Appendix One




People appointed to the central list for Ealing’s Fostering Panel are required to accept and agree to the following performance objectives.

A signed copy of the performance objectives should be returned to the Panel Administrator and placed on the person’s file, prior to attending their first Fostering Panel.

  1. Panel Members are expected to adhere to and actively operate in their work on the basis of the Council’s equalities and diversity policies. Panel Members should be committed to anti-discriminatory practice and should be prepared to consider each case on its own merits.
  2. Panel members are expected to provide objectivity and challenge practice that is felt to fall short of the Fostering Regulation and Guidance and National Minimum Standards 2011.
  3. Panel Members are required to sign a confidentiality bond.
  4. All paperwork sent to Panel Members is to be kept in a safe and secure place pending the Panel meeting and returned, along with the plastic container sack, at the meeting to the Panel Administrator. Panel Members may keep a copy of the minutes for reference provided they are kept in a safe and secure place and are returned to the Panel Administrator at the end of the Panel Member’s tenure of office.
  5. Panel Members are expected to read all paperwork in advance of the meeting and to be prepared to seek clarification, contribute to the discussion and make a recommendation as necessary.
  6. Panel Members are expected to keep themselves up to date with current child placement issues through training sessions, reading material provided for them, requesting information from the Panel Advisor as necessary.
  7. As a minimum, an annual joint training day will be arranged by the agency. There is a clear expectation that Panel Members will attend. Members will be consulted on the content and format of the training day.
  8. It is possible for a Panel Member to have some knowledge, either in a personal or professional capacity, of a case under consideration. In such circumstances a Panel Member should declare an interest and inform the Chair or Vice Chair accordingly. This must be done as soon as possible to ensure the Panel is quorate.
  9. The Panel has a slot at the end of the agenda at each meeting for de-briefing/discussion of issues that may have arisen during the meeting.
  1. If a person who is included in the central list wishes to be removed from the list or wishes to resign, he/she may do so by giving one months’ notice in writing to the Director of Children’s Services (The Fostering Services Regulations 2011 (Reg.23: 2). Panel Members who are Councillors will follow established Council procedures in addition.
  2. If the Fostering Service is of the opinion that a person included in the central list is unsuitable or unable to remain on the list, then the Fostering Service may remove that person’s name from the list by giving them one months’ notice in writing. Panel Members can expect that the Chair/ Panel Advisor will have already discussed the issue of concern with him/her and that his/her own view will be taken into account.
  3. Panel Members must inform the agency immediately if they have been/are convicted or cautioned for any criminal offence or if any criminal proceedings are pending.
  4. Panel Members who are not employed by the statutory bodies are entitled to claim for expenses for travel, mileage, parking fees and child care costs.

I have read, understood and agree to the above Performance objectives in order to be appointed to Ealing’s Fostering panel. Central list.


