Emory University, Psychology Department

Mental Health & Development Program

36 Eagle Row, Atlanta, GA, 30306 psychology.unl.edu/smi/charlie-davidson

404) 727-8384researchgate.net/profile/Charlie_Davidson2


Postdoctoral Fellow

Emory University Dept. of Psychology (7/2017 - present)

North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS) Postdoctoral Fellow.

Primary Mentor: Elaine Walker, Ph.D.

NIMH T32 Postdoctoral Fellow

Yale University Medical School (7/2015 -7/2017)

Research fellowship in functional disability interventions. Director: Morris Bell, Ph.D.

Primary mentor: Scott Woods, M.D.

Co-mentors: Jason Johannesen, Ph.D.; Joanna Fiszdon, Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology

University of Nebraska-Lincoln.(8/2015)

Advisor, Dissertation Chair: William D. Spaulding, PhD

Dissertation (defended May 2014): ERP Correlates of Social and Nonsocial Cognition

Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology

V.A. Connecticut - West Haven. (7/2014 - 6/2015)

General Mental Health - Serious Mental Illness track

Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology

University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (5/2010)

Major Advisor: William D. Spaulding, PhD

Thesis: Psychometric Analysis of an Updated Version of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire Brief Revised in a Large Undergraduate Sample

Post-Baccalaureate Continuing Coursework

Harvard Extension School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital (2006 - 2008)

Bachelor of Arts

Vanderbilt University: Musical Arts major and Psychology minor. (5/2006)

Awards & Fellowships

Young Investigator Travel Award: International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, 2017.

Fling Fellowship: UNL Graduate Studies Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship, 2013-2014.

$20,000 + tuition, fees, and University’s portion of insurance premium

Faculty Commendation: UNL Clinical Psychology Training Program Faculty Commendation for Excellent Performance, 2013

RAC Travel: Research Advisory Committee Travel Awards / Supplemental ‘Reward’ Travel, 2008-2014. Total: $4,300

Warden Research: UNL Warden Research Support 2011-2013. Total: $487

Oltmer Fellowship: UNL Othmer Graduate Fellowship, 2008-2010. Total: $15,625.

APA Graduate Students: Excellence in Campus Leadership Award September 2009.

ABCT SIG Poster Award: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies: Schizophrenia Special Interest Group. Student Poster Award, 2009. Total: $50

Summa Cum Laude: Vanderbilt University, Summa Cum Laude, 2006

Moennig Scholarship: Vanderbilt University William H. Moennig Memorial Scholarship, 2002-2006.

Full tuition plus portion of room/board.

Manuscripts and Presentations

Published Articles

Davidson, C. A., Kiat, J., Tarasenko, M., Ritchie, A. J., Molfese, D., Spaulding, W. D. (in press). Exploring electrophysiological correlates of social cognition in subclinical schizotypy. Personality and Mental Health.

Woods, S.,Powers, A., Taylor, J., Davidson, C., Johannesen, J., Addington, J., Perkins, D., Bearden, C., Cadenhead, K., Cannon, T., Cornblatt, B., Seidman, L., Tsuang, M., Walker, E., McGlashan, T. (2017). Lack of diagnostic pluripotentiality in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis: specificity of comorbidity persistence and search for pluripotential subgroups. Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbx138.

Davidson, C. A., Lesser, R., Parente, L. T., Fiszdon, J. M. (2017). Psychometrics of social cognitive measures for psychosis treatment research. Schizophrenia Research.

Glenthøj, L. B., Hjorthøj, C., Kristensen, T. D.,Davidson, C. A., and Nordentoft, M. (2017). The effect of cognitive remediation in patients at ultra-high risk for psychosis: A systematic review. npj Schizophrenia, 3(1).

Davidson, C. A., Hoffman, L., Spaulding, W. D. (2016). Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire - Brief Revised (Updated):an update of norms, factor structure, and item content in a large non-clinical young adult sample. Psychiatry Research,238, 345-355, doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.053.

Davidson, C. A., Johannesen, J. K., Fiszdon, J. M. (2016). Role of learning potential in cognitive remediation: construct and predictive validity. Schizophrenia Research,171, 117-124,doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2016.01.044.

Bottoms, H. C., Treichler, E., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2014). Cognitive characteristics in “difficult-to-discharge” inpatients with serious mental illness: Attribution biases are associated with suspiciousness only for those with lower levels of insight. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 17(4), 152-172, doi: 10.1080/15487768.2014.954157.

