Section 6.2 of the SPP Standards of Conduct states:

When SPP exercises discretion in implementing the SPP Transmission Tariff, the SPP shall maintain a log, subject to Commission audit, detailing the circumstances and manner in which this discretion was exercised. The information contained in this log is to be posted on the SPP OASIS.

Date Posted / Information
8/31/07 / On August 29, 2007 a SPP Tariff Administrator inadvertently sold Non-Firm Daily service across the Blackwater DC tie that should not have been sold. Non-Firm Daily service may be sold if ATC is available. Hourly Non-Firm ATC for the next day across a sold out DC tie is not available until noon. The transaction in question took place at approximately 0730 am. The operator on duty mistakenly sold unscheduled Firm service thinking 50 mw of Non-Firm was available.
3/26/08 / Renewal of reservation 344550 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day of termination renewal window per directions from the policy and regulatory group. The renewal reservation number is 1430677.
3/26/08 / Renewal of reservation 425834 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day of termination renewal window per directions from the policy and regulatory group. The renewal reservation number is 1430682.
9/12/08 / Request #1510704 was submitted to replace request #1351242 due to 1351242 being inadvertently withdrawn by customer during the aggregate study process. The queue time of request #1351242 will be honored for all intents and purposes during evaluation of request #1510704.
1/8/09 / On January 8, 2009, an employee of a SPP member affiliated with a marketing group was inadvertently allowed into the unoccupied area of the control center while on SPP business. This individual was not able to see any transmission or market sensitive information.
2/17/09 / On February 17, 2009, request 1567817 was incorrectly refused due to an administrative oversight. Therefore, the request was returned to STUDY status after the oversight was recognized.
5/11/09 / Request #1351224 was put back in the Study mode after being inadvertently withdrawn by customer during the aggregate study process.
6/5/09 / On June 5, 2009, request 1285947 was incorrectly refused due to an administrative oversight. Therefore, the request was returned to STUDY status after the oversight was recognized.
9/29/09 / On September 29, 2009, TSR 1457802 was incorrectly withdrawn by the customer during the aggregate study process. Therefore, the request was returned to STUDY status after the customer informed SPP of the mistake.
10/05/2009 / Reservations 7346887, 73468890 and 73468897 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1337138, 1352732 and 1352923 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/05/2009 / Reservation 73471563 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1353103 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/6/2009 / Reservation 73471563 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1353103 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study
10/07/2009 / Reservation 73475444 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1350945 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/09/2009 / Reservation 73481614 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1351224 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/13/2009 / Reservations 73492669 and 73492678 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1353054 and 1353055 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/13/2009 / Reservations 73492582 and 73492604 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1352933 and 1352938 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/13/2009 / Reservation 73490561 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1355377 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/14/2009 / Reservation 73495585 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1353013 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/14/2009 / Reservation 73495901was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1350396 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/15/2009 / Reservation 73498429 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1510704 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
10/19/2009 / Reservations 73508818, 73508825, and 73508833 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1451376, 1003123, and 1451377 due to the addition of capacity to a Designated Network Resource reservation.
10/19/2009 / Reservation 73510002 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 73508833to correct an administrative error with the start date.
10/20/2009 / Reservations 73512720, 7351273, and 73512724 were allowed to replace invalid reservations to match with executed AFS Agreement and NITS Application for SPP-2009-AGP2.
10/21/2009 / Reservation 73514045 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 73492582 to correct an administrative error with the POD.
10/26/2009 / Reservation 73522030 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1352193 due to the delay of the results of the 2007 AG-3 study.
11/18/2009 / Reservations 73597949, 73597954, 73597961, 73597964, 73597966, 73597973, 73598127, 73598143, 73598158, 73598167, 73598177, 73598183, 73598188, 73598239, 73598243 and 73598337 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 73454569, 73454590, 73454592, 73535971, 73454575, 73454572, 73454571, 73454574, 73454577, 73454579, 73454586, 73454588, 73454589, 73535971, 73535968, and 73454570 respectively due to incorrect start and stop times which cause the replaced TSRs to be invalid. Due to incorrect automated system setting, the replaced TSRs were not placed in INVALID status although they were invalid.
11/25/2009 / Reservation 73618429 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 73428471 to correct an error with the start date.
12/28/2009 / Reservations73719657, 73720113, and 73720759 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to rollover existing DNRs to SPP NITS.
12/29/2009 / Reservation 73724364 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 73618429 to correct an error with the start date.
01/29/2010 / Reservations,73826783,73826624,73826626,73826631,73826632,73826634,73826636,73826637,73826844 73826847,73826600,73826614,73826531 was allowed to be submitted within the timing requirements due to the transitioning of NPPD reservations for SPP reservations.
4/21/2010 / Reservations 74072789 and 74073016 ware allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1405543 and 1404908 respectively to correct an error with the start date.
4/22/2010 / Reservations 74072789, 74077189, 74077190, 74077193 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1405543 and 1404908 to correct an error with the start date.
4/26/2010 / Reservations 74097640, 74086234, and 74088317 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1458766, 1458767, 1405809, 1457913, and 1458487 to correct an error with the start date.
4/29/2010 / Reservations 74107415, 74107432, 74107443 and 74107462 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1403996, 1404448, 1457536, and 1458533 to correct an error with the start date.
4/29/2010 / Reservations 74108417 and 74108409 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservations 1458487 and 1458207 to correct an error with the start date.
4/30/2010 / Reservations 74117758, 74116096, and 74115867 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace requests 1404463, 1405664 and 1454686 to correct an error with the start date.
5/3/2010 / Reservation 74116547 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace request 1457802 to correct an error with the start date.
5/21/2010 / Reservations 74127933, 74127934, and 74127955 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace requests 1458727, 1458728 and 1458732 to correct an error with the start date.
