ESL L40: Intermediate-Low Listening & Speaking (25178)Sacramento City College
TTh 9:45 am-11:50 am RS 270Spring 2011
Instructor: Barbara Toupadakis Office Hours:
Telephone: (916) 558-2143 MW 1:10-2:30 pm
Website: T 12:00-1:00 pm usually
E-mail: (but 1-2:00 on 1st & 3rd Tues.)
Grades Site:Th 12:00-1:00 pm
Textbooks:Now Hear This!3rd edition, Heinle Cengage, 2010.
Well Said, Grant, Heinle Cengage, 2009 * 3rd ed.
(recommended) The Heinle Picture Dictionary, Heinle, 2005.
Materials:8 1/2” x 11” lined notebook paper and binder & dark ink pen for writing
A flash drive if you will record electronically ortwo new 30-minute cassette tapes (no mini cassettes accepted) if you are not making your recordings electronically.
Course Description:ESLL 40 is a graded four-unit course that focuses on helping you develop the listening and speaking skills needed to succeed in college courses. You will work on developing phrases and sentences to communicate your ideas in familiar situations and on improving your pronunciation skills. This course will prepare you for ESLL 50.
Prerequisites:In order to stay in this class,you must give me one of the following by the second class, Thursday, or you will be dropped from this course.
- your grade transcript showing a C or better in ESLL 30
- test scores from the assessment center placing you in ESLL 40
Corequisite:Youmustalso be enrolled inESLL 90and complete27 hours (1/2 unit) in the ESL Center. ESLL 90 provides intensive practice in oral communication skills needed for success in ESLL 40. If you do not complete 27 hours in the ESL Center by the end of the semester, you will not be able to enroll inESLL 50.
Advisory:Althoughit is not necessary, it is best for you to also take ESLW 40 and ESLR 40 along with this course.
Course Goals:At the end of this course you should be able to
- recognize sound/symbol correspondence in American English.
- demonstrate an understanding of and produce stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns of American English.
- recognize difference in mood and meaning created by applying, rhythm, and intonation correctly.
- demonstrate the ability to participate in conversation on a variety of topics, including personal information, interests and activities, instructions, directions, and telephone use.
- produce speech that is understandable to the listener with minimal effort.
- demonstrate understanding of and ability to use vocabulary covered in the course in spoken English.
Methods of Instruction:1. Spoken and recorded lectures and listening exercises
- Dictations
- Comprehension exercises
- Whole class, small group, and pair discussion exercises
- Pronunciation exercises
Methods of Evaluation:1. Listening tests of material practiced in class and of material not
previously heard
- Dictations, tests, and quizzes
- Recorded assignments
- Oral presentations and/or face-to-face oral interview with the instructor
- Class participation and attendance
- Homework
Attendance, Tardiness,Regular attendance is very important in this class. If you have an
and Leaving Earlyemergency, please call me and leave a message. You are allowed two absences in the semester. Your grade may be lowered and you may be dropped if you miss more. Also, please be on time. Coming late or leaving early 3 times equals one absence.
Preparation & Participation:Not doing homework assignments, not paying attention, and not participating in class will result in a lower grade.
Classroom Behavior:In this class you will be expected to
- speak only English.
- turn off cell phones.
- not speakto your classmates during class unless I ask you to do so.
If any of the above continues to occur after being warned,you may be asked to change seats or leave class.
HomeworkHomework assignments are to be completed on time and turned in on
my desk at the beginning of class or emailed before class.
1 class late=10 points deducted from the grade
More than 1 class late= grade of zero
Absent= must turn in the homework on the day you
return to class; will not be accepted for full
credit later.
Classwork, Quizzes & TestsClasswork, quizzes, and tests cannot be made up under any
circumstances. If you miss a test or a quiz, you will receive a zero. The dates of tests will always be announced. Quizzes will not usually be announced. The final must be taken on the scheduled day. There are no make-ups for the final.
Please use the heading format below for all homework:
(top of paper)
Assignment (book, page, exercise #, for example: NHT1 p.10 ex.2 NameESLL 40
Date Due
Grading:To pass ESLL 40, you must have aminimum average of 70% on tests.
Homework, Quizzes, Class Participation15%
Tests, Recorded Assignments, Presentations, Interviews70%
Cumulative Final Exam15%
Cheating:The following are considered cheating and will earn a grade of zero. Students who cheat repeatedly may receive an F in the course.
- talking to another student during a test or quiz
- looking at another student’s work during a test or quiz
- copying from another’s work on tests, quizzes or homework
- allowing another student to copy from your work
- using notes, a dictionary, or a book during a test or quiz
Final Examination:You must take the final on Tuesday, May 17, 10:15-12:15 p.m. If you are planning to take a trip, arrange to leave after your final exam. There will be no early exams.
