Large Account Management Process®
Pre-Work Check List for MAE’s and National Account Managers (Team leaders)
Following the Large Account Management Process®Launch Meeting, Team leaders need to work to accomplish the following activities with their teams:
(All team members)
- Identify existing Account and segment (Field of Play) for focus during 2-day LAMP®planning session.
- Complete the LAMP® pre-course assignment. Send a copy of the completed document to your manager at least one week prior to the program.
(All team members)
- Make copies of any Blue (Strategic Selling®) or Green Sheets (Conceptual Selling®) done for this account and send them to the team leader.
- If you have not done any Blue Sheets for this account, start one and get a copy to the appropriate team members and the team leader.
- Complete the IDN White Space Analysis
(Assign one team member)
- Research on the Company Field of Play and its Industry of operation. Possible information resources are: Hoover’s, your own marketing department, recent articles on the Company and the Industry of operation and internet website. (It may be possible to hire a student from a local University/Business School to complete this task.)
- Summarize and send the summary to the team leader.
(Assign one team member)
- Research the Company 10K and Annual Report. Read and highlight what you feel the team needs to know. Draw an organization chart indicating key contacts and strategic players.
- Summarize and send the summary to the team leader.
(Assign two team members)
- Complete a Client Satisfaction Survey. Call a minimum of three strategic client contacts and complete a satisfaction survey. Questions should be based on information you need for the pre-course assignment.
- Summarize and send the summary to the team leader.
(Assign two team members)
- Survey other team members. Call all of the team members who will NOT be attending the LAMP® program and interview them. Questions should be based on information you need for the pre-course assignment. Also, get all of the names of contacts they have with the Account, as well as the title and role of each.
- Summarize and send the summary to the team leader.
(Team Leader)
- Summarize all information and pre-course assignments and send to your team and Pam Switzer, the Miller Heiman facilitator three days prior to the LAMP® 2-day planning session. Email to: . As the team leader, you may want assistance from other team members to complete this task.
(Pre-Course Critical Success Factors)
- The strongest teams involve all members early and throughout the LAMP®process.
- Set specific deadlines and expectations.
- Communicate progress with your team highlighting successes in interviews and information gathering.
© Miller Heiman, Inc. (MCPCS Rev 2.1)
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