5/28/2010 / Reservations 74236802, 74236811, and 74236821 were allowed to replace reservations 73512720, 7351273, and 73512724 to match with executed AFS Agreement and NITS Application for SPP-2009-AGP2.
6/1/2010 / Reservation 74243470 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace Master NITS request 73235886.
7/7/2010 / Reservation 74434813 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 1561537 to correct the start date, stop date, and source.
7/13/2010 / Reservations 74455924, 74456131, 74456178, 74457204, and 74456207 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace requests 1541894, 1568248, 1518831, 1518806, and 1518842to correct errors with the start dates and source/sink and POR/POD information.
7/16/2010 / Reservation 74474523 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 74455924 to correct the stop date.
7/19/2010 / Reservations 74485948 and 74485950 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace requests 1565734 and 1565735 to correct errors with the start dates and source/sink and POR/POD information.
7/22/2010 / Reservation 74496701 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 1518845 to correct the start date and sink information.
8/3/2010 / Reservation 74537964 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 1562368 to correct the start date and stop date.
8/13/2010 / Reservation 74574542 was allowed to replace reservation 74234060 which was inadvertently withdrawn by the customer for SPP-2010-AGP1.
8/16/2010 / Reservation 74582938 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 1566503 to correct the transmission service, start date, and stop date.
8/18/2010 / On August 6, 2010 Requests # 74236802, 74236811, and 74236821 were inadvertently withdrawn by the customer during the aggregate study process. Therefore, the requests were returned to STUDY status based on the customer informing SPP of their commitment to remain in the study within the15 day response time of the letter of intent.
9/2/2010 / Reservation 74644173 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 74456207 to correct the source and POR information to more accurately reflect the service studied.
Reservation 74644198 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to combine 2 partial path TSRs into one reservation for scheduling purposes.
9/8/2010 / Reservation 74658153 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements because it has been determined to have GFA rights.
9/30/2010 / Reservation 74702322 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace TSR 74610975 to correct the source information.
9/30/2010 / Transmission Service Request 74735793 was allowed to be submitted outside of the Attachment P Timing Requirements due to completion of SPP DPT study SPP-DPT-2010-003.
10/25/2010 / On October 21, 2010 Request # 73194190 was inadvertently withdrawn by the customer during the aggregate study process. Therefore, the request was returned to STUDY status based on the customer informing SPP of their commitment to remain in the study within the15 day response time of the letter of intent.
10/25/2010 / Reservation 74639580 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 74619719to correct an error with the amount of service requested.
11/8/2010 / Reservation 74870730 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace reservation 1460510 and to include 74565608 in the new Master Load request.
11/12/2010 / TSRs 1616406, 1616407, 1616408, 1616409, 1616410, 1616411, 1616412, 1616413, 1616414, 1616415, 1616416, 1616417, 1616418, 1616419, and 1616420 were restored to STUDY status in order to allow all eligible requests to compete per SPP Business Practice 2.12 and to reset the clock.
11/22/2010 / Reservation 74855787 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace Master NITS request 1492235.
12/02/2010 / For reliability reasons, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO South Reliability Coordinator to override AFC failure validation on reservation 74566762 to assist in providing stability to the bulk electric system.
12/10/10 / For reliability reason, at 1101, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO North RC to override non-firm AFC for flowgate 6104 for period of 12-11-10 00:00 until 12-16-10 00:00.
12/10/10 / At 1127, SPP RTO TA complied with SPP RTO North RC and rescinded directive to override non-firm AFC for flowgate 6104 for period of 12-11-10 00:00 until 12-16-10 00:00.
12/10/10 / For reliability reason, at 1128, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO North RC to override non-firm AFC for flowgate 5228 for period of 12-11-10 00:00 until 12-16-10 00:00.
12/12/10 / At 1307, SPP RTO TA complied with SPP RTO North RC and rescinded directive to override non-firm AFC for flowgate 5228 for period of 12-11-10 00:00 until 12-16-10 00:00.
12/22/10 / Reservations 74882785, 74882808, and 74882810 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements because a Completed Application for Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) was received in accordance with the 60 day timing requirements to rollover GFA to SPP NITS.
12/30/2010 / Reservations 74940190 and 74940313 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace 74814235 that was received in accordance with the 60 day timing requirements to rollover existing service to SPP NITS.
1/7/2011 / For reliability reasons, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO South Reliability Coordinator to override AFC failure validation on reservation 75085556 to assist in providing stability to the bulk electric system.
2/2/2011 / For reliability reasons, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO South Reliability Coordinator to override AFC failure validation on reservation 75212814 to assist in providing stability to the bulk electric system.
2/7/2011 / For reliability reasons, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO South Reliability Coordinator to override AFC failure validation on reservation 75239412 to assist in providing stability to the bulk electric system.
2/8/2011 / For reliability reasons, SPP RTO TA complied with a directive from the SPP RTO South Reliability Coordinator to override AFC failure validation on reservation 75246676, 75246690, 75246696 to assist in providing stability to the bulk electric system.
2/14/2011 / Reservation 75224809 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace reservation 1499239 and 74289965 to update actual reserved amount.
2/15/2011 / Reservation 75284384 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace 73453272 to correct the sink information
2/16/2011 / Reservation 75240489 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace 73441073 and 73441080 to correct the sink information. Reservation 75242559 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace 73441050 and 73441061 to correct the sink information. Reservation 75242630 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace 73441055 and 73441065 to correct the sink information.
2/28/2011 / Reservations 75336989 and 75200227 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirements to replace 74934367 and 74934408
that were received in accordance with the 60 day timing requirements to rollover existing service to SPP NITS.
3/18/2011 / Reservations 75401876, 75402065, 75402069, 75402090, 75402099, 75402102, 75402111, 75402120, 75402122, 75402126, 75402128, 75402129, 75402138, 75402143, 75402148, 75402156, 75402231, 75402299, 75349494, 75349503, 75349507, 75402384, 75402413, 75402421, 75349545, 75349552, 75349562, 75406648, 75406653, 75406660, 75402446, 75402448, 75402460, 75402711, 75402731, 75402737, 75402762, 75402778, 75402810, 75402838, 75402846, 75402854 were allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace requests that were studied in 2009-AGP2.
3/22/2011 / Reservation 75340891 was allowed to be submitted within the 60 day timing requirement to replace the request that was studied in 2009-AGP2.


