
Michigan Department of Education

Special Education Advisory Committee

Lansing Community College West Campus Conference Center

5708 Cornerstone Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48917

May 6, 2015

Delegates Present: Barbara Brish, Michel DeJulian, Paulette Duggins, Sharon Dusney, Jason Feig,LatikaFenderson, Bruce Ferguson, Dorie France-Winegard, Maggie Kolk, Kimberly Love, Nicole Miller, Mark McKulsky, Wendy Minor, Caryn Pack-Ivey, John Patterson, Sue Pearson, John Searles, Jane Shank, Richard Spring, Lori Torres, Jennifer Trackwell, Mary Vratanina

Alternates Present: Lois Lofton-Doniver, Sara Park, William Young

Ex-Officio Present: Teri Johnson Chapman, Pam Kies-Lowe

MDE Staff Present: Rachelle Bowerman, Lydia Calderon, Meredith Hines, Sandi Laham, Deb Maurer

Guests Present: Tom Greene, Michelle Peckham, Holly Sasso, Melissa Swan

I.Call to Order

Sharon Dusney called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

II.Roll Call

The SEAC Secretary, Meredith Hines, read the roll call. A quorum was present.

III.Introduction of Guests

Guests introduced themselves.

IV.Approval of Proposed Agenda

Mark McKulskymoved, seconded by Dorie France France-Winegard that the Special Education Advisory Committee approve the May 6, 2015 agenda. The vote was taken on the motion. Motion carried.

V.Approval ofApril1, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Wendy minor moved, seconded by Mark McKulsky that the Special Education Advisory Committee approve the April minutes. The vote was taken on the motion. Motion carried.

VI.Public Comment

There was no public comment presented.

VII.Chairperson’s Report

  1. Focus: Updates to the SEAC, 2015-2016 SEAC Chair/Vice-chair, Completion of 2014-2015 SEAC Committee Work
  1. Report from Executive Committee Meeting
  1. Office of Special Education April report to the SEAC was found on page 8-9 of the May meeting packet.
  2. The notice of SPP 17: State Systemic Improvement Plan Submission was found on Page 10 of the May meeting packet.
  3. The 2015-2016 SEAC Executive Committee recommended 2015-2016 Chair, Jason Feig and Vice-Chair, Maggie Kolk. Action on that recommendation was taken later in the meeting.
  4. The 2015-2016 SEAC Calendar was reviewed.
  5. April 1 SEAC meeting evaluation results were found on pages 12-18 of the May meeting packet.
  6. Lt. Gov. Calley’s Survey. Website on Slide #12.
  1. Meeting Norms were reviewed.

a.It’s okay to ask

b.Acronyms need explanation

c.The point must be clear

d.Meeting raters were identified

VIII.State Department Report

Teri Johnson Chapman presented updates. The PowerPoint will be included in the June meeting packet.

IX.Ex-Officio Report

  1. Department of Corrections – Connie Marks reported working on transition and IEPS.
  1. Institutions of Higher Education – Barb Brish reported, discussion of candidate skills, credentialing, CEEDAR grant.
  1. Department of Community Health – No report
  1. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act – Pam Kies-Lowe reported that a conference will be held September 24-25 at Kellogg Center. Credentialing of liaisons, focus on training. An online training will be rolled out this fall.
  1. Department of Human Services – No report
  1. Rehabilitation Services – No report.

X.Report to the SEAC: Update from the MDE regarding the Person Curriculum

Rashell Bowerman presented an update on the Personal Curriculum study and actions of the MDE with regard to it. Her PowerPoint will be included in the June meeting packet.

XI.Information Items

There were no information items.

XII.Action Items: Election of 2015-2016 SEAC Chair and Vice Chair

Barbara Brishmoved, seconded by Dorie France-Winegardthat the Special Education Advisory Committee approve the recommendation of Jason Feig as 2015-2016 SEAC Chair and Maggie Kolk as 2015-2016 Vice-Chair. The vote was taken on the motion. Motion carried.

XIII.Committee Reports

  1. Committees met to review and refine the draft statement of the SEAC regarding intervention at the earliest of age. A Frayer chart was used to formulate the refined points for the combined committee reports. Notes from the April 1 committee meetings were found on pages 19-28 of the May meeting bundle.
  2. Finance
  3. Policy
  4. Credentials

XIV. Legislative Information

Question re: April 15 deadline on P.C. MDE not in MARSE, not in IDEA, not get involved with it. One more example of offices not working together.

Sandi has dates and location, but no address re: Gov. Calley’s surveys.

XV.Topics for Future Committee Consideration


XVI.Member Announcements


XVII.Future Agenda Considerations

  1. June 3, 2015: SEAC Annual Report, Acknowledgement of Exiting SEAC members
  2. September 20-21, 2015: SEAC planning Retreat

XIX.Process Check

  1. Feedback from Meeting Raters
  2. A meeting evaluation was sent electronically to all SEAC delegates at 2:00 p.m. Members who do not receive the evaluation, please notify Meredith Hines, SEAC secretary ().
  1. Members who wish to earn continuing education hours must sign up at the registration desk at the first SEAC meeting of the year. As of December 2014, members will no longer need to sign in and out of the meeting. The meeting attendance sheet will serve as validation that the member was present at the meeting and is eligible to receive continuing education hours.
  2. Members are allowed only two absences; more than that will disqualify receipt of continuing education hours for the entire year.

XX. Adjournment

A video was shown: Project Unify - Roosevelt McGrath Elementary – Wayne, Michigan

Mark McKulsky moved, seconded by Barbara Brish to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.