DiscoveryMiddle School

8th Grade Math Syllabus


Teacher Contact Information

Ms. Adrienne King

Room 533


Phone Number: (256) 837-3735 ext. 82532

Required Text:Big Ideas Math

Online Textbook: (no password required)

(Once on the website, click student or parent tab and refresh if there is nothing on the left side)

Dear Students,

Welcome! Every student who enters my classroom has the right to learn just as I, the teacher has the right to teach in an environment that is safe, suitable to learning, and free from any distractions. In order to maintain these rights, everyone should be aware of the responsibilities and expectations designed to help you continue to be hard working and dedicated students. By getting to know each student, I will help you discover your full potential by providing a rigorous curriculum of the Math Standards.

Classroom expectations and procedures:

-Be on time to class with all needed materials.

-Each day the class will begin with a problem of the day (POD). It is expected that each student start this upon entering the class and complete it in a timely fashion.

-Students are to ask permission before leaving their seat.

-Papers are to be headed properly.

-It is the student’s responsibility to check the designated area for make up work. Make up work should be done in accordance with Discovery policies.

-Absent notes should be turned into the front office within 3 days of the absence. Make up work is only accepted for EXCUSED absences.

-Cell phones and any other electronic devices will be collected and turned into administration if out during class.

- No food in classroom unless specified by teacher.

-Turn papers in to the appropriate tray or follow the specific directions given by the teacher. If assignments are not turned into the correct location they will not be graded.

-This syllabus should be kept in the front of your notebook.

-DMS Planner must be with you at all times. You may not use another student’s handbook.


1.Scientific Calculator2.4 count (or more) of Expo Markers (turn in to teacher)

3.1 3-Subject Spiral Notebooks (optional) 4.2 LINED Composition Notebook Black & Green if possible (9 ¾” by 7 ½”)5. 1 Pack of Graph paper (turn in to teacher) 6.1 pack of index cards (3” x 5”, turn in to teacher)

Course Evaluation:

60%- Tests/Projects

40%- Daily


Suggested Homework will be distributed at the beginning of each unit. The students will be responsible for completing the homework as extra practice and should come to class with questions each day.

Daily Grades:

Quizzes: Quizzes will be announced and given accordingly on material that has been taught and reviewed in class. Quizzes are graded for accuracy. If a student is absent for a quiz, they will need to make up the quiz within 3 days of their absence.

Journal Entries:The journal prompts will be given at the beginning of each nine weeks. Journal are due at the end of each week. Journal prompts should be answered in the student’s journal notebookIN CDC FORMAT. Journal questions must be answered according to the directions given to receive full credit. Each journal entry will be counted as daily points. If a journal is misplaced or lost it is the student’s responsibility to replace the journal and make up all entries completed so far.(Black compositionnotebook)


Tests: Test dates will be announced at the beginning of each unit. There will be a test given at the end of each unit. Tests are graded for accuracy. If a student is caught talking or using unauthorized notes/technology on a test they will receive a zero. If absent on a test day then the test should be made up within 3 days of absence.

Projects: A project will be completed each nine weeks. Some projects will be completed individually and some will be completed as a group. Every project submitted will count as a test grade. Late projects will be accepted with deductions. If you plan on being out when a project is due you must turn it in before the due day. Computer error will not be accepted as an excuse when projects are not turned in on time. Students will be given a rubric to follow for each project.


I will send out with my first weekly update. You may also see school website.


Students will be required to use technology in and out of the classroom. I need to know if a student does not have computer access or internet access at home. Students can make arrangements to come before school or stay afterschool to use the computers.

Make Up Work:

Make up work will only be accepted for excused absences. Students are responsible for their make up work. Students are also responsible for the PODs, the missing assignments, and homework when they are absent. Make up assignments will only be accepted for 3 days after the last day the student was absent. It is helpful to e-mail or call the school to receive make up work ahead of time.

The High-Five Club

To be a member of the high-five club, have one of the top five scores for you class on any FIRST attempt unit test.

______(Detach and keep for your records)______


Phone: 256-837-3735 ext. 532Email:

*The best time to call is before or after school*I can always be reached by email.

A Note to Parents/Guardians:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I look forward to working with your child this year. I believe that hard work, respect for others and communication is key to success. I encourage you to contact me as soon as you feel your child is falling behind or you have questions. The earlier we can work together to solve a problem, the better the outcome. Each week I send out weekly reminders, homework assignments and updates about the class. Please give me accurate information so you can be up to date with what is going on in my class. The students are responsible for keeping up with their assignments and understanding what is expected of them. I give very detailed instructions in class. Students that fail to pay attention in class usually miss out on key information. It is their responsibility to listen in class for upcoming dates and assignment expectations. I do not give out extra credit assignments. Students should complete test corrections attend tutoring and retake any indicators they feel they need to improve their grades on. Most students that take diligent notes and complete their homework assignments on a daily basis are successful in my class.

Your student should keep the first 2 pages of this syllabus in their notebook. Please keep my contact information for your records. The best way to contact me is through e-mail. Conferences are usually held before school or after school.

Online Textbook: (no password required)

(Once on the website, click student or parent tab and refresh if there is nothing on the left side)


Grades are available through InformationNOW (INOW). Please contact Donna Henderson if you have misplaced your

child’s INOW information.