Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access, and Retention among Latino/a Populations Initiative
Latino/ETAC Site: AIDS Arms, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Title of the Project/Intervention: Viviendo Valiente
PI: Manisha Maskay, PhD
Project Director:Martha Guerrero, BA
Evaluator: Nicole Chisolm, MPH
Intervention Characteristics:Intervention Start Date (or expected).
Intervention Description. Brief description of intervention components (ICs). / Community Level Intervention:
-Community Education
-HIV Testing Events
Individual Level Intervention:
-Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS)
-Strengths-based Counseling
-Motivational Interviewing (MI) Techniques
. What is the level of your intervention (e.g., individual, group, community)? / Community and Individual
. What portions of the HIV care continuum does each intervention component target? / Linkage to care and retention in care
. How have you adapted your intervention (e.g., culturally, transnational perspective)? / Assessment of cultural values and connections to Mexico will inform the delivery of all prevention and linkage to care.
. How will clients be identified? / Community outreach activities, HIV testing, group intervention, internal and external referrals.
Target Population: / Adults of Mexican-descent, ages 18 and older, living in the Dallas area
Target N= / 120
Planned process for pilot of intervention (if applicable). Description of pilot (which components, when, how many participants, how long) / n/a
Cross-site Evaluation Procedures:
Planned process for participant survey.
. When will/did you begin administration of participant survey? / January 2015
. How will clients be recruited for cross-site survey? / Community education events, HIV testing events, internal and external referrals.
. Who will administer the cross-site survey? / Data Collection/ Management Specialist
. Who will manage the cross-site survey data? / Data Collection/ Management Specialist & Evaluator
. Who will transmit data to ETAC? / Evaluator
Planned process for intervention exposure data.
. Who will collect the process data (intervention staff)? / Program Director, Evaluator, Promotores de Salud
. Who will manage the process data? / Evaluator
. Who will transmit process data ETAC? / Evaluator
Planned process for clinical data abstraction.
. To what clinics will you refer patients? / AIDS ArmsOutpatient HIVMedical Care Clinics: Peabody Health Center and Trinity Health and Wellness Center.
. Are any of these clinics external to your organization? / No
. Have you established a relationship with any/all external clinics? / No
. Have you identified technical staff who will be responsible for abstraction of clinical data? / Evaluator
. Have you established an MOU will any/all external clinics? / Yes for non HIV related specialty care
Local Evaluation (if applicable)
Planned process for local evaluation of ICs. Describe all components (formative, summative) of local evaluation / We completed a 3-phase community assessment, which included a literature review, focus groups and a stakeholder’s survey. This community assessment was used as the formative evaluation for determining the program design.
Program outcomes will be evaluated as outlined below.
Qualitative methods(if applicable). Describe qualitative methods to be employed [design (focus groups, key informant interviews), target population, number of groups/participants, data collection method, methods of analysis, products] / An annual anonymous client satisfaction survey will be distributed among study participants to assess Promotore ability to build rapport with clients.
Quantitative methods. Describe quantitative methods to be employed. [design, target population, number of participants, data collection methods, methods of analysis, products] / The assessment of individual level client outcomes includes successful linkage to care (completed 2 HIV medical appointments) and retention in HIV medical care (2 medical visits in the past 6 months, no more than 3 months apart). Individual level outcomes will be assessment by extracting client data from Promotoreencounter notes and electronic medical records.
At the community level we will assess the number of people of Mexican descent who are tested for HIV and the number of HIV positive people of Mexican descent who are linked to medical care. During community outreach, we will also use a cross-sectional approach for determining HIV knowledge. These brief knowledge assessments (presented as a brief survey) will be used as an introduction to clarify and elaborate HIV myths and facts. Testing data will be reported by the testing staff. Community level assessments will be based on convenience sampling. We will report basic frequencies and percentages. All data will be analyzed using SAS.
How do you plan to measure/monitor fidelity to your intervention (monitoring, supervision, etc.)? / Peer Review of client notes; Supervisor observation of fidelity to ARTAS, SBCM, and MI principles; chart audits
Study Organization:
IRB approval date (or expected) / November 25, 2014
IRB expiration date / November 25, 2015
Third All-Sites Meeting. December 11-12, 2014 UC Washington DC
(One-pager form 17NOV14)