Company Name
Contact Name
Local Authority your business is registered with
Current Food Hygiene Rating Score
Please describe your stand – what will you be bringing including any banners, displays, posters and stock.
Please describe the food/drink you will be selling. Please provide as much information as possible to help us promote your business. Let us know if you use locally sourced ingredients, if your items are handmade, who you sell to etc…

Please note that hand wash facilities are not provided at this event, therefore as per Food Hygiene legislation, all stalls handling open high risk food will be required to have hand wash facilities.


Stand size / Price per stand / TOTAL
5ft x 2ft table plus chair / £40 / £
10ft x 2 ft table plus chair / £80 / £
3m x 3m space only (tables not included – these are available to hire for an additional £10) / £90 / £

Please note as space around each stand is limited, extensions to your table are not permitted.


Stand size / Price per stand / TOTAL
5ft x 2ft table plus chair / £40 / £
10ft x 2ft table plus chair / £80 / £

Any children’s activities requiring a larger space must be located outside (see below for pricing) Space around each stand is limited, extensions to your table are not permitted.


Stand size / Price per stand / TOTAL
3m x 3m space only (tables not included – these are available to hire for an additional £10) / £90 / £
4.5m x 3m spaceonly (tables not included – these are available to hire for an additional £10) / £100 / £

Outdoor space is for stands/marquees/gazebo’s up to the above sizes. Please call if you have any other size requirements.


Stand size / Price per stand / TOTAL
3m x 3m spaceonly (limited availability)
(tables not included – these are available to hire for an additional £10) / £90 / £
4.5m x 3m space only
(tables not included – these are available to hire for an additional £10) / £100 / £


TABLE (Tables are not included in 3m x 3m and 4.5m x 3m space only bookings) / £10 / £

ELECTRICITY (All items must be PAT tested)

Electricity up to 1KW / £15 / £
Electricity above 1KW / Further £10 PER KW / £

We need to accurately assess your power requirements. Please list below the individual electrical items that you require power for and indicate their ratings in kilowatts. Please add together to indicate the total power requirement.


Please note your appliance(s) and lead(s) must comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations of 1989.

For any other stand sizes/requirements, please contact us for prices.


This application does not guarantee your space. Payment must be made to confirm a booking. Payment can be made by credit/debit card over the phone or in person at Marine Hall or via BACs, please call for details or to make payment – 01253 887693.

The closing date for applications is 15July 2018. Please email your booking form to or return to Marine Hall, The Esplanade, Fleetwood, FY7 6HF.

All relevant items listed below must be included with your application.

Please tick each item you are enclosing:

  • Completed booking form□
  • Signed copy of the Terms and Conditions (see next page)□
  • Food Hygiene Certificate(Level 2 or above)□
  • Public liability insurance certificate (for cover up to £5 million)□
  • Product liability insurance (where applicable)□
  • PAT certificates if bringing electrical equipment□
  • Gas check assessment (where applicable)□
  • Preliminary risk assessment for your stand (If applicable, see terms and conditions) which you will need to complete on site on the day of the event and hand to the Events Manager


