Latin America Reading List

Graham, C. (1996) “Gender Issues In Poverty Alleviation: Recent Experiences with

Demand-based Programs in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe,” ILO Issues in Development Paper 11, 1996.

Buvinic, Mayra “Promoting Employment Among Urban Poor In Latin America And The

Caribbean: A Gender Analysis,” ILO Discussion Paper 12 (Geneva: ILO, 1996).

Marquez, G. (1999) 'Unemployment Insurance and Emergency Employment Programs in

Latin America and the Caribbean: an Overview', paper presented at the IADB Conference on Social Protection and Poverty, WashingtonD.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.


Fachelli, S., Ronconi, L. and Sanguinetti, J. (2004) 'Poverty and Employability Effects of Workfare Programs in Argentina', Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network: Call for Research Proposals. Buenos Aires: PEP.

Galasso, E. and Ravallion, M. (2003) 'Social Protection in a Crisis: Argentina's Plan Jefes

y Jefas. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 3 I65, Washington, DC.: World Bank.

ILO, Government Programs in Argentina- Education and Training,

<Accessed 30 June 2005>

ILO, 2005, 'EIIP: Argentina',

Jalan, J. and Ravallion, M. (1999) 'Income Gains to the Poor from Workfare: Estimates for Argentina's Trabajar Program', Policy Research Working Paper, 2149, WashingtonD.C.: World Bank.

Majeres, J. (2003) 'Employment-intensive investment and poverty reduction: The wider policy framework', ASIST Bulletin, No. 15.

Marquez, G. (1999) 'Unemployment Insurance and Emergency Employment Programs in

Latin America and the Caribbean: an Overview', paper presented at the IADB Conference on Social Protection and Poverty, WashingtonD.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.

Ravallion, M. (2002a) 'Are the Poor Protected from Budget Cuts? Evidence for Argentina’, Journal of Applied Economics. V(I): 95-121.

Ravallion, M. (2002b) 'An Automatic Safety Net?' Finance and Development, 39(2).

Ridao-Cano, C. (2003) 'Government services for the poor', Background Paper No.5,

Argentina- Crisis and Poverty 2003.~A Poverty Assessment, Washington, DC.: World Bank.

Tcherneva, Pavlina T., (2005), “The Art of Job Creation: Promises and Problems of the

Argentinean Experience” SFEPS Special Report.

Tcherneva, Pavlina T. and R.L.Wray, (2005),”Employer of Last Resort: A Case Study of

Argentina’s Jefes Program” C-FEPS Working Paper No.41.

Tcherneva, P. and L. R. Wray (2005) “Gender And The Job Guarantee: The Impact of

Argentina’s Jefes Program on Female Heads of Poor Households”, C-FEPS Working Paper No. 50, December 2005.

Tcherneva, P. and Randall Wray, L. (2005) 'Is Jefes de Hogar an Employer of Last

Resort program? An assessment of Argentina's ability to deliver the promise of full employment and price stability', CEEPS Working Paper, No. 43.

Weitz-Shapiro, R. (2004) 'Plan Trabajar and the Politics of Workfare Distribution in Argentina', paper prepared for the Graduate Student Conference, New York: ColumbiaUniversity.

World Bank (2003) Argentina- Crisis and Poverty 2003: A Poverty Assessment, Washington, DC: World Bank.

World Bank (2003b) Implementation Completion Report: 26134-AR, Washington, DC.: World Bank.

World Bank (2002) Proposal Appraisal Document On A Proposed Loan In The Amount Of $350 Million To The ArgentineRepublic For The Heads of Household Transition Project, World Bank Report No: 23710-AR, 2002.