Last update: 06.02.2012 godz. 12:10
Team leader: Prof. dr hab. Piotr Pragacz.
- prof. dr hab. Slawomir Cynk
- dr hab. Slawomir Rams (Jagiellonian University)
- dr hab. Halszka Tutaj-Gasinska (Jagiellonian University)
- dr Jaroslaw Buczynski
- dr Grzegorz Kapustka
- dr Karol Palka
PIOTR PRAGACZ did his PhD Thesis in 1981 and Habilitation in 1990. He is the head of Department of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry at IMPAN since 2000. His current mathematical interests overlap: algebraic geometry (and especially intersection theory), algebraic combinatorics (and especially symmetric functions), and global singularity theory (and especially characteristic classes of singular varieties and Thom polynomials).
His Habilitation was devoted to Schubert varieties and degeneracy loci of morphisms of vector bundles, the main topic being P-ideals of degeneracy loci.
Major research achievements: P. Pragacz has published about 70 papers, some of them in top mathematical journals, e.g., Journal Amer. Math. Soc. (1), J. Differential Geom. (2), Advances in Math. (3). He has MathSciNet Math. Rev. 415 citations by 250 authors. In 1998, he published with
William Fulton the book "Schubert varieties and degeneracy loci", Springer LNM 1689.
He has pioneered in P-ideals of degeneracy loci, and co-pioniered in:
- application of Schur functions to algebra: In particular he proved with Sergeev a fundamental formula in the theory of supersymmetric functions,
- (with Lascoux) proving the Ribbon Formula,
- (with Srinivas) classyfying manifolds with the diagonal property,
- (with Lascoux) recently applying the Schur functions to Thom polynomials,
- (with Weber) recently proving results on positivity of Thom polynomials.
He was editor of 3 books: 1. "Topics in cohomological studies of algebraic varieties", Birkhauser, 2005, 2. "Algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas and moduli", Birkhauser, 2007, 3. "Hoene Wronski: zycie, matematyka i filozofia", IM PAN, 2008.
He is also the editor of the forthcoming volume "Contributions to Algebraic Geometry" - to appear in the EMS Publishing House, 2012. His most recent research is about Thom polynomials of Legendrian singularities.
The most recent interest of Pragacz is about characteristic classes of singular varieties, and on the Debarre conjecture about the characterization of Jacobians among principally polarized abelian varieties, via the diagonal property.
In 2000 he invented at IM PAN the seminar IMPANGA, which became an international forum of algebraic geometry.
Piotr Pragacz plans a 1 month visit at MPI in Bonn to work on characteristic classes and abelian varieties. He plans a 1 month visit in RIMS at the University of Kyoto to work on
mixed Hodge modules with Professor Morihiko Saito. He plans a 1 month visit at IMS Chennai to work with Professor D.S. Nagaraj on abelian varieties. This will be a continuation of an earlier contact. He also plans a 1 month visit at the Unversity of Washington in Seatle to work with Dr Dave Anderson on geometric and combinatorial aspects of equivariant cohomology.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the
subject of characteristic classes.
SLAWOMIR CYNK is a middle stage experienced researcher (19 year after PhD).
He adviced PhD theses of G. Kapustka and M. Kapustka, both on the subject of Calabi-Yau manifolds. His research interests in last years concentrated on various aspects of Calabi-Yau manifolds including: certain geometric constructions of Calabi-Yau manifolds (especially double octics and generalized Kummer construction in higher dimensions), arithmetic properties of Calabi-Yau threefolds (modularity, Calabi-Yau threefolds in positive characteristic non-liftable to characteristic zero).
Another area of interest of S. Cynk is study of invariants (especially the Euler and Hodge numbers, dimension of the deformation space) of resolutions of singular hypersurfaces. He has recent joint papers with the following foreign mathematicians: E. Freitag, K. Hulek, R. Salvati Manni, M. Schuett, and D. van Straten. His current research (in collaboration with van Straten) concentrates on geometric construction of Calabi-Yau equations. Calabi-Yau equation is a special type of a Picard-Fuchs equation originally associated to a variation of Hodge structure on a Calabi-Yau threefold. This project aims on a construction of a large class of Calabi-Yau threefolds (preferably desingularized fiber products of elliptic surfaces) with Picard number one, or with a geometrically significant rank 4 submotive of the middle cohomology for which the Picard Fuchs equation can be computed.
Another project (with S. Rams) deals with nodal hypersurfaces and complete intersections in projective spaces. This project includes study of non-factorial complete intersections with small number of nodes.
Cynk plans a 6-12 month visit to the University of Mainz to collaborate with Duco van Straten on the above project. A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of Calabi-Yau manifolds, geometric properties and applications.