  • The Fylde Coast Food and Drink Festival is operated by Wyre Council
  • Stalls must be attended by the principal producer of the goods, or his/her authorized representative
  • All electrical appliances must be PAT tested, including extensions leads. No additional lights or extension from the existing electric light fittings shall be used without consent. The technician has the right to deem any equipment unsafe and therefore not be used.
  • Setting up will commence from 8am. Unloading must cease 50 minutes before the event opens to the public. Any vans arriving to unload after this time will not be permitted to trade. The Safety Officer for the event will ensure that unloading is observed up till this point
  • Trading will cease at approximately 4pm. Dismantling of your exhibition space cannot take place before the event has officially closed and all members of the general public have left the building. An announcement will be made to officially close the event.
  • No vehicles will be allowed on site during the event at any time after 9.10am until the closing announcement has been made
  • Once unloaded, all traders' vehicles must be removed and parked on Central car park opposite the Mount hotel, which is a very short drive along the Esplanade.
  • The Council may cancel the event due to any unpredictable events beyond its control. Under these circumstances the exhibitor shall not have any claim for damages of any kind against the Council in respect of any loss or damage consequential upon the prevention, cancellation or postponement of the event.
  • Each space is for one individual trader and cannot be shared with other businesses.
  • The Fylde Coast Food and Drink Festival is for food and drink businesses only. With the exception of children’s activities, no other types of business will be eligible to trade.
  • It is planned that all hot food providers will be located outside the building in the Marine Hall Gardens and all cold food and drinks providers will be located inside. Children’s activities will be located in the Wyre bar and in the gardens. This however is dependent on the weather conditions and the number of exhibitors booking, and is subject to change.
  • All exhibitors must provide to the organizer at the time of booking,and be in possession of and display a copy of their Public Liability Insurance in excess £5,000,000.
  • All exhibitors must present at the time of booking a copy of theirLevel 2 Food Safety training certificate
  • Wyre Council recommends that all visiting food stallholders who attend Wyre events should have a Food Hygiene Rating of 3 and above
  • All exhibitors must provide to the organizer at the time of booking, and be in possession of and display a copy of their Product Liability Insurance where applicable
  • Alcohol – Please note our licence covers us for the sale of alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises from 11am to 12 midnight. Therefore between 10am and 11am is for browsing only.
  • Exhibitors selling alcohol should adopt a Challenge 25 policy where appropriate and ensure they apply due diligence to avoid selling to underage attendees
  • Any exhibitors without shop premises can operate with a dynamic risk assessment and they will not have to provide a written version for our records
  • Exhibitors with paid staff or those whom operate from a shop must provide at the time of booking a preliminary risk assessment for their stand, to be completed on site on the day of the event and handed to the Event Manager
  • The Council operates a Health and Safety policy in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and exhibitorsMUST comply with this policy in ALL areas of operation, especially on and around the stage area. A copy of this policy is held in the Administration office and may be seen on request.
  • It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure full compliance with The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 and all relevant legal requirements.
  • The accuracy of scales and other measuring devices is the responsibility of the individual exhibitor. The Council will not be held responsible for any infringement of the law in this matter.
  • First aid facilities are available at the venue however we request that all exhibitors carry their own basic first aid kit.
  • Use of any equipment in the hall shall be by special application and the exhibitor will be held responsible for any damage thereto, the cost of which must be paid to the Council forthwith
  • The Council shall not be responsible for any loss of, or damage to, any property arising out of the event, for any loss, damages or injury which may be incurred by, or be done or happen to, any person or persons resorting to the premises during the event from any cause whatsoever, or for any loss due to any breakdown of machinery, failure of supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, government restriction or act of God which may cause the premises to be temporarily closed or the event to be interrupted or cancelled and the hirer shall indemnify the Council against any claim which may arise out of the hiring of which may be made by any person resorting to the premises during the hiring in respect of any such loss, damage or injury.
  • Any exhibitor wishing to cancel their space booking must do so in writing to the Events Manager giving at least 30 days’ notice. 50% of the booking fee will be payable for all cancellations given with 30 days’ notice or more and 100% of booking fees will be payable for cancellations given with less than 30 days’ notice.
  • The exhibitor shall be responsible to the Council for all damages done to the property of the Council, including crockery and glass, during the period of letting, and shall pay to the Council, on demand, the cost incurred in making good such damage.
  • No photographs or films are to be taken or made on the premises without the prior consent of the Marine Hall Events Manager, with the exception of taking photographs or films of your own stand.
  • The Council reserves the right to exclude any person from a hall or other rooms.
  • The exhibitor shall not permit anything to take place in the premises, which is unlawful, or in the opinion of the Council of an objectionable character
  • The exhibitor shall, at the expiration of the time specified in the hiring, vacate the premises and leave the same in a clean and orderly state, removing all rubbish
  • Only food or drink purchased from the venue/the exhibitors may be consumed during the event. We respectfully ask exhibitors not to consume food or drink at their exhibition space.

I the exhibitor agree to abide by these rules and regulations and keep the organiser informed of

any changes. (Please sign and date below)

Signed / Date
Name / Company