Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting August 20, 2014

Lansdowne Borough Council

General Meeting

August 20th, 2014

The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.

Present were Vice-President Schleigh (presiding) Mr. Aubrey, Ms. English, Ms. Byrne, and Mr. Radich. President Saylor and Mr. Wagner were absent. Also present were Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Solicitor Scott. Officer John Eisenhart sat in for Police Chief Donegan.

Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Secretary Henry and Fire Chief Rick Russell were also absent.

Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved with no changes.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Schleigh moved to approve the minutes of the July 16th, 2014 General Meeting of Council as submitted by the Assistant Borough Secretary. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations:

Brandon Johnson was recognized for his service as the Junior Council President and a custom plaque was presented to him by Mayor Campuzano.

Peppers Pharmacy was recognized by the mayor for its long standing presence in the community. Peppers Pharmacy’s proprietor too the opportunity to thank all of the local business for their participation in the NNO including the many significant donations to make the night work.

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Totaro noted that in the absence of Mr. Bartley, who is absent due to an illness, cash flow was as expected for this time of year and that a Treasurer’s report is expected to be prepared for the September General Meeting of Borough Council.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Campuzano announced that the new newsletter will arrive mailboxes this week. Community Day at the farmers market, the 12th annual Lansdowne Arts Festival,

Simpson Gardens will be celebrating its 10th anniversary, Park Day will be held September 20th The Lansdowne Folk Club’s next series begins September 25th , The No Place For Hate and the Human Relations committee will be showing a movie in the library. Fire prevention week is October 9th and 10th all are invited to the firehouse. The HLTC will host a fundraiser 9/20 in the lobby of the theater. A new Lansdowne Business Faugai which just opened on Lansdowne Avenue,

The Mayor reported that he has been in discussions with PECO regarding all of the work that is happening in the borough and restoration will happen but temporary restoration will be set in the interim. A part of this project is the moving of meters to the front of homes from basements. The same project will excavate Lansdowne Avenue through October for the same reason but this work will happen at night.

There are some issues with people not picking up after their dogs. Please consider your neighbor and do this.

The Mayor thanked the business and volunteers for their work and donations on NNO.

School is opening soon and take care for the safety of the students.

Council Vice-President’s Report:

Councilman Schleigh thanked all for their hard work for NNO.

The PHSC met over the past month. Mr. Schleigh called for dog owners to keep dogs quite as possible as barking has been a recent irritant to neighbors. Mr. Schleigh reported that his committee will be exploring options and directions related to the possibility of setting new liquor laws in the Borough and that this agenda topic will carry on in to 2015. The Committee is looking to update and establish a new Fire Pit ordinances.


Public Health and Safety:

Consolidated in the above vice-president report.

Finance and Administration: Mr. Radich reported that the FC met to discuss to contingency plans for the position of the treasurer position and the interview of Mr. Marabella, the update on the Pension RFP process, as well as scheduling for the upcoming budget process.

Economic Development and Code Enforcement:

Environment Committee: Mr. Aubrey reported that the EC did not meet and Mr. Aubrey reported a successful 129 Fairview Block Party / Ribbon Cutting as a community event as a great opportunity for the community to get together.

Mr. Aubrey reported that the Elm Street (program) has several projects one of which is a concrete bench paining contest for people of all ages to submit their design for painitng park benches. There will be five benches there will be five desing selections. More will be comingout on theis from the ESP in the near future. Another program going on with the ESP is the ADA curb cuts to install ADA between Bailey and Wycombe. Another projectis a tree project where they will be holding a tree planting project along Wycombe avenue along the skirt of the sidewalk between the two Borough’s/

Also coming up that has not gone through park and rec yet is the contribution of the ESP to Interboro Park to install play equipment.

All this will all go through park and Recreation and then through Borough Council.

There are concerns the noise at Hays Park there is a problem with the amplification of music at some recent weekend events which is being looked at by Borough Council and the Environment Committee.

