Lanier Corvettes Unlimited

Membership Application

NAME: ______Spouse: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Home Phone # (____) ______Work #: (____) ______Cell #:(___)______

Emergency contact name: ______Phone #: ______

Email (primary member) : ______

Email (spouse): ______

Spouse Phone # (____) ______Work #: (____) ______Cell #:(___)______

Birthday(s): Month_____ Day______Month_____ Day_____

Are you acquainted with a LCU member? Yes ___ No ___ Name: ______

What club activities are of greatest interest to you? Club car shows

Technical seminars Cruise In's Work on members' cars Week-end Cruising

Corvette(s) Owned: (Year, style, color, coupe, convertible, engine, restored, etc.)

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______


Member Signature Date


OFFICE USE ONLY: Date and initial each item when completed

NCCC Docs filed ______Name Tags ordered _____ Added to Email list _____

Added to member roster _____ By-Lays signed _____ New member packet _____


Please mail to: Lanier Corvettes Unlimited

P.O. Box 717

Oakwood, GA 30566