MEMO: Board Meeting Minutes Date: May 28, 2015
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Place: Community Room at Laura Jeffrey Academy
5:30 / WELCOMEBoard members present:
Beth Murphy,Jacob Bonde, Geoff Howard, Peg Lonnquist
Secretary: Joy McBrien
Guest: Joe Aliperto, Jennifer Schiller, Jo Park
Absent:Jill Gaulding, Larvel Bunker, Anjie Flowers, Cindy Reuther (ex-officio)
Board practices
Fist-to-five decision making process: 1. Temperature 2. a. Majority vote or b. Research
Duty of care, Duty of loyalty, Duty of obedience / Meeting called to order at 5:40pm.
5:30-7:30 / Approvals & Discussion:
- Consent agenda and minutes (2 min)
- Financials(Joe) (15 min)
- Transition: (35 min)
-Update on Education Director
-Consulting contract
- Development / Garden Gala(Jen + Joy) (10 min)
- Bullying policy & enrollment policy (10 min)
- Annual meeting/ Summer Spectacular (5 min)
- New Board members (10 min)
- Raza & Macalester: lease conversations (10 min)
- Parent survey results (10 min)
- Revised minutes (5 min)
2. Joe presented financials. ADM at 131.3. We’re at 68% of revenue as compared to 83% target, but there’s a 10% state hold-back. Expenses are ahead of target. Cash flow looks good; no need to tap into line of credit. We will meet our $25,000 fundraisers budget; still working on getting grants. Board reviewed credit receipts. Financials approved (Geoff, Jacob). Joe discussed topics of the 2016 budget w/ the Board.
3.Recommendation to the Board is Jen Schiller as new Executive Director. Cindy has discussed this with staff. LJA hired a consultant to work with Education Director on areas to improve. Board approved Jen Schiller as Executive Director and leadership structure (Beth, Peg, all in favor).
4.Garden Gala raised over $13k. Many more grants to apply for in the upcoming months.
5. Jo presented the bullying policy. We do restorative practices for bullying behavior. Standard policy. Bullying policy approved (Beth, Geoff). Needed to fix enrollment policy (originally approved in 2011). Updated enrollment policy approved (Jacob, Geoff).
6.Annual Meeting is June 9th. Need speaker to represent the Board.
7.Need a parent to join the board. Board is in favor of new members joining us.
8. $350k, lease aid at $168k due to decreased enrollment. Talked with Raza—got a loan to do building improvements. No decrease in monthly payments. Meeting with Macalester next week.
9. Staff sent a survey to parents of all alumnae. Very low response rates, but positive feedback.
10. Minutes were revised to include description for Closed Meetings. All revised minutes approved (Beth, Geoff)
Next meeting: Thursday, June 25, 5:30-7:30pm
Annual Meeting/Summer Spectacular: Tuesday, June 9th at 6:30pm at Macalester
Promise:Laura Jeffrey Academy provides an environment where girls are free – to explore their potential, discover their brilliance and develop their intellect.