Business Practice 4.5 states:

Schedules are due 20 minutes prior to the implementation of the schedule. Tags received less than 20 minutes prior to the implementation of the schedule will be considered late and will generally be denied. Subject to the sole discretion of the SPP Reliability Coordinator, late tags may be accepted for system reliability reasons. These exceptions will be posted the next day with the following information: Tag ID, reason for exception & PSE that created the tag.

Exceptions made to date are:

Date of Exception / Date Posted / TAG ID / PSE / Reason for exception
11/07/05 / 11/08/05 / NPP_TEA01T0A5607_INDN / TEA01 / TRANSMISSION WENT NEGATIVE
11/07/05 / 11/08/05 / CSWS_SPSMS10092068_SPS / SPSMS1 / DC BUMPED BY FIRM
11/07/05 / 11/08/05 / MPS_UCUMO0028121_INDN / UCUMO / LACK OF GENERATION
11/14/05 / 11/15/05 / OKGE_WRGSRT0199171_WR / WRGSRT / REDBUD TRIPPED
4/6/06 / 4/7/06 / KCPL_SEPCPM0000829_SECI / SEPCPM / 30 MW Short due to TLR on 6007
4/6/06 / 4/7/06 / EDE_SEPCPM0000832_SECI / SEPCPM / 30 MW Short due to TLR on 6007
4/6/06 / 4/7/06 / SPA_SPSMS10100838_SPS / SPSMS1 / Lost Gen and TLR on 6007
4/6/06 / 4/7/06 / CSWS_CSWMEO0041939_SPS / CSWMEO / Lost Gen and TLR on 6007
4/6/06 / 4/7/06 / CSWS_CSWMEO0041945_SPS / CSWMEO / Lost Gen and TLR on 6007
7/24/06 / 7/24/06 / OKGE_WRGSRT0245211_WR / WRGSRT / Unit late coming on line
6/01/10 / 6/03/10 / SPS_GSECG0230347_SPS / GSECGS / Recovery from SPS RSS event