Name: ______



Mrs. Kelly Fringer

Contact Information

Phone: 717-652-3170 x2110 e-mail:

Additional help: please see me before or after school for additional help; please tell me the day if you will be coming in for help.


Prentice Hall: Chemistry 2005

Each student will be assigned a textbook and is responsible for having the book in class on a daily basis.

Course Description

This course is designed to teach chemistry concepts by integrating lecture, projects, group work, and laboratory course work while incorporating the PA Academic Science and Technology Standards and Anchors. Math, reading, writing, and problem solving will be used to cover: scientific method, measurements,data analysis, classification of matter, history and development of atomic theory, periodicity and the periodic table, basic chemical structure and bonding, dimensional analysis, chemical quantities, stoichiometry, solutions, chemical reactions, reaction rates, and gas laws.

Required Materials (everyday, no exceptions)

  • Text
  • Pencil or Pen
  • Notebook and folder – This will be provided to you on the first day of school
  • Student Handbook
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Sharing a calculator during quizzes and exams is not permitted

Food and Beverages

See your student handbook. Please not on lab days gum in not tolerated.

Classroom Rules

  1. Show respect for yourself and others
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given
  3. Come prepared to class

Course Grading

Grading will be on a point scale and will consist of tests, quizzes, labs, projects, homework, and classwork.

Class Conduct

  • Bring materials to class everyday. This includes binder/folder, student handbook, calculator, pen/pencil, homework/classwork and text.
  • If you are going to be/have been absent, it is your responsibility to get/make up all missed work. There is an area in the classroom where you can pick up all missing assignments. Please see Mrs. Fringer with questions after you have obtained missed work. You will have equal time for makeup work as days missed, same applies for exams.This is school policy. (Ex. Missed Monday and returned Tuesday, then all work must be made up by Wednesday.) All work the student was to hand in the day of an absence needs to be turned in the day upon return. (Ex. Student was in school on Monday and a homework assignment was given. Student was absent on Tuesday and returns Wednesday. The homework assignment must be submitted on Wednesday.)
  • Please see me if you do not understand the content being learned, want extra practice or have questions.
  • Complete homework – sufficient practice is necessary for success!
  • No work, No credit, No arguments!

You need to show work for everything!

If I cannot see your work it does not count.

“I did it in my head!” does not count.

  • I come prepared to teach; therefore you need to come prepared each day to learn.
  • Show general respect for all other around you.

Other items:

  • Regular, prompt attendance is required. When the bell rings, you are in your seat and working on the starter.
  • If you are late you need to have a legitimate pass. If you are late, sit down and begin the class activities at once. I will come to your desk to collect the pass. Please do not tell me you are late (or a reason why you are late) or interrupt the class because of your lateness. Discuss your lateness with me after class if you need to. If you are late I will warn you. If you continue to be late to class, a phone call home will be made. If you still continue to be late, a detention will occur.
  • All assignments are assigned a due date. It’s the student’s responsibility to turn in work by the due date. Late work will not be accepted.
  • Lab work can only be accomplished in the laboratory and if you miss a lab day an alternate activity will be assigned to you. You will need to complete the activity to earn credit for the lab.
  • If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to obtain and complete any missed assignments and make up any exam/quizzes. See Class Conduct bullet #2
  • Copying other students work is not tolerated and will result for a zero for all parties involved.
  • All written assignments will be completed with proper sentence structure and grammar.


Projects will be given a zero if they are not turned in within 1 week of the assigned due date. 5% points will be deducted each day late (Example: A project is due April 9 and not turned in. The student has until April 16 to submit the project. If the project is submitted on April 11,it is two days late and 10% will be deducted from the grade earned.)

Laboratory Contract

The following are guidelines for all laboratory safety:

  • Never put anything from the lab in your mouth or smell anything directly from the container.
  • Goggles must be worn at all times even if you wear prescription glasses.
  • Closed toe shoes and socks must be worn in order to protect your feet.
  • Hair needs to be tired back if you can tuck it behind your ears.
  • No “horse play”
  • You must remain in your designated work area at all times.
  • You may only work with your lab partner/s.
  • You must report all chemical spills and broken glassware.
  • You need to clean up your lab area before leaving. Lab area will be inspected before you leave the class. If a mess is left at your station when you leave class, a detention will be issued.
  • No chewing gum and no drinking beverages or eating.
  • You record your own data and complete thelab report on your own.

Absent / Visit the website to find out about any missed assignments and readings. If you need a hand out, go to the side of the room and see what was missed for the day.
Bathroom / You may leave if the hall pass is in the room. Pick up the hall pass, bring your agenda
book to Mrs. Fringer to sign, sign out the hall pass and go to the bathroom.
Never ask Mrs. Fringer if you can go to the bathroom, especially during a class.
She will not answer you.
Drink of water / You may leave if the hall pass is in the room. Pick up hall pass, bring your agenda
book to Mrs. Fringer to sign, sign out the hall pass and go to the water fountain.
Never ask Mrs. Fringer if you can go get a drink, especially during a class.
She will not answer you.
Grades/Missing work / Go to the side of room to see grades/missing work or visit powerschool.
I do not collect late work if the assignment was already handed back graded to the class.
Gum / Gum will only been seen in mouth or in trash. No gum during labs
Homework / Homework is written on the board everyday; copy homework down in agenda everyday. Have out the previous night's homework while you are completing
the starter. If I pass you and your homework is not out it counts as a zero.
Late to class / Excused: Keep excuse out on desk for me to check. Sit down in seat quietly
and begin the activity without distracting the class.
Unexcused: Sit down in seat quietly and begin the activity without distracting the
class. If lateness is excessive a phone call home and detention will be
Leaving class early / Before the period begins, show Mrs. Fringer your early dismissal pass. Leave
class quietly at the appointed time. You do not need to alert the class.
Lost a handout / Go to the absent work area and collect the work. You do not need to ask.
Need a pencil or pen / Before class begins, take a pencil/pen from the community pencil bin. If one is not there find one from a peer. Do not ask Mrs. Fringer for a writing utensil.
Need a tissue / Stand up and get a tissue from the side of the room.
Need help / Raise your hand, if I am not available skip the problem and work on a different one or review your notes. You can also ask a peer for help.
Need to use a: / All items are to be obtained before the bell rings or if warranted, during group time.
sheet of paper, stapler, / Such items are located in the back of the room.
paper clip, hole puncher
Nurse / Fill out agenda book and hand to teacher to sign. Sometimes you may not be
permitted to go to the nurse.
Passing papers in / Give papers to one person in the group if Mrs. Fringer collects them during
class. Place papers in the purple bin if they are late or need to be handed
in at the end of the period. Place late work directly in the purple bin.
Passing papers out / Collect papers in the back of the room on the teacher's lab bench before class. If you are absent when papers were given out go to the handed back work bin at the side of the room.
Questions during lecture / Raise your hand during a break in lecture. There will also be allotted time for
Quieting down / I will give you time frames to quiet down, then you will be quiet.
Sharpen pencil / Stand up and sharpen your pencil before or after class. During class is not
acceptable… it is distracting.

Chemistry SyllabusPage 1