Bernadette Mullins
Birmingham-Southern College
Birmingham, AL35254
1995Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Iowa
1989B.S. in Mathematics, magna cum laude, WesternIllinoisUniversity
Professional Positions
2009-2010Professor of Mathematics, Birmingham-Southern College
2003-2009Associate Professorof Mathematics, Birmingham-Southern College
2000-2003Assistant Professorof Mathematics, Birmingham-Southern College
1999-2000Associate Professorof Mathematics, Youngstown State University
1995-1999Assistant Professorof Mathematics, Youngstown State University
1989-1995Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa
Recent Publications
2008The singly generated unital rings with only finitely many unital subrings(with D. Dobbs and M. Picavet-L’Hermitte), Comm. Algebra, 36(2008), no. 7, 2638-2653
2007The impact of inquiry-based mathematics courses on content knowledge and classroom practice(with Rachel Cochran and John Mayer), electronic proceedings of the SIGMAA conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education,
2005On the FIP property for extensions of commutative rings (with D. Dobbs, G. Picavet, and M. Picavet-L’Hermitte), Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), no. 9, 3091-3119
2004On a field-theoretic invariant for extensions of commutative rings (with D. Dobbs), Comm. Algebra, 32 (2004), no. 4, 1295-1305
2004Sequences for student investigation (with J. Barton, D. Feil, D. Lartique), PRIMUS, XIV(2004), no. 4, 354-368
2002Exploring irreducible elements: an abstract algebra project (with J. Coykendall and D. Dobbs), Alabama Journal of Mathematics, 26 (2002), no.2, 21-26
2002 Probability experiments for student investigation (with D. Pollack), Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, 32(2002), no. 1, 11-13
2001 On the lengths of maximal chains of intermediate fields in a field extension (with D. Dobbs), Comm. Algebra, 29(2001), no. 10,4487-4507
Funded Grant Proposals
2009-2012Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership: Phase II Research, NSF Math Science Partnership program, co-investigator
2009Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership: Grade K-4 Teacher Support, Malone Family Foundation Grant
2004-2010Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, NSF Math Science Partnership Program, co-investigator
2004Mobile Data Collection and Analysis in Science and Mathematics, principal investigator, Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative
2002-2004Helping Teachers Help Students Learn Mathematics, co-investigator, Alabama Commission on Higher Education
2001Computer-Enabled Teaching and Learning in a Student-Centered Space, co-investigator, NSF CCLI Program
2009Challenging mathematics courses for all students, NCTM National Meeting, Washington, D.C.
2009The impact of inquiry-based instruction on student achievement, MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, Nashville, TN
2009Inquiry-based instruction and student achievement, Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics, Jacksonville, AL
2009Challenging courses, student achievement, and barriers to implementation, National Science Foundation Learning Network Conference, Washington, D.C.
2009The impact of challenging mathematics courses on middle school teachers,Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, D.C.
2008Changing K-16 classroom practice, Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics, Accepting the STEM Challenge Conference, Atlanta, GA
2007A Partnership approach to preparing future middle school teachers, Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, San Diego, CA
2007Engaging calculus students in an experiment with solids of revolution, Project NExT-SE, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
2006Commutative rings with finitely many subrings: the nonlinear case, University of Limerick, Ireland
2005Results on the FIP property for extensions of commutative rings, AMS Session on Commutative Ring Theory, Johnson City, TN
2005When does a commutative ring have finitely many subrings?, Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Dothan, Alabama
2004Commutative rings with finitely many subrings, International Symposium on Commutative Rings and Monoids, University of Graz, Austria
2003The finite intermediate property for extensions of commutative rings, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2002Probability experiments for student investigation, MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, Project NExT Session, Atlanta, GA
2001Ring extensions with finitely many intermediate rings, Weekend Algebra Conference, Hattiesburg, MS
Research Visits
2006Visiting Mathematician (fall), University of Limerick, Ireland
2003Invited Professor (summer), Université Blaise Pascal, France
2000Scholar in Residence (spring), University of Tennessee
1998Scholar in Residence (fall), University of Tennessee
Honors and Awards
2005Who’s Who among America’s Teachers Award
2001Bob Whetstone Faculty Development Award (awarded for excellence in teaching)
2000Service Award, YSU Chapter of the Ohio Education Association
1999Distinguished Professor in Teaching Award, YSU
1998Who’s Who among America’s Teachers Award
1997Master Teacher Award, College of Arts and Sciences, YSU
1997Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award, Mathematics Department, YSU
1991Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Iowa
Professional Affiliations
Mathematics Association of America
Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics
Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching)