every other month with a shared meal and then the individual meetings will take place.
Craig thanked Gene for stepping up and leading Congregational Meeting in his absence.
Craig lead discussion of a need for Congruent Policy for staff seminarians as there are 3 staff member seminarians. This is something that should not be restricted to staff. A request will be made to the finance team to develop this policy and Nathan will report back next month.
Announcements: Next LCC GB meeting on June 17, 2014 @ 6:30
Adjournment: A thank you lead by Mary Kay was given to Craig and John for all their work and effort.
Gene motioned to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Nathan with unanimous favor. Meeting adjourned with closing in prayer by Craig.
Submitted by Cynthia Evans