Law 108C | Torts
Midterm Outline | short | 2013 | Mcdorman
Sandra Town
Joint tortfeasor / 2+ people acting together to commit a tort & you’re not sure who did it / CookRequirement / Common design
Essential, non-trivial part
Defense / Looking on with approval
Facilitation (A sells gun to B, B shoots C, A not JT)
Vicarious liability
(Strict – no fault necessary) / Liable for the actions of another based on the relationship bt/ them / Sagaz
Requirement / Requisite relationship must exist
Risk increased when employer empowers employee
Salmond Test (old)
- Act authorized by employer
- Act occurs in scope of employment
- Opportunity to abuse power
- Extent to which act furthered ER’s aim
- Extent to which act relates to confrontation/intimacy in ER’s enterprise
- Extent of EE power
Defense / Employer – Independent Contractor
Parent – Child
Trustee - Beneficiary
Policy / If you bring the risk in, you should be responsible for the harm
Employers better able to pay than employees, able to implement risk reduction plans
Joint & Several Liability / Together and separately liable
- Degree of fault irrelevant
- Can sue together and Pl. determines who pays how much
Contributory Negligence / Pl. conduct contributes to tort
- Degree of fault matters – crt factors into damages
Nuisance / Intentional / NegligenceNeed damage, but no fault
STRICT liable for injuries no matter what precautions / Need fault, but no damages
DELIBERATE acts with intent to interfere c/ a right (probable that harm will follow) / Need damage and fault
Conduct falls below that which is required
Public / Protects use and enjoyment of land / Land
Medical Consent
Mental Health
False Impr. / Dominion over property
Bodily Integrity
Emotional tranquility
Consent is absolute defence against intentional torts
Private Nuisance – Land
Strict / Don’t have to prove fault, just that nuisance occurredRequirements / Damage/interference to Pl. use/enjoyment of the land
- Material/substantial
- Actual (NOT potential for future damage)
- Readily ascertainable (measurable, but not necessarily visible to naked eye)
- Substantial interference c/ beneficial use of land (eg. economic loss)
Onus on… Pl. / Must prove Def. directly trespassed (whether intentionally or negligently)
- Must be physical trespass, but can be by an object OR person
- Trespass must be unreasonable
Defense / Directness – no intervening acts bt/ Def. actions and trespass
Consent – Def. proves Pl. was ok with it
- Character of neighbourhood
- Frequency/duration/severity of interference
Not about Def. conduct / Inco
Note: Onus on Pl. greater in Private nuisance – R v. F is stricter
Rylands v. Fletcher / Strict / Liable for escape of “ultra-hazardous” substance that damages Pl. propertyCriteria /
- Def. involved in non-natural use of land (inappropriate to the place)
- Def. brought sm/t to the land that could do mischief if it escaped
- The substance escaped (doesn’t have to be isolated; not hazardous until accumulated)
- Damage was caused by the escape
Defense / Result was intended – eg. smokestack in Inco there to let the waste out
Eg. floods, gas leaks, chemical spills, sewage overflow, fire, dangerous animals, etc.
Trespass to land – interference with dominion over property
Intentional / No need to have damages b/c intent is to harmRequirements / Voluntary, direct, physical intrusion onto land by Def.
- Includes – entering c/out permission, placing/propelling sm/t onto land from afar
Assault – Reasonable apprehension of imminent physical harm
Intentional / No need to have damages b/c intent is to harm- Legal wrong is act of disturbing my sense of security
- Must be aware it happened – must feel apprehension
Requirements / No contact
Direct action
NO need to be aware it happened / Then it’s battery
Intentional OR negligent
Def. has to have done sm/t wrong
Can sleep / Scalera
Onus on… Pl. / Must prove causation bt/ action and harm
- Fault it’s not enough to just claim it happened
Defense / Unintentional
Remoteness / Burden of proof on Def.
Battery – Physical harm caused by direct action
Intentional / No need to have damages/experience harm b/c intent is to harm- Legal wrong is the contact
- Can bring a claim even if you didn’t know it happened (eg. slept through it)
Requirements / Direct action leading to physical harm
- Can be negligent negligent act causes the battery (eg. elbows in a crowd)
NO need to actually experience harm the contact itself is the wrong / Scalera
Onus on… Pl. / Must prove there was contact leading to damage
- Physical contact is the big issue, intent behind the action doesn’t matter
Defense / Trivial contact RE ordinary life (eg. jostled in crowd)
- Scalera dissent wanted to move burden of proving consent to Pl. – didn’t actually happen
- Includes failure to resist
- Doesn’t count if
Sexual Battery / Current tort law doesn’t effectively deal with it explore relationship bt/ power imbalance and consent / Norberg
Analogy to K Law (pg.9) / Fiduciary Duties (pg.9)
Recognizes that sm/t don’t have free/equal bargaining powers (Norberg)
- Does there exist a special power-dependent relationship?
- Is there exploitation?
- F. has area of discretion/power & B. is particularly vulnerable to F. holding it
- Breach if F. uses the power for their own good (all Pl. has to prove)
Not all relationships so unbalanced – consider age, minority, profession, education, etc.
Medical Consent
General Rule / Can give, refuse, revoke consent – regardless of the consequences(right to control interference to your body)
- CL principles codified in Act
Requirements / Full, free, & informed as much information as a reasonable person would need in order to give consent
- Negated by duress
Duty to Inform / Not liable in battery for failing to inform of all the risks, as long as treatment is substantially that which was consented to by the patient
- Liable if fraudulent misrepresentation, or perform sm/t other that treatment consented to
- Failure to inform more likely to be negligence
Onus on… Def. / To prove consent – otherwise it’s battery
Defense / Consent
- Express or implied
- Can include failure to object (circumstantial)
Emergency Exception / Privilege to treat c/out consent to preserve life
- Unconscious
- Incapable of making a decision
- No one legally entitled to give consent around
- Urgent – waiting would cause harm
- Reasonable person would consent
Mental Security - intentional infliction of mental suffering
Intentional AND trespass / Need both intent to harm AND actual harmRequirements / Act/Statement must be outrageous/extreme
Intent to produce harm
Proof of harm/damage (objective, medically understood – physical or psychological) / Downtown
Floodgate / Where do you draw the line? Reasonable person would find conduct shocking/outrageous
False Imprisonment – confined against your will c/out legal authority
Intentional / Don’t need damages b/c intent is to interfere with fundamental right to freedomRequirements / False
- Physical OR mental
Onus on… Pl. / Just to prove they were imprisoned
Defense / Lawful (ie. authorized)
Wasn’t actually imprisonment / Burden on Def.
Reasonable efforts / Mistake of fact is not a defense, no matter how hard you try to figure it out
- BUT there is a distinction bt/ mistake and accident
- Must have intent (no intent in accident t/f no violation)