Cook, E. A., Liu, N. H., Tarasenko, M., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Longitudinal relationships between neurocognition, social-cognition, and community functioning in outpatients with serious mental illness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 201(9), 786-794, doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3182a2140b.

Davidson, C. A., Kuroki, N., Alvarado, J., Niznikiewicz, M. A., McCarley, R. W., Levitt, J. J. (2012). An MRI study of septipellucidi in relation to hippocampus volume and fornix integrity in schizophrenia.Schizophrenia Research, 134(2), 165-170, doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2011.11.012.

Choi, K. H., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2011). Social cognition moderates the influence of child physical abuse on inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 465-70, doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3182214255.

Cook, E. A., Davidson, C. A., Nolting, J. R., Spaulding, W. D. (2011). Observed ward behavior strongly associated with independent living skills: an analysis of convergent and criterion-related validity of the NOSIE and the ILSI. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 33(1), 111-120, doi: 10.1007/s10862-010-9190-9.

Kikinis, Z., Fallon, J. H., Niznikiewicz, M., Nestor, P., Davidson, C., Bobrow, L., Pelavin, P.E., Fischl, B., Yendiki, A., McCarley, R.W., Kikinis, R., Kubicki, M., Shenton, M.E. (2010). Gray matter volume reduction in rostral middle frontal gyrus in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 123, 153-9, doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2010.07.027.

Submitted Manuscripts

Davidson, C. A., Montague, E., Gallegos-Rodríguez, Y., Treichler, E. B., Finch, H. C., Thomas, E. C., Spaulding, W. D. (under review). Inventory for Self-Efficacy and Externality: factor structure, concurrent validity, and normative data in community mental health and undergraduate samples.

Davidson, C. A., Piskulic, D., Addington, J., Cadenhead, K., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., …, Johannesen, J. K. (under review). Different age-related trajectories of social cognition in youths at clinical high risk for psychosis.

Davidson, C. A., Bell, Morris D. (under review). Does insight reduce the impact of delusional beliefs on community functioning? Interactions with negative symptoms.


Fiszdon, J. F., Davidson, C. A., Cognitive Remediation for Social Cognition (in preparation). In Eds. Lewandowski, E. & Moustafa, A., Social Cognition in Psychosis, Elsevier Academic Press, United States.


Davidson, C. A. (April, 2018). Current state of research and practice in identifying and managing psychosis risk symptoms in adolescents. Emory University Child and Adolescent Mood Program, Clinical Psychology Internship, Atlanta, GA.

Taylor, J., Davidson, C. A., Cannon, T. D., Walsh, B. C. (March, 2017). Progress in identification and prevention for those at clinical high risk for psychosis. Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds, New Haven, CT.

Davidson, C. A., Piskulic, D., Addington, J., Cadenhead, K., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., …, Johannesen, J. K. (March, 2017). Different age-related trajectories of social cognition in youths at clinical high risk for psychosis. Presented at the 16th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICOSR), San Diego, CA.

Davidson, C. A., Crowley, M. J., Lincoln, T. J., Hooker, C., Choi, J., Bell, Morris D. (October, 2016). Developmental trajectory of social cognition in high risk and early psychosis in relation to typical development and resilience: applying cognitive science to transdiagnostic treatment targets. Symposium presented at the 50thAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), New York, NY, symposium sponsored by Schizophrenia & Serious Mental Illness Special Interest Group.

Davidson, C. A. Invited Presentations (June and October, 2016). Risk, resilience, and recovery in early psychosis and youths at-risk for psychosis. NAMI Connecticut.

Davidson, C. A. Invited Presentation (June, 2016). Role of learning potential in cognitive remediation: construct and predictive validity.Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry Columbia University Medical Center.

Davidson, C. A. Invited Presentation (January, 2016). Adapting Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT) for Paranoia in Youths At-Risk for Psychosis. Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, New Haven, CT.

Davidson, C. A., Cook, E., Peer, J. E., Grant, P., Smith, S., Nolting, J., Sullivan, M., Johnson, J. R. (November, 2014). Integration of Recovery into services across settings for people with SMI: how and why?. Panel presented at the 48thABCT, Philadelphia, PA.

Davidson, C. A., W. D. Spaulding, Tarasenko, M., Nuechterlein, K., Zald, D. (November, 2013). Developing and integrating biological, behavioral, and cognitive indices in treatment research for serious mental illness (SMI). Panel presented at the 47thABCT, Nashville, TN.


Davidson, C. A., Bell, M. D. (November, 2017). The relationship between delusional symptom severity, insight, and community function depends on severity of negative symptoms. Presented at the 50th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), San Diego, CA.

Davidson, C. A., Pizarro, D. A., Walker, E. (2017). Trajectories of symptoms and social functioning for youths at-risk for psychosisrelated to onset of substance use. Poster presented at the Emory University Psychology Research Festival, Atlanta, GA.

Davidson, C. A., Lesser, R., Parente, L. T., Fiszdon, J. M. (2016). Psychometrics of social cognitive measures for psychosis treatment research. Poster presented at the 50th ABCT Convention, New York, NY.

Cho, C., Corcoran, C., Fiszdon, J., Davidson, C. A., Dixon, L., Choi, J.(2014). Differential Effects of Intra Versus Extra Familial Support on Self-Esteem And Treatment Engagement In Teenagers At Clinical High Risk For Psychosis. Poster presented at 27th Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP), Evanston, IL.

Davidson, C. A., Li, F., Tarasenko, M., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Electrophysiological indicators of facial emotion processing in psychometrically-defined schizotypy. Poster presented at the 47th ABCT Convention, Nashville, TN.

Davidson, C. A., Keplinger, A., Tarasenko, M., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Psychometric properties of measures typically used in SMI research in an analogue schizotypy population. Poster presented at the 47th ABCT Convention, Nashville, TN.

Davidson, C. A., Tarasenko, M., Gallegos, Y. E., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). ERP correlates of social and nonsocial cognition compared to psychometric schizotypy: Developing neuroimaging indices of treatment outcome in SMI. Poster presented at 26th Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP), Oakland, CA, and at EBSCOR Nebraska Neuroscience Symposium 2013.

Gallegos, Y. E., Davidson, C. A., Granholm, E., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). The impact of race and ethnicity in Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training (CBSST) for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Poster presented at 26th Meeting of the SRP, Oakland, CA.

Tarasenko, M., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Preliminary validation of a novel neurophysiological assessment of affective prosody perception. Poster presented at 26th Meeting of the SRP, Oakland, CA.

Davidson, C. A., Tarasenko, M., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Analogue development of multimodal electrophysiological indicators for social cognitive treatment response. Poster presented at 16th Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry Meeting, New York, NY.

Keplinger, A., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2013). Psychometric development of measures of schizotypal personality characteristics and social perception. Poster presented at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Research Fair, Lincoln, NE.

Davidson, C. A., Hochheiser, J., Gallegos, Y. E., Bottoms, H. C., Cook, E. A., Avila, A.,

Spaulding, W. D. (2012). Social functioning and social cognition in serious mental illness compared to a large undergraduate normative sample. Poster presented at 46th ABCT Convention, National Harbor, MD.

Davidson, C. A., Avila, A., Gallegos, Y. E., Bottoms, H. C., Cook, E. A., Hochheiser, J., Spaulding, W. D. (2012). Assessment of cognitive biases in a community mental health center compared to a large undergraduate sample. Poster presented at 46th ABCT Convention, National Harbor, MD.

Cook, E. A., Allen, A. B., & Davidson, C. A. (2011). Latent factor structure of the multnomah community ability scale and the service engagement scale. Poster presented at the 45th ABCT Convention, Toronto, ON.

Gallegos, Y. E., Davidson, C. A., Liu, N. H., Spaulding, W. D. (2011).Defeatist Attitudes and Locus of Control Compared to Neurocognition and Social Cognition in Community Services for Serious Mental Illness. Poster presented at 44th ABCT Convention, Toronto, ON.

Liu, N. H., Cook, E. A.; Davidson, C. A. Tarasenko, M., Spaulding, W. D. (2011). Longitudinal Prediction of Social Functioning by Baseline Cognition and Internal Locus of Control in Persons With Serious Mental Illness Living in the Community. Poster presented at 44th ABCT Convention, Toronto, ON.

