Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting May 20, 2015

Lansdowne Borough Council

General Meeting

May 20, 2015


The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday,May 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.

Present were President Schleigh, Mr. Aubrey, Ms. Byrne, Ms. James, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams Councilwoman English was absent. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott, Finance Director/Treasurer Bartley and Police Chief Donegan.

The televised meeting will be aired at 6:00 p.m. the following Monday on RCN channel 52, Comcast channel 5 and Verizon channel 44.

Mayor Campuzano led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of agenda: Mr. Aubrey moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Radich moved to approve the minutes of theApril 15, 2015 Borough Council general meeting. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations:

  1. Mayor Campuzano read a proclamation declaring May 20, 2015 as "John D. Perfetti Day" in Lansdowne. Judge Perfetti is retiring after 33 years of judicial service in Delaware County. The mayor presented the plaque to Judge Perfetti and thanked him for his many years of service and unwavering support to Lansdowne.
  2. Avenue Deli - spotlighted business for this month. The owners were present to talk about their Jewish/Italian delicatessen that opened in May of 2013. All of the food is homemade. Avenue Deli occupies the space formerly known as Doyle's Deli on Baltimore Avenue.
  3. Septa representatives - Dean Delaney, Septa Project Manager, gave a presentation about the upcoming detour related to the trestle and viaduct rehabilitation projects affecting the Media-Elwyn train line. The detour will be along Baltimore Avenue to Scottdale Road and will last throughout the summer. The Gladstone train station will be accessible while the trestle work is being completed at that site. Septa is holding public information sessions starting June 5th. Mr. Delaney mentioned that meetings will also be held on June 2nd at Swarthmore borough hall and on June 4th at Clifton-Aldan borough hall, 4-7:30 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley presented the April 30, 2015 Treasurer's report as follows:

General Fund: beginning balance $465,267; ending balance $3,925,148.

Sewer Fund: beginning balance $925,072; ending balance $1,730,566.

Liquid Fuels: beginning balance $556,295; ending balance $769,267.

Capital Reserve: beginning balance $63,138; ending balance $59,311.

Non-uniformed Pension: beginning balance $2,855,109; ending balance $2,898,948.

Police Pension: beginning balance $8,167,087; ending balance $8,234,636.

Mr. Bartley mentioned that the borough has sufficient funds on hand to meet its current obligations.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scottmentioned that the Walgreen developer had been in touch with him regarding security matters and progress should soon be evident in that project.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano read a listof calendar items:

  • Farmers Market opens May 23rd at 9:00 a.m. in the municipal lot on Lansdowne Avenue.
  • Memorial Day 5K run to be held on May 25th, starting 7:45 a.m. The Mayor thanked the LEDC for their support.
  • Memorial Day Parade - May 25th, 9:00 a.m. at Lansdowne and LaCrosse Avenues. The Mayor thanked the American Legion Post 65 and LBPA for sponsoring this event.
  • National Night Out - August 4th, 6-8 p.m. in the Highland Avenue parking lot. The Mayor thanked Officer Albertoli, volunteers and the business sponsors for their support.
  • The Mayor thanked Betsy Riffert for her help in organizing the town wide yard sale held last week.

The Mayor congratulated Chief Donegan and Officer Larry Albertoli on the success of the Police Academy, created to foster better interaction with police and community. There were 25 graduates in Chief Donegan's class.

The Mayor reminded residents that the borough has a tall grass ordinance wherein overgrown lawns must be cut within 48 hours to avoid being cited and fined. The Mayor also reminded residents to pick up litter whenever possible.

The Mayor congratulated Lansdowne Historic Theater Corporation Director Matt Schultz, the theater group and all the volunteers on the successful vote for allowing a liquor license at the theater.

The Mayor congratulated Mr. Radich, Ms. James and Ms. Williams for their win in the May election.

Council President’s Report: President Schleigh commented on the Lansdowne Theater's approved referendum liquor license question and hoped it would offer an opportunity for further economic development in the borough. President Schleigh noted that borough council's charge is to seek more opportunities to develop borough businesses, good housing stock and better schools.

President Schleigh mentioned that the current infrastructure improvements have left entire sidewalks in complete disrepair. The contractors need to restore these damaged walks and President Schleigh asked that residents of East Stratford Avenue contact him if the repairs are not soon completed in that area.

President Schleigh noted that the trash and yard waste pickup schedule was thrown off due to the May election day. He asked the Environment Committee to look into more effective procedures for the upcoming election in November.


Public Health and Safety: No report was given in Ms. English's absence.

Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich reported that this Committee met on May 4th. Prior to the general meeting they met with Independence Advisors, the investment managers for the Police Pension Fund. Subsequent to the committee meeting, they received an actuarial report showing a funding level ofapproximately 81%. Mr. Radich commented that while there is still an unfunded liability, the funding level compares favorably to municipalities in the borough's peer group and his Committee will continue to monitor it. The Committee also discussed replacing some fire company apparatus. The next Finance and Administration Committee meeting will be held on June 2nd at 7:00 p.m.

Economic Development and Code Enforcement– Ms. James reported that Aldi's Inc. will be moving into the old Bottom Dollar store site by the end of next year and only minor facade changes are indicated.

Environment: Mr. Aubrey reported that this Committee met last Thursday. The focus was on yard waste pickup. The Committee is recommending increasing the number of yard waste pickup days in May. Currently it is only one day a week and the Environment Committee will also ask the Finance Committee to look into the issue.

