12530 Lakeland School Drive – Deepwater, MO 64740

Phone – 417-644-2223 Fax – 417-644-7301

Mr. Mitch Towne, Superintendent

Ms. Trish Munsterman, Elementary Principal

Mr. Justen Cooper, Elementary Counselor

August 6, 2012

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back! We are excited for the new 2012-2013 school year to begin! I hope this letter finds everyone rested and ready for a new school year. There will be a few changes for the coming year that we wanted to share with you. We have a new office secretary, Mrs. Peggy Keith. She might be a familiar face to some of you. She has been working in the school district for 16 years as a special education aide and a bus driver. She is excited for the change, and she will be the first person you contact in the school district when you need something!

There is a slight change on bus drivers. Some of the drivers have switched routes and instead of numbered buses, they will be labeled by color. Below is a breakdown of the changes.

Old Bus # / New Color / Location / Old Driver / New Driver
10 / Yellow / Lowry City & West / Jim Kalberloh / Justen Cooper
8 / Green / Lowry City & North of A Hwy / Mike Floyd / Mike Floyd
14 / Red / Lowry City & East / Sue Rodabaugh / Jim Kalberloh
11 / Black / C Hwy / Chuck Reece / Jim Smith
9 / Pink / Z & ZZ Hwy / Jim Smith / Vicky Kays
7 / Blue / Brownington / Bryan Keith / Chuck Reece
6 / Purple / Deepwater & South / Peggy Keith / Bryan Keith
4 / Orange / Deepwater & West / Wanda Johnson / Wanda Johnson

Unless you are contacted differently, your bus times should be about the same as they were last year. However, for about the first 2 weeks, it would be wise to allow 10 minutes either way of your scheduled time, so the drivers can work out the kinks or make changes for new students.

Another change that we wanted to make sure you are aware of is the date of Open House. Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, August 15, 2012, the day before school starts, from 4pm to 6pm. We encourage everyone to come in to meet your child’s homeroom teacher, and to drop off school supplies. This will save your child from carrying their supplies on the bus the first day of school. You will also be able to sign up for classroom parties and parent-teacher conferences at this time.

We look forward to seeing you, on August 15, 2012 for Open House! If you have any questions, feel free to call the elementary office and talk to Mrs. Peggy Keith, or myself, at 417-644-2223 ext. 101.


Trish Munsterman

Elementary Principal

Mr. Jeff Dull, President
Mr. John Stewart, Vice President Mr. David Garcia, Board Member
Mrs. Lawanna Salmon, Board Secretary Mr. Mat Meeker, Board Member

Mr. Allen Wilkins, Board Treasurer Mr. Matt Wirsig, Board Member

Where teamwork achieves the extraordinary.