eCW in+care Measures
SQL Code
Retention Measure 1: Gap Measure
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 999999999999;
SET @START2 = '2010-10-01'; /*The start date for the denominator measurement period*/
SET @END2 = '2011-03-31'; /*The end date for the denominator measurement period*/
SELECT count(distinct e.patientid)
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND u.uid =
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start2 AND @end2
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'STD%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK';
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 999999999999;
SET @START2 = '2010-10-01'; /*The start date for the denominator measurement period*/
SET @END2 = '2011-03-31'; /*The end date for the denominator measurement period*/
SET @START3 = '2011-04-01'; /*The start date for the numerator measurement period*/
SET @END3 = '2011-09-30'; /*The start date for the numerator measurement period*/
SELECT count(distinct e.patientid)
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start2 AND @end2
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK'
AND e.patientid not in (SELECT distinct e.patientid
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start3 AND @end3
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK');
Retention Measure 2: Visit Frequency Measure
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 999999999999;
SET @START = '2009-10-01'; /*The start date for the denominator measurement period*/
SET @END = '2011-03-31'; /*The end date for the denominator measurement period*/
SELECT count(distinct e.patientid)
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND u.uid =
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK';
Step1:- Identify the patients having appointments in each 6 month period of measurement period (10/2009-9/2010)
SET @START4 = '2009-10-01'; /*Beginning of first 6 month interval of four*/
SET @END4 = '2010-03-31'; /*Ending of first 6 month interval of four*/
SET @START3 = '2010-04-01'; /*Beginning of second 6 month interval of four*/
SET @END3 = '2010-09-31'; /*Ending of second 6 month interval of four*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start3 AND @end3
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK'
AND e.patientid IN (SELECT DISTINCT e.patientid
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start4 AND @end4
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK');
Step2:- # of patients having appointments in each 6 month period of measurement period (10/2010-9/2011)
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @START2 = '2010-10-01'; /*Beginning of third 6 month interval of four*/
SET @END2 = '2011-03-31'; /*Ending of third 6 month interval of four*/
SET @START1 = '2011-04-01'; /*Beginning of fourth 6 month interval of four*/
SET @END1 = '2011-09-31'; /*Ending of fourth 6 month interval of four*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlistp, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start1 AND @end1
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK'
AND e.patientid IN (SELECT DISTINCT e.patientid
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start2 AND @end2
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visit types used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK')
AND e.patientid IN (Paste the result/patientid’s from Numerator Step1 here);
Retention Measure 3: New Patients Measure
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @START = '2010-10-01'; /*Beginning of denominator measurement period*/
SET @END = '2011-01-31'; /*Ending of numerator measurement period*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND u.uid =
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT-ne%' /*Newly enrolled patients based on visit types*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'tran-fm-ne%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN-mf-ne%')
AND e.status = 'CHK';
Step1:- Identify patients from denominator who had an appointment in the second 4 month interval
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @start1 = '2011-02-01'; /*Beginning of second 4 month interval of three*/
SET @end1 = '2011-05-31'; /*Ending of second 4 month interval of three*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start1 AND @end1
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visittypes used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittypeLIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK'
AND e.patientid IN (Paste results/patientid from Denominator);
Step 2:- Identify patients from step one who also had an appointment in the third 4 month interval
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @start2 = '2011-06-01'; /*Beginning of third 4 month interval of three*/
SET @end2 = '2011-09-30'; /*Ending of third 4 month interval of three*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND u.uid =
AND e.patientid = p.patientid
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start2 AND @end2
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visittypes used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK'
AND e.patientid IN (Paste results/patientid from Numerator Step1 here);
Retention Measure 4: Viral Suppression Measure
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @start = '2010-10-01'; /*Beginning of denominator measurement period*/
SET @end = '2011-09-31'; /*Ending of denominator measurement period*/
FROM enc e, users u, problemlist p, patients pt
WHERE e.patientid = u.uid
AND E.patientid = p.patientid
AND u.uid =
AND pt.deceased = 0
AND u.delflag = 0
AND u.status = 0
AND p.asmtid IN (SELECT itemid FROM itemdetail WHERE VALUE IN ('042','V08'))
AND e.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start1 AND @end1
AND u.ulname > 'Test'
AND (e.visittype LIKE 'ADULT%' /*the medical visittypes used at the health center*/
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ANOSC%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'COLPOS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'CON%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'ENDO%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EOB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'EST%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'F/U%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'GYN%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HEPATIT%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIV-RAPID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'HIVAID%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'NP%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OB%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'OV%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PEDS%'
OR e.visittype LIKE 'PULM%'
ORe.visittype LIKE 'TRAN%')
AND e.status = 'CHK';
SET SESSION wait_timeout = 9999999999;
SET @start = '2010-10-01'; /*Start date for numerator measurement period*/
SET @end = '2011-09-31'; /*End date for numerator measurement period*/
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT e2.patientid,',')
FROM enc e2, users u2, labdata ld2, labdatadetailldd
WHERE e2.patientid = u2.uid
AND e2.encounterid = ld2.encounterid
AND ld2.reportid = ldd.reportid
AND ld2.itemid IN (select itemid from items where item name LIKE ‘%Viral Load%’) /*Depends on the name of your VL Lab in eCW*/
AND ldd.propidIN (select itemid from items where item name LIKE ‘%Viral Load%’) /*Depends on the name of your VL Lab in eCW*/
AND e2.encounterid =(SELECT MAX(ld2.encounterid))
AND ldd.value < 200
AND ld2.deleteflag = 0
AND e2.deleteflag = 0
AND BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND e2.status = 'CHK'
AND u2.ulname > 'Test'
AND u2.uid IN (Paste Results/Patientid’sfrom Denominator);
Andy Doy1December 8, 2011