Emergency Response Plan


Security: (702) 306-5529

First Aid: (702) 306-5529

Event Office: (702) 278-3989

Las Vegas Metro Police: (702) 755-2501 (MCV)

Emergency Procedures

Emergency 911 procedures:

Call 911. Indicate street and closest address. Do not use booth number. Then call the Event Office to report. (702) 278-3989

First Aid non-emergency procedure:

Call the Event office. The Event office will dispatch First Aid.

If a fight breaks out or you identify weapons:

Call Metro (702) 755-2501

First Aid

First Aid is located in the Western building.

Company: Guardian Elite Medical Services (GEMS)

Contact: Sam Scheller

Phone: 702-274-9442 (can also be reached on Radio, First Aid channel)

Ambulance will be parked on South 8th Street.


Company: Century Security Inc.

Contact: Robert Marshall

Phone: (702) 306-5529

Hospital Information

Closest Emergency Rooms

University Medical Center(2.1 miles -10 minutes)

1800 W Charleston Blvd

Las Vegas, NV 89102

Open 24 hours

Closest Quick Care

Quick Care Las Vegas

Urgent Care

311 S Maryland Pkwy

Las Vegas, NV 89109

Closest Trauma Center

University Medical Center (2.1 miles - 10 minutes)

1800 W Charleston Blvd

Las Vegas, NV 89102

Open 24 hours

Closest Pediatric Center

Sunrise Children’s Hospital

3186 S Maryland Pkwy

Las Vegas, NV 89109

Closest Pharmacy

Walgreens (.3 miles)

495 Fremont Street

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Fire Station (.7 miles – 3 minutes)

421 S 15th Street

Las Vegas, NV 89104

Police Station (.5 miles – 3 minutes)

621 N. 9th Street

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Key Contacts

  • Mike Clark, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 756-4210
  • Mindi Cherry, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 429-1255
  • Chuck Schwartz, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 303-3453
  • Jeff Pressman, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 303-1199
  • Laurie Dorough, Downtown Project (702) 556-9431
  • Robert Marshall, Century Security (702) 306-5529
  • Rick Marini, Las Vegas Metro Police (702) 902-0930

Safe Places

In the event of a crisis that impacts the physical environment of the event, such as explosion, fire, plane crash, earthquake or chemical event, it is likely that specific meeting points may not be accessible to key staff. Event Management has established two locations within the rally and one location for emergency evacuations out of the Rally area.

  1. Western Building – Event Office
  2. Llama Lot – southeast corner
  3. Parking Lot on South 11th behind Family Food Mart

Map to Emergency Evacuation Locations


Risk Awareness

It is the personal responsibility of each and every employee to maintain a state of alertness and readiness in respect of conditions in their immediate area of activity.

For example, spotting a potential fire hazard and disabling it is better than having to fight a fire.

Asking “whose bag is this?” of a group of people and establishing its innocence is preferable to having to call on a hazard team to remove it.

Risk Assessment

In the examples quoted, an individual assessed an immediate risk in a current situation and took appropriate action that successfully eliminated it. However, it is clear that the risk not only remains but actually elevates if, again for example, no ownership of a suspicious package can be established.

Complacency - ‘”it couldn’t happen here” – is our worst enemy. Preparedness for any eventuality is our best safeguard.

Risk Identification

Natural Disasters (Acts of God)

  • Wind / Storms / Rain
  • Lightning Strikes / Fires
  • Communicable disease
  • Earthquakes

Fights between Biker Gangs

Man-Made Disasters

  • Protests / Demonstrations
  • Riots / Demonstrations
  • Violence (including random shooting) by groups or individuals
  • Attack on essential services (electricity, water, air-handling)
  • Bombs planted in vehicles or elsewhere
  • Chemical or biological attack
  • Fire-setting
  • Hazardous mail
  • Hazardous or toxic spill or incident.
  • Hostage taking
  • Nuclear incident
  • Suicide bombing
  • Terrorist Act

Accidental Disasters

  • Service Failure (power, water, communications)
  • Fire
  • Food or environment-borne illness
  • Transport services breakdown
  • Building Collapse

Risk Avoidance

In the following pages, systems have been put in place including personnel to implement those systems and procedures to be followed in implementing them are set out, so that the confusion and uncertainty that are easily created by emergencies and or crises are minimized or eliminated.

Because of the widely-varying degree of risk that emergencies pose and actual harm that a crisis can cause, the full responsibility of responding and communicating to the various parties affected do not fall on any one individual. We have elected to utilize a procedure that places responsibility for decisions on actions to be taken with a team of qualified officials (see “ERT” below). Doing so allows us to respond to emergencies and crises when one or more members of the team are unable to function in a designated capacity.
With the rare exceptions mentioned below, no individual employee is empowered to unilaterally decide how to handle an incident that poses a threat in any way to the smooth, normal, amiable conduct of Las Vegas BikeFest or a rally activity, nor to communicate any information or respond to any questions to any party other than the ERT in respect of abnormal incidents that may arise.

