Ashfield Medical Centre – Patient Participation Group
Patient Participation Group
Ashfield Medical Centre
1 Perrydown, Wastel,
Beanhill, Milton Keynes.
Meeting Held on 26thSeptember2013 at 6:00pm
In Attendance:
Louise Barton (Practice Manager), David Carrel,David Cook, Pauline Ikin, Jean Mattinsley, Barbara Nash, Sue Ward, Bob Zimmer, Dr. Haye (part)
Russell Barker, Ann Hurry, John Napleton
- Approval of Previous Minutes
Minutes of previous meeting (15th August 2013) were approved.
- Update on Actions from the Previous Meeting
(Re Action 2.1):Whichmedical conditions are the most diagnosed within the Practice? The most diagnosed conditions are: ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Obesity, Drug / Alcohol Abuse, Mental Health, Work related Stress, Depression, Non work related Stress, Back Pain, Headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Respiratory Disorders.
(Re Action 2.2):The contact details for Healthwatch Milton Keynes have been added to the Practice Website under “Useful Links”.
(Re Action 2.3):How is the Minor Injuries Services working within the Practice? The duty doctor is handling 4 to 5 minor injuries per week with no impact to current service. The Practice will not actively promote this service until the new computer system has been installed towards the end of October 2013.
(Re Action 2.3):Posters advertising the Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September 2013 have been displayed in the waiting area and the event also advertised on the Practice Website.
(Re Action 3.1):Additional people are currently being trained on how to update the information on the display screens in the reception area.
(Re Action 3.2): Reservations were expressed on the displaying of “who’s who” on the Practice Website, but the display of such information in reception will be discussed further.
Action 2.1: Practice to consider the possibility of displaying “who’s who” in reception and as part of “who does what” display on the reception screen.
(Re Action 4.1):The Practice is keen to hold an information session about Medicine Management towards the end of October.
(Re Action 4.2):Sue, Pauline, Bob and Barbara have been working together to develop a draft patient questionnaire. Questions have been agreed in principal. The layout of the questions is still under discussion – for more details see section 4 (Patient Survey).
(Re Action 4.3): Practice to provide quantifiable measures for what the Doctors want from the PPG. Dr. Haye joined the meeting for the discussion on Ashfield Practice Matters. He confirmed that the most significant quantifiable contribution the PPG can make is to obtain feedback from patients (via patient questionnaire) and to act as a conduit for information to / from patients.
(Re Action 6.1): Date of next PPG meeting has been added to the PPG section of the Ashfield Website, but further updates still need to be applied.
Action 2.2: Practice to update the PPG section of the Ashfield Website to remove the PRG information, add a PPG introduction, PPG Terms of Reference, PPG Minutes from the meetings this year, and dates of future PPG meetings.
- Ashfield Practice Matters
Dr. Haye joined the meeting for this topic.
Two anonymous patient suggestions have been received in the suggestion box on the reception desk:
-Install a tea / coffee dispensing machine which would be payable by the patients. Initially it was thought that this could be pursued, but after further analysis, it was found to be too costly to install and maintain. The cost to patients would be unacceptable and therefore no further action will be taken.
-Install a bench and litter bin outside the Practice in the nearby vicinity for patients to use instead of having people standing around the surgery. The Practice leases the building and is limited with what it can do with fixtures and fittings. Unfortunately, the surrounding area outside the Practice is outside the Practice’s responsibility.
The Practice is undertaking extensive training of all staff in the new computer system to be installed later in the month. A memo to patients is available for patients to take away, informing them of the timetable of the proposed changes and how that impacts the availability of appointments and issuing of repeat prescriptions.
Action 3.1: Barbara to scan the “New Computer System” notification memo and forward to Sue for circulation to all PPG members.
The first Flu Clinic is to be held on Saturday 5th October 2013, 8:30am – 12:30pm.
A further Flu Clinic is planned for Thursday 24th October 2013, but this will be reserved for children.
Further Flu clinics will be scheduled after the installation of the new computer system has completed towards the end of the month.
Louise confirmed that a rota has been agreed with the doctors to ensure that a doctor will be present for the Ashfield Practice section of each meeting.
- 2013 Patient Survey
The draft Patient Survey 2013 questions have been designed to prompt patients to provide written feedback as well as the usual quick responses to questions. It is hoped that this would provide a more comprehensive view of patients’ experiences.
Two draft formats of the questionnaire have been drawn up, one with questions across the page and one with questions in two columns.
Action 4.1: Sue to email both survey formats to attendees, requesting comments to be returned to Barbara by end of Monday 30th September 2013.
This will allow time for final amendments to be applied in time for a Practice meeting on Wednesday 2nd October.
Action 4.2: Practice to provide comments on Patient Questionnaire to Barbara (post Wednesday’s meeting), so that it can be finalised in preparation for its use at the Flu Clinic on Saturday 5th October 2013.
It was agreed that the Patient Survey can be run for a period long enough to collect a good number of responses. It was suggested that the survey be available during the month of October, available at reception, and also on the Ashfield Practice Website.
Action 4.3: Gemma to provide copies of the questionnaire for patients to completeon Saturday 5th October 2013, and also make the questionnaire available on the Ashfield Website.
- Macmillan Coffee Morning Update
Jean has coordinated the planning of the Macmillan Coffee Morning for Friday 27th September 2013 with the Practice. We do hope that patients will support this initiative and give generously. It was agreed to suggest a donation of £1 for tea / coffee and an additional 50p for cake.
There will also be a “guess the number of coffee beans in a jar”, with the winner getting a prize of half the money raised in entering the competition (£2 per guess).
- Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) / Healthwatch Update
The Clinical Commissioning Group is investigating the operation of the A & E department of the Milton Keynes Hospital and how to improve it.
The “Winter Panic Money” issued by the government for MK Hospital is not as much as was hoped. Funding continues to be an issue.
Healthwatch are recruiting more staff, including a new manager, administration officer and a community officer.
The 111 system has still no adverse feedback in this area, although dental out of hours support requires some enhancements (which are currently being worked on).
- Any Other Business
The Practice has a defibrillator available, should one be needed.
Shirley, who worked in reception in the afternoons, has left the Practice. She will be missed and we wish her well.
The Practice recognises that there are times when there is a shortage of staff at reception. Plans are in place to recruit staff and ensure that 5 reception staff are available at peak times.
A new Healthcare Assistant, Sarah, joined the Practice on 16th September (replacing Glen, who left earlier in the year). She is currently on a training programme and will be working 32.5 hours / week.
The group expressed their thanks to Louise for her positive and proactive approach, and also acknowledge the amount of work being put into trying to keep the Practice running as usual during the transition to the new computer system.
- Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at6:00pm on Tuesday22nd October 2013 at the Ashfield Medical Centre.
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