Latin 2, 3, 4

Instructor: Dr. Vincent Dever



Latin 2: Ecce Romani 2; Language Activity Book IIA and IIB

Latin 3: FabulaeRomanae; Workbook in Latin, First Year

Latin 4: The Romans Speak for Themselves, Bk 1 and 2; Workbook in Latin Two Years


The goal of this course is to help students read Latin texts with comprehension in compliance with the California State Standards of communication, content, cultures, settings and structures. Along with studying vocabulary and grammar, students will learn about Roman history and culture as well as Greek and Roman mythology. Homework will consist of learning a list of Latin vocabulary, practicing points of grammar through exercises or translating an assigned text. Each semester the student will give a class presentation on a chosen topic. There will be weekly quizzes and tests to measure student progress along with required semester exams. Students are expected to keep a current notebook and up-to-date planner. The breakdown of student grades is as follows:

semester exams10%Grading Scale

homework20%A = 90 - 100%

notebook/planner10%B = 80 - 89%

class presentation10%C = 70 - 79%

quizzes20%D = 60 - 69%

tests30%F = 0 - 59%


Course policies are guided by Mary Star’s expected schoolwide learning results of: Catholicism, nourishing the soul; Character, cultivating personal integrity; Curriculum, challenging the mind; and Community, fostering social responsibility. In light of these ESLRs the following policies are maintained:

[1]Homework is assigned on a regular basis and is due in class. Late homework is accepted for partial credit. Exception is made for excused absences.

[2]Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to start work before the final bell tone. Any other condition is considered a tardy.

[3]Make-up tests and quizzes are allowed for absences and in special cases.

[4]Cheating on tests/quizzes/exams and copying/allowing another to copy homework is a violation of personal integrity resulting in no credit and disciplinary action as noted in the Parent/Student Handbook.

[5]Students must have all required materials in class and missing textbooks will result in a detention.

[6]Extra credit work will be given only for academic work.

[7]Academic detentions will be given for missing 3 consecutive assignments that must be made up after school. 1 out of 3 points per assignment will be given.

[8]Respectful behavior from both instructor and students is expected at all times in line with character and community. Students should remain quiet and attentive in class. Students may not leave their desk without permission. Disruptive behavior will result in teacher detentions and a possible dean’s referral.

[9]Students may NOT use cellphones between the hours of 8 am and 220 pm. No open containers of food or drink aside from a clear, bottled water may be used in school buildings.

The instructor reserves the right to add any further policies as needed. Homework and teacher messages can be accessed at the website and at


I have read and understand the above course description and policies.

Printed name ______

Signature ______Date ______