The major responsibility everyone has is to communicate information to the ERT relative to such incidents, rapidly, accurately and calmly, so that ERT can make appropriate decisions on actions required, and to then carry out those actions when instructed to do so. Nonetheless, there are common-sense steps one can follow that reduce or mitigate some dangers and these are referred to below, as appropriate.

Everyone must familiarize themselves with the contents of this document and understand the roles that they would play in the event of an emergency / crisis.

Risk Handling

We have established an Emergency Response Team (ERT), consisting of some or all of the following key decision-makers as considered appropriate.

  • Mike Clark, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 756-4210
  • Mindi Cherry, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 429-1255
  • Chuck Schwartz, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 303-3453
  • Jeff Pressman, Las Vegas BikeFest (702) 303-1199
  • Laurie Dorough, Downtown Project (702) 556-9431
  • Robert Marshall, Century Security (702) 306-5529
  • Rick Marini, Las Vegas Metro Police (702) 902-0930

Should conditions arise that cause us to suspect the probability that one or more of the situations described under Risk Identification above may imminently arise, Mindi Cherry, Event Manager, will convene an ERT meeting at a convenient location and advise members that a state of EMERGENCY exists. Should one of the situations described under Risk Identification above actually occur, any member of the ERT will alert the others (through the Event Manager first, if feasible) that a CRISIS situation exists and all members of the ERT will assemble in a pre-determined safe location or, if that location becomes unreachable, an alternative pre-determined safe location. Here are all the SAFE PLACES in order of selection:

  1. South Lot Pavilion (Western Building)
  2. North Lot (Llama Lot)
  3. Parking Lot on South 11th behind Family Food Mart


The ERT will determine the level of preparedness necessary to handle a potential threat and direct personnel accordingly. A forecast of a storm will require that personnel be directed to quite different duties and posts than a bomb threat or harm to an individual. Once assigned, personnel will follow the procedures for reporting and contacting as specified below.


By the above definition, a crisis may develop in a manner and at a speed that requires personnel to react in a pre-planned fashion, utilizing procedures that have been agreed upon even though direct contact or instruction may be lacking. The Event Manager or his appointed deputy will:

  • Arrange for all personnel to be trained in these procedures
  • Maintain emergency/crisis training records
  • Document drills, practice runs and exercises
  • Prepare and maintain critiques
  • Keep a detailed record of events covered by this document
  • Account for personnel following such events
  • Maintain a record of injuries and their follow-ups
  • Coordinate notification of family members



Great harm to Las Vegas BikeFest, exhibitors, attendees or contractors, may be caused by
conflicting or inaccurate comments made to the media, no matter how sincere, innocent or well-intentioned they may be. If you are approached by ANYONE for an opinion other than an ERT member concerning an emergency situation that has arisen, including but not limited to causes, blame, responsibility and insurance, you must decline comment and refer such inquirers to the ERT.

It is imperative that all information released be timely and accurate. Even the appearance of withholding information can be harmful to Las Vegas BikeFest or the event. One of the ERT’s primary responsibilities will be to ensure that the fullest information relating to emergencies or crises is communicated to the media in timely fashion. Unless otherwise decided upon at an ERT meeting, this will be done ONLY by the ERT Event Manager or his representative.


Prior to any announcement, the ERT will determine:

  • Who needs to know this information?
  • What exactly do we want to communicate to each specific audience?
  • Who is responsible for communicating this information to specific audiences?
  • What are the best avenues for communicating this information to specific audiences?
  • What are the timelines for communicating this information to specific audiences?
  • Does each ERT member with such responsibility have all the facts and fully understand the situation?

It is important to remember that admitting to a problem and concentrating on what is being done to remedy it has proven to be far more effective in quashing negative image than fighting it, regardless of the truth.


In the event of a crisis developing, including a fire, a non-responsive collapsed person, a fight, etc., call the 911. Indicate street and closest address. Do not use booth number. Then call the Event Office at (702) 278-3989 to report. The Event Office personnel will call Chuck Schwartz at (702) 303-3453 or Mindi Cherry at (702) 429-1255 and pass on the report. .

In An Emergency

Except as stated above, having become aware of a situation that may qualify as emergency, employees must immediately and before taking any other action (exceptions below) call the Event Office at (702) 278-3989 to report. Having reported, HANG UP and await instructions by call back decided upon by the ERT.

  1. Portable fire extinguishers are located around the facility. Any employee may use extinguishers to attempt to extinguish a small fire before reporting.
  2. CPR that can first be started in a medical emergency if appropriate.
  3. In both cases, a bystander MUST be asked to call 911 and provide the following information:
  • The emergency service required (fire, medical, police)
  • The address of this facility 899 E Fremont Street
  • Your location within the facility. Provide booth number or description.
  • Make sure a competent person stays with an individual in distress.
  • Have someone meet the emergency service and bring them to your location.


Severe Weather

  • The decision to evacuate to a Safe Area inside of the building will be made by the ERT.
  • Employees evacuating to the Safe Area must follow the procedures as instructed by the ERT.
  • The ERT will provide the “All Clear” for employees to return to the work area once the danger has passed.