Gallegos, Y. E., Davidson, C. A., Liu, N., Spaulding, W. D. (2011). Relationships among neurocognition, defeatist attitudes, and community functioning in schizophrenia. Poster presented at 25th Meeting of the SRP, Boston, MA.

Bottoms, H. C., Treichler, E. B. H., Davidson, C. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2010). Trends in attributional style, insight, and symptom severity in inpatients with serious mental illness. Poster presented at 43rd ABCT Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Cook, L. A., Davidson, C. A., Bottoms, H. C., Kleinlein, P., Wynne, A., Tarasenko, M., Reddy, F., Nolting, J., Choi, K., Spaulding, W. (2010). Exploratory analysis of functioning across biosystemic levels of organization in inpatients and outpatients with serious mental illness. Poster presented at 43rd ABCT Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Davidson, C. A., Cook, E. A., Bottoms, H. C., Gallegos, Y. E., Spaulding, W. D. (2010). The Inventory of Self-Efficacy and Externality (I-SEE) in a community mental health center: Reliability, factor structure, validity, and a proposed validity scale. Poster presented at 43rd ABCT Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Gallegos, Y. E., Nabity, P., Davidson, C. A., Liu, N., Spaulding, W. D. (2010). The Nebraska Consumer Action Team (CART) project: A case study in consumer activist research. Poster presented at 43rd ABCT Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Choi, K., Davidson, C. A., & Spaulding, W. D. (2009). Social cognition moderates the influence of child physical abuse on inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 43rd ABCT Convention. New York, NY.

Gallegos, Y. E., Davidson, C. A., Cook, E. A., & Spaulding, W. D. (2009). Independent Living Skills Inventory (ILSI) and the Nurses’ Observational Scale for Inpatient Evaluation, 30-item version (NOSIE) predict length of hospitalization. Poster presented at 43rd ABCT Convention, New York, NY.

Tarasenko, M., Kleinlein, P., Choi, K., Davidson, C. A., Cook, E. A., & Spaulding, W. (2009). Emotion perception and social functioning in serious mental illness: differential relationships among inpatients and outpatients. Poster presented at the 43rd ABCT Convention, New York, NY.

Kikinis, Z., Fallon, J., Niznikiewicz, M., Kubicki, M., Nestor, P., Wible, C., Davidson, C. A., Bobrow, L., Pelavin, P., Chiu, M., Fischl, B., McCarley, R. W., Kikinis, R. Shenton, M. E. (2009). Changes in Gray Matter Volume in Rostral Middle Frontal Gyrus of Chronic Schizophrenia Subjects. Poster presented at International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, California.

Choi, K. H., Reddy, L. F., Wynne, A., Taransenko,M., Davidson, C. A., Cook E. A., Spaulding, W. D. (2008). Memory Functioning Trajectories as Level of Severity of Child Abuse during Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation: 18-Month Longitudinal Study Using Multilevel Modeling. Poster at 42nd ABCT Convention, Orlando, FL.

Davidson, C. A., Cook, E. A., Nolting, J. R., Spaulding, W. D. (2008). Observed Ward Behavior Strongly Associated with Real World Living Skills: An Analysis of Concurrent Validity between NOSIE and ILSI. Poster presented at 42nd ABCT Convention, Orlando, FL.

Tarasenko, M., Kleinlein, P., Choi, K., Cook, E., Davidson, C. A., & Spaulding, W. D. (2008). Differential processing of emotional cues in inpatients and outpatients with serious mental illness. Poster presented at the 42nd ABCT Convention, Orlando, FL.

Kawashima, T., Niznikiewicz, M., Nakamura, M., Davidson, C. A., Salisbury, D. F., Shenton, M. E., McCarley, R.W. (2008). Progressive decrease of right prefrontal cortex gray matter in first-episode schizophrenia: A longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study. Poster presented at 63rd Annual Society of Biological Psychiatry Convention.

Alvarado, J. L., Davidson, C. A., Niethammer, M., McCarley, R.W., Kubicki, M.R., Shenton, M. E., Levitt, J. J. (2008). Sobel filter segmentation of the globus pallidus in schizophrenics. Poster presented at the 16thMysell Research Day, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.

Davidson, C. A., Levitt, J. J., Kuroki, N., Niznikiewicz, M., McCarley, R. W., and Shenton, M.E (2007). An MRI study of septipellucidi in relation to hippocampus and fornix in schizophrenia. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Research Day, Sponsored by the Mysell Committee, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.

