The Perth based District Court Registrars conduct chambers hearings for country matters by either video link or by telephone conference. The hearings are conducted about every second Friday in a list to be known as the “Country Chambers List”. The hearings will commence at 9.15am. A list of dates is below. The Associate to the presiding Registrar will contact the parties with the logistical details for the hearing a day or so beforehand.

The Court also sends a Perth based Registrar to Bunbury each month (as required). Bunbury matters may also be listed in the Country Chambers List.

To the extent that is practical, applications in the Country Chambers List will be dealt with on the first return. However, where it is evident that there will be lengthy argument (more than 10 minutes) or further material is required (eg responsive to affidavit evidence), the summons will be adjourned to a fixed date, either before a circuit Judge, or a Registrar, either in person or by video link or telephone conference.

Months / Video Link with Perth / Bunbury
JANUARY / Friday 29 / Thursday 21
FEBRUARY / Friday 12
Friday 26 / Thursday 18
MARCH / Friday 12
Friday 26
APRIL / Friday 16
Friday 30 / Thursday 8
MAY / Friday 14 / Thursday 27
JUNE / Friday 11
Friday 25
JULY / Friday 16
Friday 30 / Thursday 8
AUGUST / Friday 13
Friday 27 / Thursday 19
SEPTEMBER / Friday 10
Friday 24 / Thursday 30
OCTOBER / Friday 15
Friday 29
NOVEMBER / Friday 12
Friday 26 / Thursday 4
DECEMBER / Friday 17 / Thursday 2

For more information, see Circular to Practitioners CIV 2008/1, Country Chambers List.