It’s possible that a fight may occur. This could or could not have one percenters involved. Do not try to break up the fight. Contact Metro immediately. (702) 755-2501

Suspicious Package

If a suspicious envelope or package comes into your possession, do not try to open it. A package should be regarded as suspect if:

  • It has any powdery substance on the outside
  • It is addressed to someone no longer with ConvExx or is otherwise outdated
  • It has an unusual amount of tape or visible wires
  • It has strange odors or stains
  • It shows a postmark that differs from the return address
  • It has no return address or familiar mailing markings
  • If any of these conditions apply;
  • Isolate the suspect package and evacuate the immediate area, closing

the doors to the room where it is placed.

  • Notify the Event Office, then ERT. If both are unreachable, call 911.
  • When in contact with the suspect package place all the items you are wearing in plastic bags and keep them wherever your clothes have been changed.
  • As soon as practical, shower with soap and water.

Bomb Threat

Although experience shows that most bomb threats are hoaxes, they must always be taken seriously. Should a bomb threat be received by phone by the Event Office personnel, the person answering the phone will:

  • Pass a note reading “Code Blue” to a colleague, if possible, upon which the colleague will report immediately to Century Security at (702) 860-1383 via an alternative communication means that the threat is currently being received.
  • write down the caller ID if it is showing
  • write down time of call
  • write down exact words of caller
  • ask why bomb has been placed and write down answer
  • ask where bomb has been placed and write down answer
  • ask when bomb is set to explode and write down answer
  • ask what does bomb look like and write down answer
  • ask what will cause it to detonate and write down answer
  • carefully note background noises
  • record date and time of call
  • note accents or if voice is familiar
  • record gender of caller
  • describe caller’s mood, for example: angry, intoxicated, calm, intelligent
  • notify and deliver written notes to ERT member


  • Always allow yourself a clear escape route.
  • When a fire is detected, those who have been trained in the proper use of a fire extinguisher must make every attempt, within reason, to extinguish the fire after the fire alarm system has been activated.
  • If large or dangerous, direct others to exit.
  • NO employee will be allowed to re-enter the building until the ERT has issued the “all-clear.” This decision will be made based on the advice of the fire department or law enforcement handling the call.

Utility Failure

  • In the event of a prolonged electric failure, employees are instructed to report to their Safe Area. A natural gas leak may require evacuation to an outside Safe Area.
  • Downtown Project will report the power outage or gas leak to the local utilities company.
  • Return to the area will be determined when power has been restored. The ERT will issue the return to the department order, based on information from the representatives responding to the utilities failure.


  • It strikes without warning.

Most casualties result from partial building collapse. The safest spots are against inside walls and under tables or desks. The danger spots are windows, mirrors, hanging objects (lights, signs), tall unsecured fixtures or displays.

  • Once shaking starts:

If indoors, stay there. Take cover under table or desk, or stay close to an interior wall. Do not stand in doorways or under hanging fixtures, etc. If outdoors, get away from buildings, trees, walls and power lines.

  • When shaking stops:

Debris may still fall - do not leave cover till all movement has stopped. Keep calm. Check yourself and others for injuries.

Sickness Epidemic

  • In the event of a general (regional-wide) occurrence, there will be sufficient notice of an epidemic sickness to permit advanced planning of the steps needed to be taken.
  • In the event of a deliberate environmental contamination (release of poisonous gases or chemicals) without warning, the ERT will convene and order appropriate avoidance or containment procedures.


Where the ERT has decided that no immediate evacuation of the facility is required but that employees should be in a position to assist if required, employees will be alerted by a coded call to their radio or cell phone if time permits and no risk is incurred, and should thereupon proceed immediately to their designated crisis location.

Because many employees use loud-speaking radios or cell phones, and bystanders may become unduly alarmed, the coded call will consist simply of the words “Stand by for an important staff instruction”. Upon hearing this, employees must immediately set out for their designated crisis location while silencing loudspeakers and paying attention to announcements or instructions that follow.

Where ERT has decided that an immediate evacuation of the facility is required and no danger exists from the use of radios or cell phones, the procedure described in above will be followed.

However, radios and cell phones are known to have been used as trigger devices. In the event that the ERT has been advised to refrain from using radio or cell phones, a Public Address system announcement will be made repeatedly.

In the event of an evacuation being ordered, no employee is authorized to delay evacuation for the purpose of shutting down critical operations.

No employee is assigned to perform medical or rescue duties during emergency evacuation situations.

After an emergency evacuation is completed, employees will gather in the external “SAFE PLACE”; located in the parking lot on South 11th behind Family Food Mart.

The ERT will appoint enumerator(s) to join employees and take a roll call in the designated gathering location(s).


Mock emergencies / crisis will be introduced by ConvExx management as a test. This testing will be done to simulate an actual emergency / crisis in order to pinpoint any weaknesses in the arrangements for handling them. Testing is an important part of ConvExx’s preparedness and should not be taken lightly. Preparedness is key to successfully pulling ConvExx through an emergency / crisis.