Sheep in a Jeep
Nancy Shaw
Book Description:
· Adventures sheep have in a jeep and working together. Rhyming words.
Academic Objectives:
· ELA2R4f: The student distinguishes fact from fiction in a text.
· ELA2R4a: Reads a variety of text for pleasure.
· SD2a, SKL1b: Sorts animals according to skin coverings (feathers, fur, scales, wool)
Science correlation (PreK-K)
Brilliant Star Objective:
· Friends: Students will be able to describe what friends do together and how they can help each other.
Readability Level: 1.0
Vocabulary: Words that may need to be discussed before reading the story: (grunt, shove, gooey, shrug, yelp, heap, weep)
Introduction: Before reading, ask students:
· “Have any of you ever had an adventure with your friends?”
· “What do you think the sheep will do in the jeep?”
· “What do friends do when they are in trouble?”
During reading: Ask the following questions:
· “Is this something that can really happen?”
· “How do you know?”
· “Who are the main characters in the story?”
· “Who were the friends in the story?”
· “What did they like to do together?”
· “What makes someone a friend?”
Follow-up Activities:
1. Make a class rhyming book.
2. Write a story about an adventure with friends.
3. Reread story with a partner and discuss the pictures.
4. Draw pictures to illustrate the vocabulary words in the story.
5. Write a letter to a friend and tell them about the story.
6. Students will be asked about the type of animals in the book. The teacher and students can discuss the type of skin the animals have. The teacher can make a character chart and use the type of animal and skin to characterize the animals. (Science Correlation)
7. Connect to a science lesson.
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