P. O. Box 171
Beltsville, MD 20704-0171
I agree to have my name placed in nomination for election to the Board of Directors of the Calverton Swimming Club, Inc. in the election to be held on September 6, 2015. If the election is rescheduled, this authorization will remain in effect unless cancelled by me in writing.
I understand that, if elected, I will begin serving a two-year term of office on the day following the election. I have read the Operating Manual drafted by the Board of Directors, and agree to come to meetings of the Board of Directors held at least monthly. I am interested in serving on the Board in any one of the following elected positions, and/or on the following committees, and/or liaison positions listed on page 2 this form ______.
I submit with this agreement the endorsement of five other regular members (owners) of the Club, as indicated by their signatures. I request that ______be my representative among the election judges. (Election judges may not be candidates.)
ENDORSEMENT OF CANDIDACY - Signatures of 5 owners required
1. NAME ______ACCOUNT NUMBER ______
SIGNATURE ______DATE ______
2. NAME ______ACCOUNT NUMBER ______
SIGNATURE ______DATE ______
3. NAME ______ACCOUNT NUMBER ______
SIGNATURE ______DATE ______
4. NAME ______ACCOUNT NUMBER ______
SIGNATURE ______DATE ______
5. NAME ______ACCOUNT NUMBER ______
SIGNATURE ______DATE ______
Rev. August 2015
Board Positions
Elected Offices
1. President
2. First Vice President
3. Second Vice President
4. Treasurer
5. Asst. Treasurer
6. Secretary
7. Assistant Secretary
For elected offices, if there is one person nominated for the office, we will vote by acclamation. If there is more than one person who would like to seek the office, we can hold an election by ballot. The person who gets the majority vote will hold the position.
Standing Committees (A person may express an interest in serving on more than one committee. One person on the committee will act as chair of that committee.)
1. Operations/Engineering
2. Membership
3. Social
Newsletter is a subcategory of Membership and Social.
Liaison (You may express interest in more than one liaison position.)
1. Swim/Dive Team
2. Volleyball
3. Handball
4. Horseshoes
5. Management Company
6. Staff
7. Montgomery County Swim Clubs
Other liaison positions may be created as necessary by the President.
Tasks and Reporting Responsibilities
September / Preside over General Membership MeetingPreside over Board Meeting[s] – Election of Officers
Appoint Committee Chairs and Members
October / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
November / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
Notice to Postmaster of officers and authorized mail recipients
Update Articles of Incorporation as needed – official address and
Resident Agent
December / No board meeting.
January / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
February / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
March / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
April / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
May / Preside over Board Meeting[s] – Plan for food
June / Preside over General Membership Meeting
Preside over Board Meeting[s]
July / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
August / Preside over Board Meeting[s]
September / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meetingSend agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
October / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
November / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
December / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting.
January / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
February / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
Prepare notice of General Meeting to be sent with dues notices
Prepare outline of Handbook; distribute assignments
March / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
April / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
May / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
Prepare and publish Handbook one week prior to Opening Day
June / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
July / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
Prepare notice of second General Meeting
Post notice on web site and e-mail to members
Prepare nomination forms and information for elections
August / Email Board meeting notice 10 days prior to meeting
Send agenda, including advance reports, two days before meeting
Prepare and send minutes within 10 days of meeting
Prepare and publish minutes of General Meeting
Oversee Election pursuant to Election Procedures
September / T – Reconcile Manager’s Fund – Closeout to off season modeT – Finish collecting cash receipts – close out for winter
T – Immediately after closing – Seasonal Suspend 301-572-9838
October / T – Update signature cards for bank accounts
R – Preliminary Income / Expense and Budget Reports
R – Initial draft of next years budget
November / R – Update Income and Expense Report
R – First review of Budget Expenses
December / No board meeting.
R – Final Income and Expense Report for prior year ending 11/30
January / Budget – cut spending to match income, consider methods to
increase income
February / T – Gather tax information to deliver to tax preparer. Target date for
Completion of tax return is March 31.
R – Final review and approval of Operating Budget for the year
March / T - File Tax Return by March 31
April / T - Apply to Montgomery County for Property Tax Credit
May / T – Just prior to Opening Day – restore service to 301-572-9838
T – Set up cash register prior to Opening Day
T – Load changer in soda machine
T – Begin weekly collection, recording and deposit of cash income
June / T – Reconcile Managers Fund on 1st of month thru season
T – Weekly collection, recording and deposit of cash income
T – Deposit Social Event Income as received
July / T – Reconcile Managers Fund on 1st of month thru season
T – Weekly collection, recording and deposit of cash income
T – Deposit Social Event Income as received
August / T – Reconcile Managers Fund on 1st of month thru season
T – Weekly collection, recording and deposit of cash income
T – Deposit Social Event Income as received
September / T - deposit any money from closing weekend. Attend board meeting and General Membership meetingOctober / T - attend board meeting.
T – update signature cards for bank accounts
November / T-work on budget with board input, attend board meeting
December / No board meeting.
January / T-attend board meeting
February / T-attend board meeting
March / T-attend board meeting. Mid-March meet with membership chair/committee to mail dues notices. Check PO Box daily for dues payments. Return any forms not signed or incorrect. Pass on completed forms to membership chair. Make dues deposits daily. Pass on deposit slips to treasurer for recording.
April / T-attend board meeting. Continue to check PO Box daily for dues payments, return any forms not signed or incorrect, pass on completed forms to membership chair, make deposits daily, pass on deposit slips to treasurer for recording.
May / T-attend board meeting. Mid-week before Opening Day meet w/membership committee to sticker ID cards. Opening Day weekend work with membership committee at tables handing out ID cards and handbooks. Continue to check PO box daily; make deposits daily; pass on deposit slips to treasurer.
