June 3, 2016

Current Events: It’s hard to believe that this is our final newsletter of the year! All the performers did an awesome job sharing their talents with us on Wednesday! Then, on Thursday afternoon, our 1st Graders visited the 2nd Grade Teachers’ classes to know where they will be walking to in August. Please remember to send in your donations for Monday if I contacted you regarding sundae supplies for our 1st Grade Reading Celebration. Please clean out your child’s book bag daily as we are sending things home. Thanks to all the volunteers who assisted with our indoor Field Day today!

Language Arts: Over the summer, encourage your child to write daily in a journal to continue developing the use of punctuation and capitalization in stories.

Math: Over the summer use my Portaportal, Skoolbo, or the IXL Math site on our BME home page to practice and review skills on any of the Math concepts that we covered this school year or play cards and board games and to keep their math minds growing. Instant recall of the addition/subtraction facts will be very helpful as they move to do 2nd Grade Math.

Social Studies: The children have made a world map including a title, a key/legend and a compass rose this week.

Science: In our Scholastic News, “Insects That Will Rock Your Summer,” we learned about the super powers of some special insects. Plus, the children read about the life cycle of a dragonfly, which is very different from the Monarch butterfly that we studied earlier this year.


Mon., June 6th: Art with Mrs. Wheeler

Tues., June 7th: No specials\

Wed., June 8th: No specials—1:00 dismissal


Monday, June 6th: 1st Grade Reading Celebration at 1:30

Tuesday, June 7th: Mrs. Liggett’s class yard sale—time to spend our last cub cash. Please send in any new or gently used donations for our sale.

June 8th: Report cards go home and PALS results. The children are dismissed at 1:00. Send me a note if your child has a change in getting home on Friday. Over please…

Help: Please check around at home for any library books, reading books, or any items that need to be returned to school.

Headphones: I will keep your child’s headphones that he/she uses in the computer lab. All 1st grade headphones will be boxed and passed on to the 2nd grade teachers. If you need your child’s headphones for the summer or may be moving, send me a note, and I’ll send your child’s headphones home.

Summer Birthday Greetings: Although we won’t be in school to recognize our classmates, we hope that these friends have special birthday celebrations with family and friends:

June 30: Violet Bosserman, July 27: Tanner Darley, July 30: Parker McDorman & Wyatt Hubbell, and August 4: Kennedy Shaver.

Have a fun, safe summer!

(School resumes August 9th, 2016)

The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding non-discrimination policies.

Title IX Coordinator

Jill Martin

Director of Personnel

PO Box 960

18 Government Center Lane

Verona, VA 24482

(540) 245-5107