
Part A: Circle all the nouns in the following sentences.

1. Jeff would certainly never hurt anyone’s pride.

2. Toby should wear his sneakers in the gym.

3. Brandon has never been to Mexico, but everyone in the class went last May.

4. Rita grew thoughtful in her later years.

Part B: Circle all of the pronouns in the following sentences.

5. Earl and Susan divided the fudge between them and ate it.

6. One of the men that was let go at work soon had several new job offers.

7. Do you know the answer to this difficult problem?

8. After visiting with her about the problem, the principle soon understood how to fix it.

Part C: Circle all the verbs in the following sentences.

9. The red pitcher is empty, but the blue one has plenty of lemonade in it.

10. Hal might often visit me, but he has never brought presents.

11. The peanuts tasted too salty.

12. The girls felt uneasy about the tryouts.

Multiple Choice: Put the correct letter on the line.

13. _____The judge shows leniency when dealing with first-time offenders.

a. concreteb. collectivec. abstract

14. _____The leaves on the maple tree change to bright red every autumn.

a. concreteb. collectived. compound

15. _____The marching band lined up along the 50-yard line.

b. collectivec. abstractd. compound

16. _____The Gateway Arch is located in St. Louis, Missouri.

a. pluralb. commonc. proper

17. _____Mrs. Jackson cooked hot dogs on the backyard grill.

a. properc. abstractd. compound

18. _____Who is the announcer in this television show?

b. intensivec. interrogatived. demonstrative

19. _____We drove through Chicago on our way to Wisconsin.

a. personalb. intensivec. interrogative

20. _____Neither of these poems is a good example of Emily Dickinson’s best work.

a. reflexivec. interrogatived. indefinite

21. _____My sister is graduating this year.

a. possessiveb. relatived. interrogative

22. _____Those are some of the cherry trees that Japan gave the United States.

b. possessivec. interrogatived. demonstrative

23. _____The fire alarm rang loudly in the middle of the night.

a. actionb. linkingc. helping

24. _____We rented a movie and asked some friends over.

a. actionb. linkingc. helping

25. _____I have seen that commercial at least ten times today.

a. actionb. linkingc. helping

26. _____What is your usual bedtime?

a. actionb. linkingc. helping

27. _____Ice cream left in the fridge too long tastes rubbery.

a. actionb. linkingc. helping

Fill in the adjective and adverb charts which follow the word bank.


whenwherehow manywhywhat kind

howwhosehow muchwhich oneto what extent

Adjectives ModifyAdverbs ModifyAdjective QuestionsAdverb Questions





In the following sentences, write the adjective or adverb on the first line and the word it modifies on the second. If the word on the first line is an adjective, circle it. If it is an adverb, do nothing to it. DO not include a, an, or the.

Example: The spicy pizza was too hot to eat.a. spicy/ pizzab. too/hotc. hot/ pizza

1. The cold and wet snow completely coveredSuzie's jacket.

a. ______/______b. ______/______

c. ______/______d. ______/______

2. The sleek gray horse quickly galloped across the pasture.

a. ______/______b. ______/______

c. ______/______

3. Great flocks of large birds migrate here in the spring.

a. ______/______b. ______/______

c. ______/______

4. James was an unlikely candidate for this very selective college.

a. ______/______b. ______/______

c. ______/______d. ______/______

Circle the prepositions in the following sentences:

1. After the movie the group of teenagers went to McDonalds for a burger.

2. Without sugar the blueberries were too sour for the dinner guests.

3. Sally worked from midnight to noon on her science project.

4. Over the river and through the woods to grandfather’s house we go.

5. He ate three boxes of popcorn with butter during the movie.


List the seven coordinating conjunctions: List three pairs of correlative conjunctions:

List three conjunctive adverbs:

Circle the conjunctions.

1. Because it is rainy today, the trip is canceled.

2. She didn’t press the bell, but I did.

3. She got the perfect score in not only English but also math.

4. The dark skies and distant thunder dissuaded Clarice from her afternoon run; moreover, she had thirty
calculus problems to solve for her morning class.

Interjections – Circle the interjections in the following sentences.

1. Yes, you may go to the movies tonight.

2. Well, I was thinking that maybe we could visit San Diego this summer.

3. Why do you always get the slack job? Ugh!

4. Yikes! Was that a snake under my bed?

5. Please, please, please say you’ll cancel the test!

Directions: Put each word from the sentences under the correct part of speech. Make sure you write it under how it is being used. For example, THIS BOOK – this is a pronoun being used as an adjective, so write it under the adjective heading. Please try to keep them in the order they occur in the sentences. Include a, an and the in your answers.

1. Teresa and you have been watching the silly television since Thursday.

2. Someone can quickly repair much of the broken fence in the neighbor’s backyard.

3. Hey, did you see the fiery comet in the sky?

4. Neither Tom nor Sue could finish only a part of the extremely exhausting obstacle course.

5. Because he cheated on the final section of the exam, he did not pass his course.


















