Lancashire Group EGB - Minutes
Committee Meeting: Thursday 22nd February 2018 at 7.30pm
Venue: 2, Hedgerows Road, Leyland P25 3 JZ
- Attendees:Cath Houghton, Sarah Bamber, Glenda Griffin (by Video link), Maxine Braithwaite, Deb Bennett, Yvonne Clark, Linda Cowperthwaite, Susi Rossi. (Guests Tanya Fitton and Liz Nabb)
- Apologies: Sue Taylor-Green, Maxine Lang, Pat Kelly,Rachel Woodruff
- Minutes of Last meeting:
Proposed – Maxine - Seconded – Sarah
- Matters Arising:
- Izzy Wilson (YR rep) not going to come again. Susi suggested emailing our YRs to see if anyone interested.
- Training, Susi suggested travelling horses (speakers Rachel Atkinson/Linda c), Maxine suggested trailer reversing, possible venue Myerscough? Also ideas for whole training day for next winter.
- Kerry Dawson to be included in newsletter recipients and also to receive minutes after ratification.
- Mileage to be 35p from AGM on 1st March 2018
- Sue to document rules on Helping and Ride cards
- Treasurers Report: Presented by Susi Crabtree on behalf of LC –
- £8062.28 in bank. (Ribby hall paid and Croal venue £624 paid)
- Emma Millar wants £6000 transferring to main account, Linda has not done this
- Golden Horseshoe Ride has requested £100 from Lancs group (and others) to sponsor a check point. Voted for 7, abstain 1
- Cath spoke re Rachel Atkinson attending WEG in September, the cost being over £30K, we agreed to the group sponsoring her 2k. Voted 8 for (Needs to go to the membership at our BAM)
- Membership (Sarah)
- 7 new members so far. 28 full and 15 associate.
- All new members get a ‘welcome’ email from Sarah
- Bring a friend and get your next ride 50% off to both parties discussed
- Health & Safety:
- Risk Assessment Forms to be re-hashed by EGB (Cath on central committee).
8. Newsletter:
- Next one due out in April, article from Kate Atkinson and notice of the memorial ride for Shelley Mee
- Susi has a lot of suggestions for articles
9. Website, Facebook, Publicity:
- Megan & Lily have applied for the EGB YR bursary
10. Merchandise
- T-shirts and hoodies ordered. Black and Red
- Badges, enamel to be ordered for awards night presentation dated 2018 (undated also to be ordered).
11. Progression of events
- All entries to be done online, payments by PayPal or cheque
- Jeni Rands ride will possibly be late summer or Autumn. TBC
- Croal, all permissions granted. Venue partially cleared. Got rosettes and helpers. Vets to be paid £150 + expenses, Farrier £120 + expenses. Sarah to sort caterer.
9. Awards Night
- Food not completely satisfactory. Disco and new venue for next year.
9. AOB
- Tracy Ryan farce discussed – decided just to ignore her and move on.
Date of next committee meeting – Thursday 5thApril, 7.30pm @ Charnock Richard Football Club, Charter Lane, Charnock Richard, PR7 5LZ