Students may bring a nutritious morning snack to eat while learning. Fruit, cheese cubes, granola bar, trail mix, or crackers are good choices.
- No dessert items & “junk food” like chips/candy
- Also, please no foods or snacks requiring a spoon, so snacks don’t spill on work
Water Bottles- Students are encouraged to bring water bottles for hydration throughout the day. Reusable bottles with a sport top are recommended. / DISMISSAL
Car Riders: K-2 (and older students with siblings in K-2) will be organized by grade level outside by the gym. Grades 3-6 will be on the east side of the building by the bike racks/awning. Dashboard signs should be displayed to help identify riders. This is especially important during rainy day dismissal.
Kids Club and Daycare Riders: Students will go to their designated waiting area and be supervised until their bus arrives.
Walkers and Bike Riders: Students will leave out the north doors exiting to the Older Car Rider side of building.They will walk towards North Alder to exit school grounds. For safety purposes, all students should go straight home and not stop. Please cross only at the cross walks.
If there is a change in transportation of any kind, the homeroom teacher must be notified in writing on the day of the change. You may also
call the school office and they will forward the message to your child. / BIRTHDAYS
To avoid hurt feelings among classmates, all party invitations should be mailed unless invitations are provided for every child in the homeroom. Please do not send cookies or cupcakes to celebrate your child’s birthday.We do have several students with peanut allergies.Small non-food items can be given out if provided for each child in the homeroom and will be handed out at the end of the day..
Lunches delivered to school will be placed in their grade level bin near the front desk. Lunch account payments can be made before school in the cafeteria or online. Please make sure your child’s lunch is arranged each day prior to lunch time.
Parents are welcome to visit at lunch on non-testing days. Parents may only eat with their child on the stage; other students cannot join you. If bringing lunch for your child, please note that you and your child may not share food with other students. / ABSENCES AND TARDIES
The majority of the learning that takes place at school is through teacher instruction, classroom discussion, and hands-on activities. Therefore, it is extremely important for your child to be at school and on time.
School begins promptly at 7:55. Students arriving in the classroom after 7:55 need to stop by the office for a late slip. Unless a doctor’s note is turned in, the absence will be considered voluntary and unexcused. Teacher will discuss late arrivals with student when they reach 3. Parents will be notified at 5 late arrivals and early dismissals.
Supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. For safety purposes, students may not be dropped off prior to 7:30 a.m. All fourth grade students arriving between 7:30 and 7:50 should report directly to the gym and not their classrooms.
In the event of an absence, parents should call the school office at 972-236-0600, ext 8180 prior to the start of the day. Messages can be left on the school answering machine before and after office hours.
In addition, a parent note should also be sent with your child upon returning from any absence. A signed note received within 3 days of absence is required to excuse a student absence. / CLOTHING, TOYS & ELECTRONICS
As a reminder, shorts and skirts must reach mid-thigh or longer. Sleeveless shirts should fit closely under the arm. Tube tops, halters, midriffs, spaghetti straps, and tank tops are prohibited. Shirts must be long enough to cover the midriff even when arms are raised over the student’s head. Students will have P.E. and/or recess every day. For safety reasons students are required to wear tennis shoes/sneakers.
Students should leave electronics, games, toys, and stuffed animals at home. If a student is in possession of a cell phone, it must be kept off and out of site during the school day.
***Please refer to the Allen ISD Student Handbook for further details.
Mondays through Thursdays, students in fourth grade should expect an average of 40 minutes of homework per night. Assignments are due the next school day unless otherwise marked in the agenda.
Homework is intended to practice skills already learned in class or to spark thinking related to the topic to be studied the following day, and will include reading, written work or studying for various tests. Since learners work at different rates, some fluctuation of time will occur. However, if your child is unable to complete the tasks in a reasonable amount of time, please notify your child’s teacher. / MAKE –UP WORK
In the event of an absence, the student will have the same number of days to complete the make-up work as the number of days of the absence. The teacher will have the missing work available upon the return of the student.
Any medication that a student takes, including non-prescription, must be administered in the clinic. Prescription medication should be in the original, labeled container. Non-prescription medications need to be labeled with the student’s name, and parent’s name and phone number. / GRADING
Your child’s grades reflect the mastery of content or skills taught and performance standard, ability to follow directions and the ability to turn in assignments on time. We will have a 9-week grading period. If a student has not mastered an objective, a teacher will work with that student and reassess their knowledge in that area with an opportunity to make up their grade for a highest grade of 70.
Tutoring is provided for students who demonstrate an academic need. Your child’s teacher will communicate the tutoring schedule if this is appropriate to meet your child’s needs. /
Nov 7-9 Math Benchmark
Science Benchmark
Reading Benchmark
Jan 10 STAAR Writing Simulation
Feb 21 STAAR Math Simulation
Feb 22 STAAR Reading Simulation
March 28 STAAR Writing
May 8 STAAR Math
May 9 STAAR Reading
May 22 Science EOY
Please do not schedule appointments on these important days.
Parent-Teacher communication is essential to supporting a student effectively. The Communication Reportkeeps you informed about your child’s daily behavior. Both the Agenda and Communication Report should be kept in the binder at all times and you should review and initial the Communication Report daily. / THURSDAY FOLDER
Thursday Folders contain most district and school notes. The folder is sent home on Thursday and must return on Friday. Return needed forms, payments, or student work as requested. We appreciate your support at home in this manner.
Symphony @ The PAC – Oct. 28th
Collin County Adventure Camp –
March 31st (tentative)
Every student must have a Field Trip Permission form on file.
All volunteers/chaperones mustcomplete a criminal history check through /
Welcome to
4th Grade!
We are looking forward to a fun-filled year of learning!
If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher via email, or by calling Anderson Elementary at 972-236-0600and the phone extension listed below.
X 8234
X 8193
X 8170
X 8201
Our conference time is 1:30-2:15. / 4th Grade Handbook
Anderson Elementary