Ad Hoc Reviews

Ad Hoc Reviewer

Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2016-17

Schizophrenia Research, 2012, 2017-18

Psychiatry Research, 2015-18

Community Mental Health Journal, 2018

Clinical Psychology Research and Practice, 2017-18

Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 2017-18

Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2013-16

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2012, 2016

Current Psychiatry Reviews, 2015

Developmental Neuropsychology, 2013

Epilepsia, 2013


Psychological Medicine, 2011

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2007

Research Experience

Sleep and mobile phone use study

Principal Investigator, (12/2017 - present)

Designed and implemented a study, in collaboration with Emory Psychology and Neurology faculty, to evaluate the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of mobile phone use on sleep among college students, as well as the clinical sleep behavior effects of self sleep monitoring and trying to reduce bedtime mobile device usage. Mentoring four undergraduate R.A.s as part of this project.

North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS 3): Emory University

Postdoctoral Fellow, (7/2017 - present)

Conducting, collaborating, and mentoring trainees for research at Emory University and with NAPLS 3 consortium. Also establishing research collaborations with the Emory Sleep Clinic and Rollins School of Public Health.

Pilot EEG test-retest study

Principal Investigator, (8/2016 - present)

Designed and implemented a study, in collaboration with Yale Child Study Center, to evaluate test-retest reliability of EEG acquisition during the Cyberball social exclusion task, which has not been studied as a repeated measure but is a promising treatment biopsychological outcome measure.

NIMH T32 Research Fellowship in Functional Disability Interventions

Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University Medical School (7/2015 –7/2017)

Training in identification and intervention for people at clinical high-risk for psychosis, including ongoing collaboration with Drs. Fiszdon and Johannesen examining clinical interventions for schizophrenia, and examination of neurophysiological and social cognitive changes in clinical-high risk with Drs. Woods and Johannesen as part of NAPLS multi-site collaborative research.

Grant Submitted: NIMH K23 Career Development Award “Social cognitive group therapy and brain outcomes in youths at risk for psychosis.”

Principle Investigator. Submitted 6/2016 and 3/2017. Not funded.

Proposed to adapt and test Social Cognition and Interaction Training for teenagers at-risk for psychosis, targeting social thinking related to paranoia and examine treatment mechanisms including EEG indicators of social brain processes during social exclusion.

Grant Submitted: PCORI-P2P Independent Tier III Award "Studying the comparative effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy versus hearing voices network participation."

Co-investigator. Submitted 9/2016. Principal Investigator: Philip Corlett, PhD.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute submission proposes to engage community stakeholders, especially those who hear voices, to determine person-centered outcomes for clinical effectiveness research and engage participants who do not typically engage in psychiatry research.

Dissertation: “Event-Related Potential (ERP) correlates of social and non-social cognition.”

Principal Investigator, Fall 2012 - Fall 2014. Defended: May, 2014.

Committee Chair: William Spaulding, PhD

Committee Members: Debra Hope, PhD, James Bovaird, PhD, Dennis Molfese, PhD

Electrophysiological brain responses to emotional, sub- and supra-liminal face stimuli related to neurocognition, social cognition, and social functioning in undergraduates stratified for schizotypy. Proquest #3642666; UNL Digital Commons:

Grant Submitted: NIMH NRSA (F31) - “ERP correlates of social and nonsocial cognition.”

Principal Investigator. Sponsor: William Spaulding, PhD; Co-Sponsor: Dennis Molfese, PhD; Consultant: Margaret Niznikiewicz, PhD.

Priority scores: 1st submission (4/2011): 35/45%; 2nd submission (12/2011): 37/34%

Authored, submitted and re-submitted grant proposal for FOA PA11-111. Not Funded. Project completed as the applicant’s dissertation project, above.

Substance Abuse and Violence Initiative (SAVI)

Research Assistant, 1/2013- 6/2013

Coordinated multi-university, multi-disciplinary Strategic Research Cluster Grant;website and listserv; symposia, guest lectures, and state-wide meetings.

OMNI Behavioral Health, Nebraska DHHS Division of Developmental Disabilities

Consultant, 12/2011 - 6/2012

Developedproposals/pilotsto fund program evaluation and development for adult intellectual disability and child and adolescent behavioral health services, including scale validation in outcome measurement, clinical feedback systems, and behavioral analysis in adult inpatient program.