SLAWOMIR RAMS obtained his Ph.D. From the Jagiellonian University in 1999, and his habilitation at Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg in 2006. He is author (or co-author) of about 20 papers and preprints. His recent research interest overlaps the following two topics:
1. The geometry of Calabi-Yau varieties with special emphasis on methods of computing their Hodge numbers. Recent interesting results on this area (defect-type formulae for resolutions of hypersurfaces satisfying Bott-type conditions with A-D-Esingularities) were obtained in collaboration with S. Cynk. The important question how to generalize such results to the case of higher codimension or higher singularities remains open, but certain results for hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces have been recently obtained by R.N. Kloosterman and K. Hulek.
2. The geometry of (resolutions of) surfaces with emphasis on properties of hypersurfaces that carry many singularities (respectively fixed-degree rational curves). After several papers on low-degree hypersurfaces in three-dimensional projective space, the most recent preprint by S. Rams on
this subject with M. Schuett from Hannover contains the proof of the fact that Barth quintic surface has Picard number 41. The latter result is obtained using positive-characteristic techniques and properties of K3 surfaces.
Rams cooperated with W.P. Barth (Erlangen), M. Schuett (Hannover) andA. Sarti (Poitiers).
Rams plans a 6-month visit to the University of Mainz to cooperate with Prof. D. van Straten on the topics 1. and 2. He plans a 1-year visit to the University of Hannover to cooperate with Prof. M. Schuett on the 2nd topic. He plans a 3-month visit to the University of Poitiers to cooperate with Prof. A. Sarti on the 2nd topic. He plans a 2-month visit to the Humboldt University in Berlin to cooperate with Prof. R.N. Kloosterman on the 1st topic.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of Calabi-Yau manifolds and the geometry of resolutions of surfaces.
HALSZKA TUTAJ-GASINSKA is a researcher working on topics concerning local and global positivity of line bundles on algebraic manifolds. In particular, she works on some connections between the positivity of line bundles on algebraic surfaces in general points and symplectic packing of the surfaces. She has visited mathematical institutions (e.g. in Essen, Barcelona, Ghent) and colaborated with mathematicians there.
Tutaj-Gasinska plans to visit the University of Barcelona for two-three months to work with Joaquim Roe on Seshadri constants and related topics.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of Seshadri constants.
JAROSLAW BUCZYNSKI is a young researcher 4 years after receiving his PhD, after a period of his postdoctoral mobility within the Marie Sklodowska Curie program International outgoing fellowship. His research so far concentrates on three subjects: contact manifolds, toric geometry, and secant varieties. Thanks to his publications and numerous travels and research visits to universities and research institutes in Europe, US and Australia, and South Korea, he has become a worldwide recognized expert in these subjects. His plans are to continue the research in these three areas, as well as to approach problems in the geometry of Calabi-Yau manifolds and hyperkaehler manifolds. He is certainly an attractive collaborator to numerous researchers and has some experience in mentoring mathematicians on earlier stages of their career. The subject of secant varieties is a classical subject of algebraic geometry, which has recently become important and popular due to its applications to signal processing and statistics. We plan to focus on an interaction between scientists and engineers, which is important as the two societies speak different language and for instance some well know problems for engineers have been solved by mathematicians a decade earlier. So definitely there is a need for communication and improving the dictionaries between the two areas.
Jaroslaw Buczynski plans a 3 month visit to University of Oslo to collaborate with Professor Kristian Ranestad on the following two topics: secant varieties and their generalizations, and Calabi-Yau manifolds. This would be a continuation of a collaboration that commenced in 2011. Another 3 month visit is planned to University of Zurich to collaborate with Dr Michal Kapustka on the subject of hyperkeahler manifolds and contact manifolds.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of secant varieties and their interactions with applications.
GRZEGORZ KAPUSTKA is a young researcher 4 years after his PhD. His thesis concerned primitive contractions of Calabi-Yau manifolds where the main result is the counstruction of several examples of new Calabi-Yau threefolds with Picard group of rank one. His research is now concentrated on hypekahler manifolds. More precisely he works on the O'Grady program of classification of hyperkahler fourfolds, where he recently made a significant progress.
Kapustka after his numerous research visits in several Universities in Europe finds a collaboration with famous mathematicians in this area. He has also an experience in mentoring mathematicians on an earlier stage of their carrier (the advisor of two master students).
Kapustka plans a 2 month visit in the University of Roma to collaborate with Prof. Kieran O'Grady on his conjecture about hyperkeahler manifolds. He plans also a 2 month visit to the University Paris VI (or de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) to collabotrate with Prof. Laurent
Gruson. This would be a continuation of a collaboration on a special case of the O'Grady conjecture.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of hyperkaehler manifolds.
