Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 10th October 2016

Present:Cllr Barbara Fiorato, Jane Brown, John Colbert, Graham Cross, Paul Caffrey, Patricia Porter, DC David Staveley, CC Richard Welch, PC Grace, DC Wendy Hulland Clerk Abigail Horsfall.

Apologies:Cllr Brian Woollard.

MIN 94/2016:Declaration of Interest: Cllr GC declared an interest with the Community Garden.

MIN 95/2016: To approve the Minutes of last meeting held on12th September 2016.

Cllrs authorised the minutes as a true copyfor Chairman Barbara Fiorato to sign.

MIN 96/2016:CC Richard Welch- reported that the work was commencing on Coniston bridge that night.

The Council discussed FairhurstStoneyard; about how much dust and how many stones have been all over the road due to the overloading of the vehicles. The cement wagon has been filled to full and it was that overloaded causing the dust to fall on the road.

The Council also discussed the 40mph road outside FairhurstStoneyard, Councillors feel that the speed limit should be changed for safety reasons because of the 40 ton wagons having to pull out up a hill at a right angle. They 40 ton wagons can’t visually see when they pull out, partly because of the trees.Most of the traffic that travels from Stainforth direction does not stick to the 40mph speed limit which makes it more dangerous for the wagons. PC Grace suggested that the Clerk should contact the 9-five alive website to see if there was help with the speed limit. There might be some vehicle turning signs that could be put up.

MIN 97/ 2016 - PC Grace- Reported that there had been 10 incidents in Langcliffe over the last month. Quads and landrovers have been stolen.Diesel has been stolen from FairhurstStoneyard and the Papermill out of the HGVS. Some men pretending to be fish sellers have been knocking on people’s doors.

MIN 98/ 2016 - DC Wendy Hull – Ward Grants – Explained about the ward grants. Each Council has £1000 to give out to different groups. The ward grants have given £200 towards training for the Library. The Swimming pool has made progress, there is a consultant in looking out for ways to make money and what the swimming pool should do in the future.A re jig to the timetable has happened and money is being spent on the changing rooms. A membership scheme means people pay by direct debit. The roof needs lots of work. There are many possibilities for the future.

An action plan for market towns has been taking place. The core group,the Chamber of trade and the Town Council, have been discussing the signage around the town. The groups would like more signage around the town explaining where people can park, and what things there are to do in Settle and around the area, such as which walks you can start from Langcliffe.

MIN 99/2016: DC David Staveley – Discussed the local plan and the spaces plan. It was suggested that the Settle area does not need as many houses as first recommended. DC DS explained why everyone should comment and respond to the budget consultation.

MIN 100/2016: Matters arising:

  1. Fountain/War Memorial: The Clerk hasn’t heard anything new about Grants.
  2. Co-opting – Cllr GC will speak to George Beck.
  3. Fairhurst Stone Yard– The Councillors discussed Fairhurst Stoneyard at the beginning of the meeting.
  4. Community Gardens –Cllr GC reported that the Trustee are going to plant some trees and they have marked out some allotment plots.
  5. Dog Fouling –Cllr GC said It’s a major problem up Howson’s lane, people leave bags full and don’t dispose of them.
  6. Notice Board– Cllr BW painted the notice board at Willow Wood.
  7. Website – The website is not up and running.
  8. Seat – Cllr PC has not seen anyone. The Clerk will email Mike Slater about the benches.
  9. Wobbly Bridge –Cllr GC went and tightened the bolts, but said it won’t stay firm for long. Cllr GC had asked for some quotes for fixing the bridge. The Council discussed the quotes in detail and will ask Chris Marklew to try option 1 to see if it works.

MIN 101/2016: Financial Report: The Clerk distributed the monthly accounts and discussed the cheques for this month which were forEon – Street Light Elec, Horton Landscaping - Grass cutting, Harrison and Cross street light repair and the Clerk is wages. The cheques totalled £403.28. The accounts were approved and the cheques were signed.

MIN 102/2016: Planning:There was new planning in for Arcow Quarry.

MIN 103/2016: Correspondence: The Correspondence was discussed and then circulated to Councillors to read through.

MIN 104/2016: Any Other Business:

Village Shops –Patricia Porter discussed her ideas for a community shop. The fact that there are no shops in Langcliffe or facilities maybe showed a need for a community shop. Patricia has been around door to door asking if any of the residents are interested. Patricia though maybe the old school might be a good idea, or the car park with a Porter cabin as a shop. Cllr BF explained that the Car Park is Village Green and that wouldn’t be permitted. There was a suggestion aswell for the Community shop to be where the old village shop was. Patricia has considered grants. She said she could apply for a little café and wouldn’t open when the Sunday teas are on. Patricia would be thinking of advertising, and getting the whole village’s opinion.

Bunting -Eric Parker and Ian Johnson have taken down the bunting. Eric is kindly storing the bunting until the village needs it again. The Clerk will thank them.

Remembrance Sunday – Is on the 13th November 2016.The church service begins at 10.15.

MIN 105/2016:Next meeting of the Parish Councilis Monday 14th November 2016. Meeting closed at 20.26p.m.