Student Access Card:If you have not yet done so, please go immediately to the College Cafeteria or the Learning Resource Center to get your Student Access Card. (You have already paid for it in your student fees.) This card will serve as your Official College Photo ID, your Library Card, your Printing Card, and your Regional Transit Pass for all bus and light rail systems in Sacramento, Yolo, Folsom, El Dorado, and Elk Grove.
iMailPlease activate your iMail account if you haven’t already done so. You can do this online on the SCC website. It is much easier for me to contact everyone in the class through iMail when I have an announcement. . If you do not have an active iMail account, you may miss important information. You can have your iMail delivered to your regular email if you wish.
Help & Special Needs:If you need to give me a message, you can either phone me or send me an email message. If you need help or need to see me, please feel free to come to my office hours. You can also come to my office hour to practice pronunciation. If you have any special situation affecting your learning that I should know about, please let me know.
Classmate Contacts:Write down the names and phone numbers of three classmates you can call to find out the assignment if you were absent or didn’t understand it.
- Save your recording as an MP3 or WAV file.
- You can email it to me or bring it in on a flash drive on or before the due date.
- I will send you a link (through where you can access the corrected recording or I can load it onto your flash drive. Read #5-7 below.
- Buy twonew high quality, 30-minute cassette tapes. (do not bring old used tapes)
- Write your name and phone number on both tapes. Then, write the word STUDENT on one tape and TEACHER on the other tape. Do not erase either tape during the semester.
John Smith (916)775-5555 STUDENT
Side A / John Smith(916)775-5555 TEACHER
Side A
Always tape your exercises on the STUDENTtape.Never tape anything on the TEACHER tape. You will only listen to the teacher’s comments.
- Practice the exercise before you do the final taping; (practice on a different cassette.) When you are ready, tape the exercise on the tape labeled STUDENT. Begin taping on side A or side 1. Before you give it to me, listen to the tape to be sure that you have recorded all of the exercise and that the sound quality is good. Also, after you complete your recording, please rewind the cassette to the beginning point of that particular lesson so that I can begin listening to you without having to rewind. Turn in both tapes (STUDENT AND TEACHER) each time along with the exercise sheet.. Fold the exercise sheet, wrap the tapes with it, and use a rubber band to keep them all together.
- You can either tape your exercises at home if you have a good quality tape recorder, or
reserve a time for the ESL Lab soundproof booth on main campus by writing your name on the sign-up sheet on the door. You can sign your name and walk in if no one is using the soundproof booth.
- Bring the tapes to class on the day the exercise is due. Your score will be based on how well you have put into practice the principles we have learned in class, not on how good your overall pronunciation is. Ten points will be deducted for tapes which are one class late. After that, I will not accept them and you will get a zero for that assignment. The 4 taped assignments are worth 40% of your grade.
- When I return your tapes, listen to the TEACHER tape. You will hear your recording with my corrections and comments. Note improvements you can make next time and practice. DON’T ERASE YOUR RECORDING OR THE INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENTS! These are to help you improve your pronunciation by listening and practicing.
- Recorded exercises are due on the following days (this may change depending on how quickly we cover the material):
- Thursday, March 10Recorded Exercise #1
- Tuesday, May 3 Recorded Exercise #2
Note: All students are welcome to come to my office to practice the results of each recorded exercise
with me. Students receiving a C or below on any recorded exercise who come to practice with me will receive5 extra pointsonthat exercise if a serious effort is made to practice.
Course: ESLL 40: Intermediate-Low Listening and Speaking Spring 2011
TuTh 9:45 am-11:50 am RS 270 (LEC - 25178) Professor: Barbara Toupadakis
Week / Class # / Day/date / Assignment1 / 1 / T
JAN 18 / Introduction to Course
Listening Diagnostic
2 / TH
JAN 20
2 / 3 / T
JAN 25
4 / TH
JAN 27
3 / 5 / T
6 / TH
4 / 7 / T
8 / TH
FEB 10
5 / 9 / T
FEB 15
10 / TH
FEB 17
6 / 11 / T
FEB 22
12 / TH
FEB 24
7 / 13 / T
14 / TH
8 / 15 / T
16 / TH
MAR 10 / Taped Ex.1 due
9 / 17 / TMAR 15
18 / TH
MAR 17
10 / 19 / T
MAR 22
20 / TH
MAR 24
11 / 21 / T
MAR 29
22 / TH
MAR 31
12 / 23 / T
24 / TH
13 / 25 / T
APR 12
26 / TH
APR 14
14 / 27 / TAPR 26
APR 28
15 / 28 / T
MAY 3 / Taped Ex.2 due
29 / TH
MAY 5 / presentations
16 / 30 / T
MAY 10 / presentations LAST REGULAR CLASSbefore final.