KAROL PALKA is a young researcher, who obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Warsaw in 2009. In his thesis he studied the class of Q-homology planes, i.e. complex surfaces having rational homology of a plane. The main result was a major generalization of a theorem of Koras-Russell on contractible surfaces, which was a crucial step in the proof of the Linearization Conjecture for C* actions on C^3. Results from the thesis and his further research led to classification results for arbitrarily singular Q-homology planes. Palka collaborates with researchers in affine geometry in Japan, France and Canada. His research is now concentrated on the following three topics:
- Analysis of singularities and fundamental groups of Q-homology planes of general type.
- Study of homologically trivial complex threefolds, in particular the class of contractible threefolds, which is crucial for the Zariski Cancellation Conjecture.
- Classification of closed C* embeddings into the plane and extension of the methods to analyze cuspidal curves in P^2.
Palka plans a 6-month visit in RIMS, Kyoto, Japan to collaborate with Prof. Masayoshi Miyanishi and Prof. Takahashi Kishimoto (Saitama University) on contractible threefolds and methods of the log Minimal Model Program. He plans a 4-month visit in Dijon, France to collaborate with prof. Adrien Dubouloz on contractible threefolds. He also plans a 3-month visit in Montreal, Canada to continue his collaboration with prof. Peter Russell on plane C* embeddings and on the Coolidge-Nagata conjecture.
A 1 year postdoctoral position will be opened for applicants to work on the subject of complex affine geometry.
Team leader: prof. Wojciech Zajaczkowski
- prof. Teresa Reginska
- dr Joanna Renclawowicz
- dr Tomasz Cieslak,
- phd student Jan Burczak
Outside members:
From University of Warsaw:
- dr hab. Piotr Gwiazda
- prof. Piotr Mucha
- dr Agnieszka Swierczewska – Gwiazda
- prof. Grzegorz Lukaszewicz
- prof. Piotr Rybka
- prof. Dariusz Wrzosek
- dr Bernard Nowakowski
From Systems Research Institute:
- prof. Irena Pawlow
From Warsaw University of Technology:
- dr hab. Ewa Zadrzynska
- dr Adam Kubica
Research objectives:
- Analysis of weak and regular solutions to models arising from fluidmechanics, especially Navier-Stokes equations, magnetohydrodynamics,non-Newtonian fluids.Problems of existence of global solutions, regularity, optimal regularity,qualitative behavior, stability and asymptotics.
- Analysis of models from the crystal growth theory and image processing.Looking for new approaches giving nice properties of solutions in order tohave relations to computer simulations.
- Free boundary problems, especially the dynamic contact angle problem.Existence, stability and asymptotic behavior.
- Parabolic systems. Existence and regularity of solutions. Relation tonon-Newtonian fluids.
- Mathematical Biology. Studies of morphogen transport and chemotacticprocesses related to cancer growth simulations.
- To develop numericalanalysis for solving unstable differential problems which occur in manyscience and engineering applications and which can be classified as theinverse - or ill-posed ones. They are among the most complicated ones.Thermoviscoelasticity and Cahn-Hilliard equations.Qualitative theory and asymptotic analysis of solutions to equations offluid mechanics, attractors.
Research programme in relation to the State-of-the-art:
- Fluid mechanics delivers still plenty of challenges for mathematicians. Theknowledge of stability of solutions is very poor. The regularity problem ofweak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations in the three-dimensional caseis an open problem, one of the most important issues in mathematics('Millenium problem')
- The regularity theory for general parabolic systems, including non-diagonalones, and non-Newtonian Navier-Stokes equations are still open problems.
- The rudiments of theory for the free boundary problem are well investigatedbut there are still many open questions related to physically reasonablesystems which cannot be solved using standard techniques.
- The field of inverse and ill-posed problems has certainly been one of thefastest growing areas in applied mathematics.
- Many important new results on the regularity of global solutions tothermoviscoelasticity and Cahn-Hilliard equations have been proved recently.
- The studies on qualitative properties of solutions of hydrodynamics are coreinterest for mathematicians and there is substantial progress in this field.
Major research achievements:
W. M. ZAJACZKOWSKI has 136 papers in leading journals like: Comm. Math. Physics, SIAM Jornal of Math. Analysis, Comm. Pure and Applied Analysis, Math. Methods in Applied Sciences, MathSciNet citation: 247 by 108 authors. His main research directions are:
- Parabolic and elliptic equations in the Sobolev weighted spaces
- Global regularity of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in domains with slip boundary conditions
- Free boundary problems for compressible NSE .
