Lakenham Sport for Change Activity Grant – Application FormMay 2017
The Lakenham Sport for Change Project wants to support projects that encourage and empower people in Lakenham and Tuckswood in Norwich to get active, have fun and enjoy exercising. Projects should provide local, accessible opportunities for people that foster a positive attitude to getting active.
We are looking to support a range of projects that address what older people/families/single people would like to do; this may range from a community conservation group, cycling club to a group of neighbours who would like to organize a street games competition.
- Applications that are focused on the Lakenham and Tuckswood area and its residents are strongly encouraged.
- Please allow up to two months from application submission for a decision on your application.
- Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered. Please plan in sufficient time to organise and publicise your project before the date it is due to start.
- Please note projects that include only capital items or equipment are unlikely to be approved.
In the short term the Lakenham Sport for Change Project aims are:
- To increase physical activity/reduce inactivity in Lakenham/Tuckswood
- To reduce social isolation in Lakenham/Tuckswood.
We are looking for projects that use local assets such as Jubilee Park Multi Use Games Area(MUGA), Lakenham Way and Harford Community Centre to provide innovative, accessible and fun activities for local people. We are seeking projects that encourage those who may not exercise at the moment to get active.
Projects don’t need to be high tech or complex. What we are looking for are projects that will encourage those who might not get active to become more active. An example of this might be a step exercise class which matches volunteers mentor buddies with those attending to encourage people to keep active and make longer term lifestyle changes as well as decrease social isolation. Projects that get people together, having fun and getting active are sought for this Comic Relief and Sport England funded project.
Section 1 – Your Organisation/groupOrganisation Name:
Description of the Organisation Type:
Charity Number if applicable:
Contact Name:
Website if applicable:
Section 2 – Funding
How much you will be applying for (maximum £1000):
Please detail why you require the funding including covering the following points:
- Project Name
- What will your project be delivering in Lakenham and Tuckswood? Please be as specific and detailed as you can.
- Where will sessions/activity take place? For example which local green space/community hall?
- How often will activities be run and for how long? Please include planned start and end date.
- Who are the target beneficiaries of your project? How will you target residents of Lakenham and Tuckswood.
- Will volunteers from Lakenham and Tuckswood be involved? If so how?
- Is your project linked to or complimenting what other local organisations are doing in Lakenham/Tuckswood?
- Please include a clear and detailed budget so the value for money of the project can be seen.
- You will be required to source three competitive quotes before applying for all capital equipment
Section 3 – Your Project Results
Outcomes and Outputs (explain what results you expect/hope to achieve from your project and in particular the outcome for the money applied for);
These should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, responsible-who and time related.)
Who and how many would be engaged by/benefit from your project in Lakenham and Tuckswood:
Section 4 – Monitoring and Evaluation
If successful how will you measure, monitor and evaluate the outcomes and outputs of your project?
- Please note funded projects will be asked to be involved in the evaluation process for their activities such as participants stories, survey questionnaires and observations on sessions.
Lakenham Sport for Change project reserves the right to regular updates on your scheme/funded project. If successful a contract between the funding organisation ‘Community Action Norfolk and the receiving organisation ‘You’ will be drawn up.
Section 5 – Signing off your schemePlease sign and date your application below:
Printed Name:
Admin Use.
Lucinda Leonard Sport for Change Community Development Officer, CAN, Ambassador Way, Greens Road, Dereham, NR20 3TL
Tel: 01362 698 216 Email:
If you require this application in a different format please contact Lucinda directly.
This funding is currently on a rolling program so please apply when you are ready; applications will be assessed by the Energise steering committee who meet on a monthly basis and you will be notified with a decision as soon as possible after your application has been received and assessed. After submitting your application please ring Lucinda and confirm it has been received safely.