COURSE: Motivation (PSY 440) Fall 2012

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Douglas Engwall

Email: Website:

PREREQUISITES: Three courses in psychology

OFFICE: Marcus White 214 PHONE: 832-3104 (Please leave messages at email)


REQUIRED TEXTS: Understanding Motivation and Emotion. Reeve. 5th Edition.

Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl. (various paperback editions)

An exam will follow the completion of each section. Exams may contain multiple choice, definition, short answer, matching, or short essay.

Each exam is worth 100 points. Exams will not be cumulative, although later course material does refer back to earlier concepts.

Make-up exams will be given by appointment only for Exam 1. Make-up exams for Exams 2 and 3 will be given with Exam 4 during final’s week.

An additional 30 points will be earned through notes taken on videos (5 pts each) shown in class (in part to encourage regular attendance). Videos must be viewed in class; they will not be available for viewing outside of class.

Grades will be assigned on the basis of the total number of points earned.

Exam points: 400

Video reviews 30 (10 points of extra credit may be added)

Total course points430

A RangeB RangeC RangeD Range

90-100% 80-89% 65-79% 50-64%

Extra credit: 5 pts each for up to 2 movie or articles related to course material. Be sure your extra credit relates to motivation (e.g. setting and/or achieving goals). Suggestions include most movies dealing with sports, survival, overcoming addiction, personal loss and recovery. These can be turned in the day of Exam 1, 2 or 3 but no work will be accepted after last regular class meeting. The extra credit points are added to the points for video reviews

Attendance and participation may influence marginal final grades. Attendance is expected and participation is encouraged.Withdrawals and incompletes are difficult to obtain.Please ask questions at any time during class. Feedback is appreciated.

Students are held responsible for all announcements and information given during class meetings and for the completion of all coursework. If you miss an assignment or an exam, you are responsible for the completion of missed work.

The use of cell phones or other electronic devices for any purpose is prohibited during class meeting time.Please power down your devices before class begins.

PSY 440 Outline: Fall 2012

DateTopic Readings in Reeve


9/4Scope and themesChap. 1

9/6Historical perspectivesChap. 2

9/11-13The motivated brainChap. 3

9/18-20Biological needs (hunger, wt control)Chap. 4

9/25Exam 1

9/27-10/2Intrinsic/extrinsic motivation Chap. 5

10/4-9Psych. needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness)Chap. 6

10/11-16Social needs Chap. 7

10/18Exam 2

10/23-25Cognitive perspectives(goal setting/achievement)Chap. 8

10/30-11/1Personal control (empowerment vs helplessness)Chap. 9

11/6-8Emotions (roles and regulation) Chap. 11

11/13Exam 3

11/15Personality (sensation seeking and addiction)Chap. 13

11/20Unconscious motivation (Freud’s legacy)Chap. 14

11/22Thanksgiving (no class)

11/27Discussion on Man’s Search for MeaningFrankl

Please read book before class meeting.

11/29-12/4Positive PsychologyChap. 15

12/6Conclusion & Evaluation

All extra credit due.

12/13Exam 4 (2:00 pm)NOTE special time.

Make-ups for Exams 2 and 3.

**October 23 is calendar midterm, last day to drop course.