June / T-attend board meeting. First week-confirm unpaid memberships with membership chair so that 2nd dues notices can be mailed. Continue to check PO Box daily, make deposits daily, pass on deposit slips to treasurer. Deposit social income as soon as possible following events. Attend General Membership meeting.
July / T-attend board meeting. First week confirm unpaid memberships with membership chair so that 3rd dues notices can be mailed. Start collecting money from volleyball and horseshoe commissioners to be deposited. Make deposits from social events, pass on slips to treasurer. Meet with Membership Committee to determine need and design of any mid-season special offerings.
August / T-attend board meeting. Check PO Box daily for late dues payments. Deposit income daily from dues and social events.
Membership Committee Mission Statement
The Mission of the Membership Committee is: [1]To attract and retain members who are willing to pay annual dues to participate in all of the activities that the Club has to offer; [2] To facilitate the sales of memberships from existing members to new members; and [3] To ensure that the information maintained on individual members, including their financial obligations to the Club, is accurate.
September / Purge renter list; update patch records; mail sales offer letters toSingle Season Members
October / Monitor and follow-up on sales; prepare budget requests
November / Monitor sales; prepare revocation letters
Solicit articles for Holiday Newsletter
Prepare Newsletter for December distribution
December / Submit dues revenue proposals to Board
Submit membership revocation list to Board if the Board meets
January / Present list of memberships revoked to Board,
Determine sales plan for revoked memberships.
Finalize dues structure for coming year as part of the Budget process.
February / Review and update all membership forms; monitor voice mail
Prepare Newsletter to send with dues notices, including notice
Of General Meeting
March / Monitor voice mail; send and receive dues notices and payments
Distribute news letter and post on line
April / Monitor voice mail; receive and process dues payments
Distribute Club Marketing material as requested by members
May / Monitor voice mail; send second notice to late payers
Prepare lists of current members for pool staff
Prepare Opening Day Newsletter
Schedule and organize photo sessions for new members
June / Prepare suspension letters as needed;
Develop dues plan for those who join during the season
Advertise membership availability on line as needed
Collect marketing signs and durable materials
July / Mail suspension notices; Obtain Board approval of discount plan
August / Secure membership books at Club
Transfer computer equipment to data entry coordinator
AS NEEDED / Determine Sales Plans and Specials as indicated
Operations and Engineering Committee Mission Statement
To ensure that all operational elements of the Club function in a manner that is cooperative and complementary, and that the Club itself functions in a similar manner in relations with its neighbors, community and applicable regulatory agencies. To plan and execute programs to ensure that all facilities of the Club function at the highest possible state of safety, readiness and efficiency throughout the operating season.
September / Receive employee evaluations from ManagerInventory of facilities and equipment
Recommendations regarding service contracts for next year
Coordinate end of season walkabout
Schedule and conduct end of season review with Management Company
Schedule removal of blue and white awnings
Schedule removal of pumps and motors
Inspect snack bar for proper shut down
Schedule relocation of soda machines to secure location
Coordinate termination of trash removal services for the winter
Inventory picnic tables, benches, and chairs for off season needs
October / Review staff evaluations, make bonus recommendations
Schedule shut down of sprinkler system
Schedule shut down of plumbing and domestic water
Submit budget requests
Start to collect proposals for any major repair, replacement,
or new construction projects
Recommend service and management contract renewals or rebids
November / Submit supplemental budget needs
Prepare and share snow removal plan for the winter months
January / Arrange for winter service for tractors
Submit supplemental budget needs
February / Designate & Announce Volunteer Day
Ensure grass cutting contract is in place
Establish calendar dates for draining, cleaning and refilling the pool;
this is a 13 day process that should end the day before inspection
by Montgomery County Health Inspectors
Establish contractor or vendor for landscaping
March / Develop and plan chores for Volunteer Day, establish dates to order
and receive material
Schedule installation of pumps and motors
Review Club Rules in Handbook; prepare changes to present to Board
April / Haz Mat Permit – self or through Management Company
Ensure applications are made for Health Department Permits for
Pool, snack bar, and occasional food service
Coordinate Swim and Dive Schedule with Manager
Restart domestic water system
Schedule steam cleaning of snack bar exhaust system
Schedule opening and testing of sprinkler system
Schedule re-hanging of blue and white awnings
Schedule delivery and pickup schedule for trash receptacles
Schedule relocation and pre season service of soda machines
Oversee Volunteer Day
Inventory Swimming Ability Patches and order replenishment as needed
Present rules changes to Board for consideration
May / Confirm schedule for installation of pumps and motors
Schedule delivery and pickup schedule for trash receptacles
Schedule and monitor testing and cleaning of deck drains
Schedule start of bath room sanitizing operations
Oversee draining, cleaning and refilling of pool by contractor; ensure
schedule is met
Order initial supply of product for soda machines
Inspection by Montgomery County Health Department [scheduled
by Management Company]
Inventory picnic tables, benches, and chairs to establish season base
Wash and wax front sign (auto wax)
Re-install basketball rims and nets
June / Employee evaluation forms and process to Manager
Monitor performance of staff, work with Manager as needed
Coordinate repairs with outside vendors for problems beyond the
ability of staff members to correct.
July / Monitor performance of staff, work with Manager as needed
Coordinate repairs with outside vendors for problems beyond the
ability of staff members to correct
Start on list of off season repair and replacement projects
August / Monitor performance of staff, work with Manager as needed
Coordinate repairs with outside vendors for problems beyond the
ability of staff members to correct
Make pool closing plans
Confirm employee evaluations are on track
Dog Day recommendation to the Board of Directors