LBR Tradesheet Key

Pat (Pattern)

Id=inside day

Nr4=narrow range of last 4 days

Nr7=narrow range of last 7 days

Wr4=wide range of last 4 days

Wr7=wide range of last 7 days

BO (Breakout Mode)

When a market is in breakout mode a “1” will be in the column

TP (Trend Potential)

The lower this numbers, the greater odds of having a trend day. Anything below 40 is significant

P (Pinball)-similar to looking for retracements on 120 min timeframe

B=Pinball Buy

S=Pinball Sell

3 and 3 (PF3’s, Positive Feedback)

A PF3 means the slope of the 2 period ROC, the 3/10 osc fast line, and the 3/10 slow line were all in the same direction. They signal that the market is “giving its all” up or down. If you see 2 PF3s down (-1 -1) in an overall uptrend that is one of the best buy signals.

5 (5 SMA)

A “1” in this column will tell you that the market is closing on the opposite side of the 5 period SMA after being in an extended run.

-D (Sell Divergence) +D (Buy Divergence)

Shows that there is a possible buy or sell divergence on the daily OSC. Ignore if the weekly chart has good trend intact.

Sig (Signal) on 2 period ROC

B=first day flip up

S=first day flip down

(B)= Indicates 2 period ROC has been up for more than one day and can flip back down

(S)=Indicates 2 period ROC has been down for more than one day and can flip back up.


Tells you which price the 2 period ROC will flip up or down


Tells you the rate of change from the two most recent trading sessions

2 ROC [1]

Tells you the rate of change from the two trading sessions prior to the current session