Name: / ID Number:
Curriculum Code: / C60130IN / Curriculum Title / Introductory Collision Repair and Refinishing
Advisor: / Matt Heimburg / Email: / / Phone / 828.627.4579
Course Prefix/Num / Course Title
AUB 111 / Painting and Refinishing I
AUB 121 / Non-Structural Damage I
AUB 131 / Structural Damage I
TRN 110 / Intro to Transport Tech
Total SHC for Core Courses:

Automotive Repair I (2 High School Credits, Term: Fall)

TRN-110 / Intro to Transport Tech / TRN-110
Class / 1 / Lab / 2 / Clinical / 0 / Work / 0 / Credit / 2
This course covers workplace safety, hazardous materials, environmental regulations, hand tools, service information, basic concepts, vehicle systems, and common transportation industry terminology. Topics include familiarization with major vehicle systems, proper use of various hand and power tools, material safety data sheets, and personal protective equipment. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate appropriate safety procedures, identify and use basic shop tools, and describe government regulations regarding transportation repair facilities.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate work place safety and hazardous waste disposal per OSHA and EPA guidelines that apply to relevant transportation industry work.
2. Given a vehicle or piece of equipment, students will be able to identify it and locate relevant service information in one or more industry-standard databases.
3. Demonstrate proficiency hoisting transportation vehicles through use of lifts and floor jacks.
4. Complete service repair orders with appropriate information: customer contact information; VIN; cause, concern, correction.
5. Identify and communicate about basic systems and terms associated with the transportation industry.
6. Distinguish between different transportation systems terms and components either on a written exercise or in a lab environment.
7. Demonstrate proper use and care of related transportation industry tools and equipment.
8. Correctly identify or describe government regulations associated with the transportation industry.
AUB-111 / Painting & Refinishing I / AUB-111
Class / 2 / Lab / 6 / Clinical / 0 / Work / 0 / Credit / 4
This course introduces the proper procedures for using automotive refinishing equipment and materials in surface preparation and application. Topics include federal, state, and local regulations, personal safety, refinishing equipment and materials, surface preparation, masking, application techniques, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and use proper equipment and materials in refinishing following accepted industry standards.

Automotive Repair II (2 High School Credit, Term: Spring)

Upon Successful completion of all course in Automotive Technology I and II, students will be eligible to receive a certificate in Automotive Systems Technology from Haywood Community College.

AUB-121 / Non-Structural Damage I / AUB-121
Class / 1 / Lab / 4 / Clinical / 0 / Work / 0 / Credit / 3
This course introduces safety, tools, and the basic fundamentals of body repair. Topics include shop safety, damage analysis, tools and equipment, repair techniques, materials selection, materials usage, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and repair minor direct and indirect damage including removal/repairing/replacing of body panels to accepted standards.
AUB-131 / Structural Damage I / AUB-131
Class / 2 / Lab / 4 / Clinical / 0 / Work / 0 / Credit / 4
This course introduces safety, equipment, structural damage analysis, and damage repairs. Topics include shop safety, design and construction, structural analysis and measurement, equipment, structural glass, repair techniques, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze and perform repairs to a vehicle which has received light/moderate structural damage.

Approved by the State Board of Community Colleges on October 21, 2011