P. B. MUCHA has published 54 papers in top journals like: Comm.Math.Phys., J.Differ.Eqs., IMRN. MathSciNet Index citation: 119 by 57 authors. He is a head of the National PhD Programme in Mathematical Sciences 2009-2015. Born in 1973, he has become one of the youngest full professors in Poland. He pioneered in:
- qualitative behavior of systems with slip boundary conditions
- monodimensional results for the models from the crystal growth theory
- weak solutions to compressible steady flows. Many rewards, fellowships and grants as Humboldt fellowship, the prize of the Minister for Science for the best young scientists.
T. REGINSKA is a head of a small laboratory of numerical analysis at IMPAN. She published 30 papers; mostly cited is joint with L.Elden and F. Berntsson Wavelet and Fourier methods for solving the sideway heat equation, SIAM J.Sci.Comput (2000)(/ISI Web of Sciences: 62 citations).
T. PIASECKI has 3 publications in journals like J.Diff.Equations, JMAA. J.Renclawowicz has published 18 papers. MathSciNet Index citation: 18 by 39 authors.
P. GWIAZDA has published 26 papers. MathSciNet Index citation: 55 by 29 authors He is the head of the International PhD Programme Mathematical Methods in Natural Sciences.
A. SWIERCZEWSKA-GWIAZDA has 12 publications. MathSciNet Index citation: 15 by 10 authors.
T. CIESLAK has 9 publications, MathSciNet Index: 36 by 24 authors. He specializes in mathematical theory of chemotaxis and asymptotic analysis of parabolic systems.
P. RYBKA has 39 publications, MathSciNet Index: 203 by 120. His main field of interest is viscoelasticity and crystal growth models.
G. LUKASZEWICZ has 52 publications, MathSciNet Index: 197 by 119 authors. He is renowned specialist in theory of asymptotic behavior of solutions of partial differential equations.
D. WRZOSEK has 32 publications, MathSciNet Index: 209 by 114 authors. He is working on mathematical biology, chemotaxis.
I. PAWLOW has 67 publications, MathSciNet Index: 216 by 107 authors. She is working in thermoviscoelasticity, Kelvin-Voigt model and Cahn-Hilliard equations.
E. ZADRZYNSKA has 26 publications, MathSciNet Index: 41 by 11 authors. Her research concerns free boundary problems for equations of fluid mechanics.
Current Research:
W. M. Zajaczkowski is working on Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin-type conditons for axially symmetric solutions to NSE. He is also investigating the stability of solutions to compressible NSE.
P. B. Mucha is ivestigating the regularity of weak solutions to compressible NSE. He is also working on the problems of crystal growth.
T. Piasecki is investigating the existence of regular solutions to stationary compressible NSE.
J. Renclawowicz is investigating the existence of solutions for inflow-outflow problems for NSE.
P. Gwiazda and A. Swierczewska- Gwiazda are working on non-Newtonian fluids with
nonstandard rheology.
T. Reginska has studied an extension of the inverse problem theory to the case of unbounded operators on the basis of the model Cauchy problem for the Helmholtzequation.
B. Nowakowski is working on micropolar and magnetohydrodynamics equations.
J. Burczak is doing research on regularity of solutions to non-newtonian Stokes systems. E. Zadrzynska is studying the stability of special solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
I. Pawlow is investigating sixth-orded Cahn-Hilliard equations.
Existing collaboration:
Praha, Paris 12, Hannover, Kiel, Ulm, Essen, Freiburg, Chemnitz, RICAM Institute (Austria), Darmstadt, Sankt-Petersburg, Oxford, Suwon (Korea), Iowa City, Tokyo, Ferrara, Naples.
Future Research Plans:
- Regularity of weak solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations(Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin conditions). Existence of global regularsolutions under some geometrical and analytical restrictions.
- Stability of special solutions to incompressible and compressible NSE.Existence of stationary solutions. Problems of inflow-outflow.
- Shape optimization for incompressible and compressible flows.
- The free boundary problems for magnetohydrodynamics, which can be treated asa starting point for the pinch and the fusion problems.
- Measure-valued, weak and regular solutions for non-newtonian fluids andgeneral parabolic problems. Problems of the flow of non-Newtonian fluids withgrom conditions given by an N-function (solutions in Orlicz spaces).
- Analysis of the flow of polymers. Combining the equations for macroscopicquantities with microscopic structure of the fluid. Existence of solutionsand singular limits to the system with implicit rheology.
- Theoretical foundation and numerical methods of inverse problems fordifferential equations on bounded domains related to problems in currentinterdisciplinary science.