The Mayor added that the parks have received a great deal of treatment and have become more popular which is a good thing but some control should be considered in the committee.

Community Relations: Met to organize for NNO and participated in same and was successful in gathering new volunteers. The Lansdowne Library is looking for readers and their movie night is coming up and will show Grand Budapest.

Infrastructure and Public Works – Ms. English reported that work continues on the ADA ramps for WPSD and ESP. PECO continues to work with the Borough on the GM lights. Also the Borough has increased the wattage of lights on Lansdowne Avenue and will be replacing the light in front of the theater that was recently knocked over by a branch that was struck by a truck. The SEPTA trestle and Media line work and called for an upgrade of the bunker at the trestle which has been tentatively agreed to. Other projects discussed included borough yard paving bids, firehouse generator, building maintenance, and the 20CC / 2020House work.

Visitor Comment: Mr. Schleigh moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Darlene xx

I reside at 214 Wayne in Lansdowne Avenue is the graffiti on signs. Mr. Schleigh and Officer Eisenhart called for the prompt reporting of such incidents for further investigations.

There were no other individuals present to address Borough Council.Mr. Schleigh moved to resume Roberts Rules of Order. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business:

Representative Davidson Fee Waiver Request: The office of Margo Davison is seeking a facility to host a public safety meeting that is open to the public and fee to the public. The focus of the event is education around protecting children from on-line predators. Fifty to 100 people are expected. Representative Davidson’s office has a tentative reservation for October 28th between 6pm-8pm at the 20CC. Rep. Davidson is has inquired if the $250* fee can be waived for this event. The $250 feesupposes that the above event would be decreased to the Lansdowne non-profit $250 price point from the $800 private event price point.

Discussion ensued and there was a motion made by Mr. Radich to waive the fee and that Lansdowne Borough serve as cosponsor of the event which was seconded by Ms. English and voted in favor by all.

Parade to Community Back to School Book Bag Giveaway

A request for a parade for September 6thwith a possible parade route that starts in Yeadon on Bailey Rd. From there the parade will either go down Union Ave into Lansdowne to Pembroke OR Bailey Rd to Wycomb Ave to Strafford Ave to Pembroke. The office is open to other routes through Lansdowne borough if there is an issue with either Wycomb or Union. Then the parade will continue into East Lansdowne and Upper Darby via Oak Ave and Crosley Ave. The parade will consist of fire engines from each municipality (Yeadon, Lansdowne, East Lansdowne, and Upper Darby). The fire engines will be the only vehicles in the parade. There will be a marching band from both William Penn School District and Upper Darby School District. There will also be children riding bikes in the parade. There will be no floats. It probably will not be a very long parade. The parade will be starting about an hour before the event, which starts at 3 at the Second Ward Playground in Upper Darby. The parade will likely begin about 2 p.m. at Bailey Rd in Yeadon. We are not requiring police presence. Plans are to have volunteers along the parade route. Discussion ensued and it was decided that the Borough would not be able to organize enough precautions and handle logistics in advance of the short timeline before September 6th

Elm Street Program – ADA Curb Cuts

Yeadon Borough and the Elm Street Program have committed funds scale up a project in the target neighborhood to improve ADA access along Wycombe Avenue specifically ADA ramps between Fairview and Nyack Avenues. Both entities have committed $13,000 to the effort. The Elm Street Program requests that Lansdowne Borough commit an equal share, $13,000. Independent of this project, Lansdowne Borough will pave Wycombe Avenue between Baltimore and Nyack Avenues in the Fall of 2014. Paving compels the Borough to upgrade adjacent ADA ramps. Because Lansdowne Borough will pave Wycombe Avenue in the target area a contribution to the Elm Street project is not necessarily a new expenditure. A contribution will leverage ½ of the ESP ($6,500) contribution into Lansdowne. Therefore it is recommended that the Borough commit an equal share, $13,000 to the ESP project. If approved, design, engineering, bidding and implementation will follow.