Mr. Aubrey reported on the sewage problem at East Greenwood Avenue, noting that the entire situation is being investigated for abatement possibilities and an Ad Hoc committee meeting may be necessary to help resolve the issue.

Mayor Campuzano mentioned he had received some complaints from residents about the yard waste pickup. Mr. Aubrey noted that one resident had suggested increasing composting efforts in the borough. Mayor Campuzano asked the Environment Committee to consider holding a shredding event in October.

Community Relations: Ms. Byrnehad no formal report. The next Community Relations Committee meeting will be held on May 27th at 7:00 p.m. in borough hall.

Library Liaison Report: Board members are needed. The summer programs start June 14th. The Summer Reading Challenge program will still be held at the Lansdowne Library. Events for children will be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 19th, June 24th and August 7th.

Infrastructure and Public Works: Ms. Williams reported that this committee met on April 28th. Ms. Williams reported that the sewer work on Greenwood to Essex Avenues is completed. Street paving will be done simultaneously with the Septa trestle work along the Media Elwyn line. The committee discussed the LED street light program. Ms. Williams noted that one sanitation truck is nearing the end of its usefulness and disposal options are being investigated. The Committee is looking into paving priorities for 2016. The MS4 permit program will be up for renewal in 2016. The new requirements associated with this renewal will be investigated. The Hoffman Park renovations have begun.

Communications: No items.

Mr. Radich moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comment. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Visitor Comment:

1. Mary Ann Surla - resident of Lansdowne. Ms. Surla mentioned that she had voted against the liquor license referendum for the Lansdowne Theater and felt that more police officers should participate in drug and alcohol programs in the schools. Ms. Surla thanked the Sanitation Department employees for their hard work throughout the year. Ms. Surla agreed that more yard waste pickup days are needed. Ms. Surla asked borough manager Totaro about the status of the left hand turn signals along the Baltimore Avenue corridor, noting that the Baltimore and Lansdowne Avenue intersection was extremely difficult to navigate a left hand turn when large trucks are trying to turn the corner. Mr. Totaro mentioned that the project was awarded last year and is currently underway on Baltimore starting at Bishop Avenue. Mr. Totaro expects that within six months the work toward Lansdowne will begin in this regard, noting that Penn Dot controls all work performed on state roads and has their own schedule for such work.

Ms. Byrne moved to resume Robert Rules of Order. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business:

  1. Lansdowne Arts Board -the LAB is seeking funds for their June 27th event to buy 100 cloth tote bags for screen printing and one tent (total cost: $206.00). Mr. Radich moved to approve the expenditure of $206 for the LAB initiative for their Community Day event on June 27th. Ms. James seconded. Vote: unanimous. Ms. Byrne noted that tents are not allowed at Community Day unless they are shared.
  2. Fire Truck - Mr. Totaro provided a draft agreement that was required to sell the truck to a local fire company. Assistant Fire Chief Tim Moore then gave an outline of the Design and Specification Overview agreement for a 1500 GPM Custom Stainless Steel Pumper. After answering questions from borough council members regarding life span, bid specifications, warranty and inspections, the consensus among council members was to approve the expenditure. Mr. Radich moved to approve the agreement of sale for a new fire truck. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous. President Schleigh complimented Mr. Moore on an excellent presentation and extended an open invitation to have either Mr. Moore or another fire company representative present for the televised meetings.
  3. Sanitation Vehicle - Mr. Totaro noted that it would cost approximately $22,000 to repair the current truck and will put it on Municibid after advertising. Mr. Aubrey moved to advertise the sale of the sanitation vehicle. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.
  4. Committee positions -After a brief discussion about the current changes, meeting times and proposed committee members, President Schleigh indicated he would take the current list under advisement before recommending any changes.

New Business:

  1. LED street light LOI -Mr. Totaro indicated that a letter of intent was needed from borough council to trigger a non-committal assessment of the borough's street light inventory. Mr. Aubrey moved to authorize borough manager Totaro to submit a letter of interest to the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to initiate an audit of the borough's current lighting situation. Ms. Williams seconded: Vote: unanimous. Mr. Aubrey asked if an inventory would be taken of the street lights to which Mr. Totaro replied "yes".
  2. LEDC crossing guard - $1000 is needed for a crossing guard volunteer to handle the summer Farmers Market traffic. Mr. Radich noted that the LEDC has a $5,000 budget for support that has not yet been used and suggested that $1,000 of this amount be used instead of giving them a separate $1,000. Mr. Aubrey moved to award $1,000 for the LEDC Farmers Market crossing guard with an accounting in place for the current use of the funds. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
  3. LEDC Celebration Theater -the theater is requesting a donation of electricity, use of the bathrooms and the use of the south lawn for their production of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" on July 8th. Mr. Aubrey moved to give the desired access and electricity use to the Celebration Theater for the July 8th event. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Action Items:

  1. Mr. Radich moved to approve bills for the period. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.
  2. Ms. James moved to advertise Ordinance 1296, an ordinance clarifying the terms "Multi Family Dwelling". Mr. Radich seconded. The motion carried with a voice vote. Mr. Aubrey voted "nay".

Executive Session: Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel matters. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Public Session: No public motions were made upon reconvening to Public Session.

Adjourn – Ms. James moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 10:10p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ann Henry

Borough Secretary

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