Las Positas College Foundation
The Milanese Family Gift Fund
for the
Performing, Visual and Literary Arts
2008-09 Academic Year
The Milanese Family Gift Fund supports performing, visual, and literary arts events at LasPositas College through annual grants to faculty. These events will directly benefit students within these arts programs. Any discipline may apply for these grants; the events that are proposed should address the areas of performing arts, visual arts, and literary arts.
Qualifications of Recipients
· Eligible applicants will be:
o Full-time faculty who have taught full-time at Las Positas College for a minimum of two years; OR
o Adjunct faculty who have taught a minimum of four terms at Las Positas College.
o Grant proposals must directly benefit or support the performing, visual, and/or literary arts programs and students of Las Positas College.
Selection Committee
· The Selection Committee will consist of:
o The Dean of Arts and Communication will chair the Selection Committee
o Two full-time faculty (not submitting a grant application) appointed by the Academic
Senate, representing Language Arts, Visual Arts, or Performing Arts disciplines.
o One classified staff member selected by the Classified Senate.
Amounts and Timing of Grants
· The total of all annual grants will amount to $2,000.
· Grants will be awarded by May1 to be used in the following academic year through the last Friday in May.
· The Selection Committee may award one or more grants, up to the annual total of $2,000.
Selection Process
· March 1 of each academic year: All faculty will be informed of the opportunity to apply for this grant.
· First Monday of April: Grant applications are due electronically (for 2008 due by April 7).
· Prior to May 1: The Selection Committee will evaluate grant applications, and rank order them by their clarity and responsiveness to the questions and criteria on the grant application form.
· May 1: The Selection Committee will notify recipients.
· Next Academic Year: The grant will apply for an event during the following academic year.
· May 15 or Before (Next Academic Year): Grant funds will be distributed by requesting them from the LPC Foundation office, with a copy to the Dean of Arts and Communication. Appropriate receipts must be attached.
· May 15 (Next Academic Year): A final report of the grant event is due to Dean of Arts and Communication.
· Grant Year/Extensions: All grants must be completed within the academic year they are allotted. If an extension is requested, for some reason, the Dean of Arts and Communication must be notified and will consider the request.
Final Report of Grant Activities
· May 15: Grant recipient(s) are required to submit a report of the event to the Dean of Arts and Communication, including this information:
o A one-page summary of the impact upon teaching and learning as a result of the grant.
o A summary of expenses and appropriate documentation (receipts, invoices, etc.)
Thank you for considering an event
to benefit LPC students!
Las Positas College Foundation
The Milanese Family Gift Fund
Performing, Visual and Literary Arts Events
2008-09 Academic Year
Name of Applicant: Date:
Full Time Faculty Adjunct Faculty
How long teaching at LPC:
1. Title of the grant application:
2. Specific purpose of the grant request:
3. Timeline of completion for the event:
- Please note tentatively when the monies will be expended as best as you can.
- Remember that grant monies must be expended within the year they are allotted.
4. How will the grant directly benefit students?
5. How does the grant request relate to the College’s current Educational Master Plan?
6. How the grant will be spent. Be specific about the name of presenter(s) and cost of the event.
- For example: Lecture by (name) at a cost of $_____; Performance by (name/s) at a cost of $_____.
-- Submit electronically by April 7, 2008
to Dr. Philip Manwell, Dean of Arts & Communication –
Thank You.