Law and all it encompasses – An Enumeration of these things found in Genesis 15

Intellectual Property of John Marsing -

Table of Contents


Accounting / Accountant / Record Keeping

Gen 15:6

Gen 15:13-14



Teacher of Law



Books and Records Relates to Innocent Until Proven Guilty


I make the case that law is the weightier matter, this is my witness and testimony. In more I would say that law, and all it encompasses is the weightier matter. You of course have to be an excellent lawyer i.e. “Torah-Yer” but what am I speaking about when I say “all it encompasses”…how would I enumerate those things?

Accounting / Accountant / Record Keeping

If you take

Gen 15:6

“ And he believed in YHVH; and he counted it to him for righteousness.”,

including the whole chapter itself, it’s talking about a trust or an estate. The most awesome event at Mt. Sinai was foretold by YHVH

Gen 15:13-14

14And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

I interpret Gen 15:6 when it says that “he (YHVH) counted it to him (Abram)” to mean that YHVH opened up a “spiritual banking account” and credited some of YHVH’s property/assets for the benefit of Abram. YHVH charged up Abram’s account with “Treasures in Heaven[1]”

My point being these are functions of an accountant. When YHVH comes to “visit” (Exo 20:5-6) it’s not to chit chat about trivial things like the weather, but it is an audit where you will be held accountable, and so you will be going over your “books and records”.



  • Parable-of-the-Talents-Mat-25-14-30-and-Parable-of-the-Minas-Luk-19-11-27.pdf



  • Economy-of-God-G3622-oikonomia-G3623-oikonomos-dispensation-steward.doc
  • The-Economy-of-God.doc


As a trustee of the talents that you were given, you will be held accountable to these treasures from heaven.

Teacher of Law

Who will be called “the greatest in heaven”

  • You must understand contract law
  • You must understand trust law.
  • You must understand how courts work


If you’re an ambassador to Yeshua, does that not imply that there is more than one jurisdictions and you must be respectful as said ambassador to know and understand the concepts of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is very much a legal term and concept.


If you’re a bond servant of YHVH doesn’t this word fall into the realm of financing? As a priest who has a function of being in the spiritual welfare distribution business does this act also fall into the category of finance? If someone comes to you to borrow money from the spiritual heavenly treasury / bank, is this also not a function of finance?

Books and Records Relates to Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Trustees are not given the privilege of “innocent until proven guilty” but rather they have to prove their innocence. The reason why this is so is because the trustee has “the books and records”.

ToDo: find an article that explains this concept in more detail.

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[1] See Treasures-In-Heaven.doc