PCWG Co-Chair Call

June 12, 2017

Convened 5 PM ET


Laura Heermann, Elaine, Michelle, Stephen, Michael Tan, Michael Padula , Kate Russel.

  1. Co-chair elections - any changes to the list need to go to Linda no later than June 16 – 5pm EST
  2. Laura, Michael Tan and Michael Padula will send Linda Jenkins with the position statement to get that taken care of.
  3. Virginia Lorenzi is asking for HL7 hot topics for the class she will be teaching this fall – See her email sent on may 24.
  4. Stephen sent a note to Virginia last year. Not sure we have anything new to add this year for care plan.
  5. Michelle is aware of some blockchain discussions happening on the zulip channel and will send info to Virginia about it.
  6. Elaine will send a note to Virginia regarding the value sets for allergy substances.
  7. Ioana PSS – an update please.
  8. They are trying to plan a meeting. No other updates.
  9. NIB deadline is June 25 – any planned PC Sept 2017 ballots?
  10. Elaine has a NIB that was approved last week in the PCWG Allergy meeting- Jay has taken care of it and it is being submitted.
  11. Clinical Status for C-CDA problem and allergy status value set changes STU comments postedhere– Lisa is aware of it. Deadline for C-CDA errata changes is June 30 (I believe)
  12. Stephen reports a couple of weeks ago – he joined the Structured Docs conference call and walked the group through the changes again. Proposed: 1) to un-deprecate the changed value set, 2) change the name of the template, 3) …. Agreed: To un-deprecate the two templates through a statement in the errata, and the statement of declaration will be in the next update of the CCDA implementation version. And to accept the two value sets. Stephen has taken it to the international patient summary project and they have accepted it.
  13. Dissolution of the Child Health – Michelle will ask Melva the status of the evote for the dissolution.
  14. Michele will also ask about the CH co chair elections
  15. Announcement: IHE Dynamic Care Team Management profile is out for public comment. Email was sent to PCWG list serv and LHSWG. Please provide comments.
  16. Due by June 25.
  17. Stephen will forward the original message to the team to have it at the top of the list.
  18. Assessment Scales ballot disposition
  19. Michael Tan: Motion made to approve the disposition comments on the ballot disposition comments spreadsheet. Elaine 2nd. Discussion: Clarification of the not persuasive and not persuasive with mod – and non-material findings. Abstain = 0, opposes = 0, approved = 5.
  20. Tomorrow: Michelle has agreed to to sit in on the BRR – to move the FHIR Adverse Event to PC. No chatter not to – 10 ET on the BRR call if anyone wants to discuss it. General sense from PCC – is for the move to happen. Will need to have joint sessions with them going forward to discuss the topic further.
  21. Question re: Call time? Keep it on the Thursday 5 pm ET call? Will discuss on the Thursday call to determine the time. Rick Smithies have done the work to date and he is in the UK.

Adjourned at 6 pm ET.