Discussion ensued, clarification was made that financial impact on the borough if approved would fall to the Liquid Fuels fund. A motion was made by Mr. Aubrey to participate in the program which was seconded by Mr. English and voted in favor by all.

Bus Stops at Lansdowne and Baltimore

Mr. Totaro reported that conversations dealing with the Walgreen development led to conversations with SEPTA regarding the locations of downtown bus stops which resulted in SEPTA’s desire to migrate the SW corner stop to the NW corner and that SEPTA wishes to know if there are any objections to this happening. As there were non, Mr. Totaro reported that he would inform SEPTA that there were no objections. Mr. Totaro also reported that the other stops in the center of town would be looked at as well.

Trestle rail repairs September 20th to late November

Mr. Totaro reported that on or about September 20th 2014 SEPTA will begin a 10-week construction project that will remove and replace the rails and the wooden ties that lie beneath the rails for the length of track spanning the trestle over the Darby Creek. The Borough, traffic on Scottdale Road and Hoffman Park will experience little to no disruption from this work, that all construction activity will happen between the hours of Saturday 12am and Monday 12am, that additional activity will take place at the intersection of the Elwyn Line and Union Avenue. Mr. Totaro reported that the scope of this work is mounting and dismounting of construction rail/trucks servicing the project. As part of this work, Lansdowne Borough will enter a simple agreement granting permission to occupy the gravel lot (a high reach vehicle will be parked on this site for the length of the project) as well as to insure the state of the land is not adversely impacted and that park assets do not incur damage, misuse, and are returned to normal state etc…

XVI.Action Items:

Mr. Radich motionedto approve bills for the period which was seconded by Ms. English and voted unanimously by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to ratify escrow agreement for 13 Willowbrook Avenue which was seconded by Ms. English. Mr. Scott clarified the details of the matter and it was voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to appoint Ellen Lustgarten to the Code Appeals Board for a three-year term expiring 11/30/2017 which was seconded by Mr. Aubrey and voted on favorably by all

Mr. Radich motioned to appoint William Campbell to the Code Appeals Board, filling a position left vacant after a resignation, for a term expiring 11/30/2016 which was seconded by Mr. Aubrey and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. radich motioned to hire Mr. Francis Marabella effective August 12th 2014 to temporarily fulfill the duties of Finance Director in accord with the terms of the employment agreement between Mr. Marabella and Lansdowne Borough which was seconded by Ms. English and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to appoint Mr. Francis Marabella temporary Assistant Treasurer which was seconded by Ms. English and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Rradich motioned to adopt Resolution 2014-13 a resolution regarding bank account signature which is seconded by Ms. English and voted on favorably by all.

Ms. English motioned to award bid for a generator and installation at the Lansdowne Firehouseto Carr & Duff Inc. for an amount not to exceed $46,425.00 and after some discussion and clarification that the Firehouse can and does serve as an emergency shelter for residents was voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to accept a letter of resignation from Bill Patterson from the Arts Board and this was seconded by Mr. Aubrey and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to accept a letter of resignation from Michael Bolton from the Arts Board which was seconded by Ms. Byrne and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Radich motioned to issue a HARB Certificate of Appropriateness to 2-10 W. Baltimore Avenue, for additions to the adaptive re-use of 2 W. Baltimore Avenue to include fence screening for the dumpster/delivery area according to changes to the to sign package, and a park setting on S. Lansdowne Avenue which was seconded by Ms. English and voted on favorably by all.

Mr. Schleigh motioned to procure and send get-well-soon flowers to President Saylor seconded my Ms. English and voted on favorably by all.

Executive Session: Ms. Byrne motioned to adjourn to executive session. Mr. Aubrey seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Public Session: There were no motions made upon reconvening to public session.

Adjournment – Mr. Aubrey moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Totaro

Assistant Borough Secretary

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