1- General Information: YESNO

Total acreage of land to be subdivided______

Existing and proposed use of all lots (tax parcel/zoning info for adj. property)______

Sixteen (16) copies of the preliminary plan(24x36) minimum______

(Plans must be assembled and folded) ______

CD (PDF format) for fire commission of plan______

Site plan e-mailed to Planner______

2- Existing Conditions:

Zoning classification of proposed subdivision and adjacent areas______

Location of adjoining property lines______

Size and location of existing sewers, water mains, drains, culverts, or other______

underground facilities within any road right-of-way on or adjacent to the site

Location of all central water and sewer lines within 1000 feet of the site______

Acreage labeled for property & adjacent properties______

3- Proposed Conditions:

Proposed road layout (road right-of-ways) and public crosswalk locations______

Layout of all lots, including: area, setback lines, scaled dimensions, lot and ______

Block numbers, and utility easements with width and use

Designation of all land to be reserved for public use______

Number of proposed lots______

Total length of proposed roads______

Location of fire hydrants______

Include landscaping plans______

Traffic Study: If required: UDO, Ch 13, Section Subsection (c)______

4.Restricted Covenants:

Are there restricted covenants or deed restriction? Please attach a copy______

5.If applicant doesn’t own the property please submit a notarized letter______

Stating who will conduct business on their behalf.

6.If any of the above items are not included in your proposal please explain why: ______


Planning Office Use Only:

7.Planning Department –CD (PDF) Format Final Revision & Kevin Granata -Autocad 2000______

8. Date Received: ______

9. Received By: ______

10. Date of Meeting Scheduled: ______

11. Does applicant have all items addressed on site plan? ______

12.Fee amount $ 75.00 Cash or Check (Checks made payable) to Lancaster County) ______Paid _____Not Paid

13.After the DRC meeting comments/revisions must be made to the original submitted plan and resubmitted to the agencies that had comments. It is the responsibility of the developer to re-submit the plan with changes to the proper agency and an e-file copy and paper copy to the Planning Department to Planner in charge. Once the agencies have reviewed the changes, they will submit to the planning dept an e-mail stating that all changes have been made and meet the County’s requirements.


14.After receiving an email from the local agencies in regards to the comments addressed, the Lancaster County Planning will forward an e-mail to the Lancaster County Building & Zoning Department stating that permits can be obtained.
